Man pages for CharlieCarpenter/tidyMicro
A Pipeline for Microbiome Analysis and Visualization

alpha_divAlpha Diversity Calculations for tidy_micro
bb_barsCreate stacked bar charts based on beta binomial model...
bb_modsFit beta binomial models to each taxa within an OTU table
beta_divBeta Diversity Calculations for tidy_micro
beta_heatmapCreate heatmaps of the supplied dissimilarity matrices
bpd_claAn OTU table of class level taxa counts from a BPD1 study
bpd_clinA data set containing the clinical data of the subjects...
bpd_famAn OTU table of family level taxa counts from BPD1 study
bpd_ordAn OTU table of order level taxa counts study
bpd_phyAn OTU table of phylum level taxa counts study
cor_heatmapCreate correlation heatmaps of taxa and another continuous...
cor_rocky_mtnCreate Rocky Mountain plots from taxa relative abundance...
micro_alpha_regLinear regression on alpha diversities within a micro_set
micro_chisqRun Chi-Squared tests for each taxa
micro_forestCreate forest plots from negative binomial taxa models
micro_heatmapCreate heatmaps of estiamted coefficients from negative...
micro_otuExtract OTU table from tidyMicro set
micro_pcaCalculate and plot principle components
micro_PERMANOVAA function to run PERMANOVA on tidi_micro data sets
micro_rank_sumRun rank sum tests for each taxa within an OTU table
micro_rocky_mtnCreate Rocky Mountain plots from negative binomial taxa...
mrsa_clinA data set containing the clinical data of the subjects...
mrsa_genAn OTU table of genus level taxa counts from a MRSA study
nb_barsCreate stacked bar charts based on negative binomial model...
nb_modsFit negative binomial models to each taxa within an OTU table
otu_filterA function to aggregate low prevalence, abundance, or...
pca_3dCreate 3d PCA plots
pipePipe operator
pull_levShorten long taxa names
ra_barsFunction to make stacked bar charts of taxa relative...
taxa_boxplotFunction to make boxplots of taxa counts or relative...
taxa_summarySummarize the information
three_modeCreate Three Mode PCA and PCoA plots
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
tidy_microA function to merge multiple OTU tables and clinical data...
CharlieCarpenter/tidyMicro documentation built on April 25, 2021, 4:09 p.m.