
Defines functions new_momentList momentList validate_momentList extractMean extractCov

Documented in extractCov extractMean momentList new_momentList validate_momentList

#' Class momentList
#' Create and validate objects of class \code{momentList}. Class \code{momentList}
#' is needed as argument for function \code{\link{transformMoment}}. The returned value
#' of \code{transformMoment} is of class \code{momentList}, too. The class provides a
#' convenient structure to store moments of a multidimensional distribution. \cr \cr
#' Class \code{momentList} consists of four elements: Element
#' \code{centralMoments} contains all known central moments of the distribution,
#' where as \code{rawMoments} contains all raw moments of the distribution. Both
#' are stored as list. The elements \code{centralMomentOrders} and
#' \code{rawMomentOrders} contain the corresponding orders of the moments. They
#' are stored as matrix or data.frame, each row represents one order of the
#' moment. The number of columns of these matrices should be equal to the
#' dimension of the distribution.
#' There are five different functions available for this class: \cr
#' Function \code{new_momentList} is a low level constructor that does not check for
#' correct types of the arguments or if they fit together. It should be only used
#' with care. \cr
#' Function \code{momentList} creates an object of class \code{momentList} and performs
#' various checks on the elements. Most of them are executed within function 
#' \code{validate_momentList}. This function particularly checks for moments of order
#' one and zero. If they contain false values, a warning will be thrown. If moments of these 
#' orders are not contained in \code{momentList}, they are added automatically. \cr
#' The functions \code{extractMean} and \code{extractCov} pick the means or covariances
#' out of momentList in case they exist. Function \code{extracCov} may transform raw 
#' moments of order two into covariances, if the corresponding central moments are not 
#' given.
#' @param centralMomentOrders matrix or data.frame. Every row gives the order of a central moment that is already known.
#' @param centralMoments list. The i-th entry is the central Moment of order \code{centralMomentOrders[i, ]}.
#' @param rawMomentOrders matrix or data.frame. Every row gives the order of a raw moment that is already known.
#' @param rawMoments list. The i-th entry is the raw Moment of order \code{rawMomentOrders[i, ]}.
#' @param x object of class \code{momentList}
#' @param ... additional arguments to function mean. They are currently not used.
#' @name momentList
#' @aliases validate_momentList new_momentList momentlist cov.momentList mean.momentList

####### constructors ########

#' @export
#' @rdname momentList
new_momentList <- function(rawMomentOrders = NULL,
                           rawMoments = list(),
                           centralMomentOrders = NULL,
                           centralMoments = list()){
  structure(list(rawMomentOrders = rawMomentOrders,
                 rawMoments = rawMoments,
                 centralMomentOrders = centralMomentOrders,
                 centralMoments = centralMoments),
                 class = "momentList")

#' @export
#' @rdname momentList
momentList <- function(rawMomentOrders = NULL,
                       rawMoments = list(),
                       centralMomentOrders = NULL,
                       centralMoments = list(), 
                       warnings = TRUE,
                       replace = FALSE){
  if(is.null(rawMomentOrders) & is.null(centralMomentOrders))
    stop("Please provide either values for 'rawMomentOrders' and 'rawMoments'
          or values for 'centralMomentOrders' and 'centralMoments'")
    rawMomentOrders <- t(rep(0, ncol(centralMomentOrders)))
    rawMoments <- list(1)
    centralMomentOrders <- rbind(rep(0, ncol(rawMomentOrders)), 
    centralMoments <- append(1, as.list(rep(0, ncol(rawMomentOrders))))
  mList <- new_momentList(rawMomentOrders = rawMomentOrders,
                          rawMoments = rawMoments,
                          centralMomentOrders = centralMomentOrders,
                          centralMoments = centralMoments)
  return(validate_momentList(mList, warnings = warnings, replace = replace))

####### validate_momentList ######

#' @rdname momentList 
#' @param warnings bool. If FALSE, warnings about moments of order 0 
#' and 1 will be suppressed.
#' @param replace bool. If TRUE, inconvenient values of moments of 
#' order 0 and 1 will be replaced by convenient ones.
#' @export
validate_momentList <- function(x, warnings = TRUE, replace = FALSE){
  if(is.null(x$rawMomentOrders) & is.null(x$centralMomentOrders))
    stop("Please provide either values for 'rawMomentOrders' and 'rawMoments'
          or values for 'centralMomentOrders' and 'centralMoments'")
  stopifnot(is.matrix(x$rawMomentOrders) | 
            is.data.frame(x$rawMomentOrders) | 
  stopifnot(is.matrix(x$centralMomentOrders) | 
            is.data.frame(x$centralMomentOrders) | 
  if(length(unique(x$rawMomentOrders)) != length(x$rawMomentOrders)){
    stop("Some rows in 'rawMomentOrders' appear several times. 
         They should only appear once.")
  if(length(unique(x$centralMomentOrders)) != length(x$centralMomentOrders)){
    stop("Some rows in 'centralMomentOrders' appear several times. 
         They should only appear once.")
    if(nrow(x$rawMomentOrders) != length(x$rawMoments)){
      stop("The number of elements in 'rawMoments' should be equal to
           the number of rows in 'rawMomentOrders'.")
    if(nrow(x$centralMomentOrders) != length(x$centralMoments)){
      stop("The number of elements in 'centralMoments' should be equal to
           the number of rows in 'centralMomentOrders'.")
  if(!is.null(x$rawMomentOrders) & !is.null(x$centralMomentOrders)){
    if(ncol(x$rawMomentOrders) != ncol(x$centralMomentOrders)){
      stop("The number of columns in 'rawMomentOrders' and 'centralMomentOrders'
           should be identical.")
  # ------- check moments of order 1 -------
  n <- ifelse(length(x$centralMoments) > 0, 
  for(i in seq_len(n)){
    unitVector <- rep(0, n)
    unitVector[n-i+1] <- 1
      rowIndex <- prodlim::row.match(unitVector, x$centralMomentOrders)
      rowIndex <- NA
      if(x$centralMoments[[rowIndex]] != 0 & warnings) 
        warning("Central moments of order 1 should be 0.")
      if(x$centralMoments[[rowIndex]] != 0 & replace)
        x$centralMoments[[rowIndex]] <- 0
      x$centralMomentOrders <- rbind(unitVector, x$centralMomentOrders)
      x$centralMoments <- append(0, x$centralMoments)
  rownames(x$centralMomentOrders) <- NULL
  #------- check moments of order 0 -------
    indexRaw <- prodlim::row.match(rep(0, n), x$rawMomentOrders)
    indexRaw <- NA
  indexCentr <- prodlim::row.match(rep(0, n), x$centralMomentOrders)
    if(x$rawMoments[[indexRaw]] != 1 & warnings)
      warning("Moments of order 0 should have value 1.")
    if(x$rawMoments[[indexRaw]] != 1 & replace)
      x$rawMoments[[indexRaw]] <- 1
    if(x$centralMoments[[indexCentr]] != 1 & warnings)
      warning("Moments of order 0 should have value 1.")
    if(x$centralMoments[[indexCentr]] != 1 & replace)
      x$centralMoments[[indexCentr]] <- 1
    x$rawMomentOrders <- rbind(rep(0, n), x$rawMomentOrders)
    x$rawMoments <- append(1, x$rawMoments)
    x$centralMomentOrders <- rbind(rep(0, n), x$centralMomentOrders)
    x$centralMoments <- append(1, x$centralMoments)

####### extractMean #######

#' @rdname momentList
#' @export
extractMean <- function(x, ...){
  n <- ncol(x$rawMomentOrders)
  stopifnot(n > 0)
  mean <- list()
  for(i in seq_len(n)){
    row <- rep(0, n)
    row[i] <- 1
    rowIndex <- prodlim::row.match(row, x$rawMomentOrders)
      mean[[i]] <- NA
      mean[[i]] <- x$rawMoments[[rowIndex]]

###### extractCov ######

#' @rdname momentList
#' @export
extractCov <- function(x){
  n <- ifelse(length(x$centralMoments) > 0, 
  x <- validate_momentList(x, replace = TRUE)
  covOrder <- expand.grid(lapply(1:n, function(i) 0:2))
  covOrder <- covOrder[which(rowSums(covOrder) == 2),]
  covOrderMissing <- is.na(prodlim::row.match(covOrder, x$centralMomentOrders))
  for(i in seq_along(covOrderMissing)){
      if(n == 1)
        order <- as.numeric(covOrder[i])
        order <- as.numeric(covOrder[i, ])
      x <- transformMoment(order = order,
                           type = "central",
                           momentList = x,
                           closure = "NA")  
  cov <- list()
  for(i in 1:n){
    cov[[i]] <- list()
    for(j in 1:i){
      row <- rep(0, n)
      row[i] <- row[i] + 1
      row[j] <- row[j] + 1
      rowIndex <- prodlim::row.match(row, x$centralMomentOrders)
      cov[[i]][[j]] <- x$centralMoments[[rowIndex]]
      cov[[j]][[i]] <- cov[[i]][[j]]
CharlotteJana/momcalc documentation built on Oct. 17, 2019, 7:21 a.m.