
Defines functions Plot_DiffusionMap

Documented in Plot_DiffusionMap

#' @title 
#' Visualize diffusion map
#' @aliases Plot_DiffusionMap
#' @description 
#' This function visualizes the diffusion map in 2D or 3D plots
#' @param Integration.l
#' Typically, it is the output from \code{DoDiffusionMap} function
#' @param dim
#' A numeric vector. Diffusin components order in the plot axes. And 
#' the sign of evrey entry indicates the direction of component.
#' Default is c(1, 2, 3)
#' @param color_by
#' Indicating the variable used for coloring. \code{SR}
#' means the plot is colored by SR values. \code{DPT}
#' means the plot is colored by diffusion pseudotime
#' @param TIPs
#' Specifying which trajectory paths should be shown on the 
#' diffusion maps. Only available in 2D plot and when 
#' \code{color_by} was set to be \code{DPT}
#' @param phi
#' The angles defining the viewing direction. \code{phi} 
#' gives the colatitude. Default is 20
#' @param theta
#' The angles defining the viewing direction. \code{theta} 
#' gives the azimuthal direction. Default is 40
#' @param bty
#' The type of the box, the default \code{g} draws grey 
#' background with white grid lines.
#' Note: the bty = "f", "b", "b2", "bl" can also be specified
#' for this argument
#' @param ...
#' Additional arguments passed to the 3D plotting methods
#' @param PDF
#' A logical. Output figure via pdf file or not, default is FALSE
#' @return A pdf file contains the generated figure or a ggplot object
#' @references 
#' Teschendorff AE, Tariq Enver. 
#' \emph{Single-cell entropy for accurate estimation of differentiation 
#' potency from a cell’s transcriptome.}
#' Nature communications 8 (2017): 15599.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms15599}{
#' 10.1038/ncomms15599}.
#' Teschendorff, Andrew E., Peter Sollich, and Reimer Kuehn.
#' \emph{Signalling entropy: A novel network-theoretical framework 
#' for systems analysis and interpretation of functional omic data.}
#' Methods 67.3 (2014): 282-293.
#' doi:\href{https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.03.013}{
#' 10.1016/j.ymeth.2014.03.013}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(Example.m)
#' data(net13Jun12.m)
#' Integration.l <- DoIntegPPI(exp.m = Example.m[, c(1:58,61:84,86:98,100)], ppiA.m = net13Jun12.m)
#' data(SR.v)
#' Integration.l$SR <- SR.v
#' InferPotency.o <- InferPotency(Integration.l)
#' DoDM.o <- DoDiffusionMap(InferPotency.o)
#' Plot_DiffusionMap(DoDM.o)
#' }
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import plot3D
#' @importFrom destiny DPT
#' @importFrom destiny plot
#' @importFrom ggthemes geom_rangeframe
#' @importFrom marray maPalette
#' @export
Plot_DiffusionMap <- function(Integration.l,
                              dim = c(1, 2, 3),
                              color_by = c("SR", "DPT"),
                              TIPs = c(1, 2, 3),
                              phi = 20,
                              theta = 40,
                              bty = "g",
                              PDF = FALSE){
  dm <- Integration.l$DM
  dms <- Integration.l$DMEigen
  root.idx <- Integration.l$root
  dpt <- destiny::DPT(dm, tips = Integration.l$root)
  terminel.idx <- which(dpt@tips[,1])
  term.idx <- terminel.idx[which(terminel.idx != root.idx)]
  sign_dim <- sign(dim)
  dcs <- dim
  dim <- abs(dim)
  DIMS <- max(dim)
  DIM_dms <- dim(dms)[2]
  if (DIMS > DIM_dms) {
    stop("Diffusion map object does not contain enough dimensions, please reset dim argument!")
  if (length(color_by) > 1) {
    print("Specified more than one type of color, using the first type instead!")
    color_by <- color_by[1]
  colSR <- marray::maPalette(low="lightblue",
                             k = 30)
  colDPT <- marray::maPalette(low="#ffffb2",
                              k = 30)
  point.SR <- "#d73027"
  point.DPT <- "#3690c0"
  if (color_by == "SR") {
    color.idx <- Integration.l$SR
    color.lab <- "SR"
    panel.text <- "Diffusion Map Colored by SR Values"
    colimage <- colSR
    point.col <- point.SR
    color.idx <- dpt[["dpt"]]
    color.lab <- "DPT"
    panel.text <- "Diffusion Map Colored by DPT Estimation"
    colimage <- colDPT
    point.col <- point.DPT
  labs <- colnames(dms)[dim]
  DIMS <- length(dim)
  font.size <- 3.5
  if (DIMS > 3) {
    stop("dim is of wrong length: Can only handle 2 or 3 dimensions!")
  if (PDF) {
    par(mar = c(2,2,2,2))
    if (DIMS == 2) {
      if (color_by == "SR") {
        range_y <- max(dms[, dim[2]]) - min(dms[, dim[2]])
        g <- ggplot(dms, aes((sign_dim[1]*dms[, dim[1]]), (sign_dim[2]*dms[, dim[2]]), color = color.idx)) +
          geom_point() +
          xlab(labs[1]) +
          ylab(labs[2]) +
          labs(title = panel.text, color = color.lab) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]) - (0.03 * range_y),
                   label = "Root Cell", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]) + (0.07 * range_y),
                   label = "Predicted \nTerminal \nCell ", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) + 
          annotate("point", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[terminel.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[terminel.idx, dim[2]]),
                   pch = 20, colour = "red", size = rel(3)) +
          scale_color_gradientn(colors = c("lightblue", "skyblue", "darkblue")) +
          theme_minimal() + 
          theme(legend.position = "right",
                panel.grid = element_blank(),
                plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
                axis.text = element_blank())+
          ggthemes::geom_rangeframe(colour = par("col"))
        range_y <- max(dms[, dim[2]]) - min(dms[, dim[2]])
        g <- destiny::plot(dpt, dcs = dcs, paths_to = TIPs) + 
          labs(title = panel.text, color = color.lab) +
          xlab(labs[1]) +
          ylab(labs[2]) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]) - (0.03 * range_y),
                   label = "Root Cell", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]) + (0.07 * range_y),
                   label = "Predicted \nTerminal \nCell ", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) + 
          theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      range_y <- max(dms[, dim[2]]) - min(dms[, dim[2]])
      points3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[, dim[1]]), 
               y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[, dim[2]]), 
               z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[, dim[3]]), 
               colvar = color.idx, 
               col = colimage,
               colkey = list(length = 0.3),
               phi = phi, theta = theta, 
               xlab = labs[1],
               ylab = labs[2],
               zlab = labs[3],
               clab = color.lab,
               pch = 20,
               main = panel.text,
               bty = bty,
      points3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]),
               y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]),
               z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[root.idx, dim[3]]),
               col = point.col,
               pch = 2,
               cex = 1.5,
               plot = TRUE,
               add = TRUE)
      points3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]),
               y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]),
               z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[term.idx, dim[3]]),
               col = point.col,
               pch = 5,
               cex = 1.5,
               plot = TRUE,
               add = TRUE)
      text3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]),
             y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]),
             z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[term.idx, dim[3]]),
             labels = rep("    Predicted\n    Terminal\n    Cell",
             col = point.col,
             cex = 0.8,
             font = 2,
             plot = TRUE,
             add = TRUE)
      text3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]),
             y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]),
             z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[root.idx, dim[3]]),
             labels = "    Root Cell",
             col = point.col,
             cex = 0.8,
             font = 2,
             plot = TRUE,
             add = TRUE)
    if (DIMS == 2) {
      if (color_by == "SR") {
        range_y <- max(dms[, dim[2]]) - min(dms[, dim[2]])
        g <- ggplot(dms, aes((sign_dim[1]*dms[, dim[1]]), (sign_dim[2]*dms[, dim[2]]), color = color.idx)) +
          geom_point() +
          xlab(labs[1]) +
          ylab(labs[2]) +
          labs(title = panel.text, color = color.lab) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]) - (0.03 * range_y),
                   label = "Root Cell", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]) + (0.07 * range_y),
                   label = "Predicted \nTerminal \nCell ", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) + 
          annotate("point", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[terminel.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[terminel.idx, dim[2]]),
                   pch = 20, colour = "red", size = rel(3)) +
          scale_color_gradientn(colors = c("lightblue", "skyblue", "darkblue")) +
          theme_minimal() + 
          theme(legend.position = "right",
                panel.grid = element_blank(),
                plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
                axis.text = element_blank())+
          ggthemes::geom_rangeframe(colour = par("col"))
        range_y <- max(dms[, dim[2]]) - min(dms[, dim[2]])
        g <- destiny::plot(dpt, dcs = dcs, paths_to = TIPs) + 
          labs(title = panel.text, color = color.lab) +
          xlab(labs[1]) +
          ylab(labs[2]) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]) - (0.03 * range_y),
                   label = "Root Cell", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) +
          annotate("text", x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]), 
                   y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]) + (0.07 * range_y),
                   label = "Predicted \nTerminal \nCell ", 
                   fontface = "bold", colour = "red", size = font.size) + 
          theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
      range_y <- max(dms[, dim[2]]) - min(dms[, dim[2]])
      points3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[, dim[1]]), 
               y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[, dim[2]]), 
               z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[, dim[3]]), 
               colvar = color.idx, 
               col = colimage,
               colkey = list(length = 0.3),
               phi = phi, theta = theta, 
               xlab = labs[1],
               ylab = labs[2],
               zlab = labs[3],
               clab = color.lab,
               pch = 20,
               main = panel.text,
               bty = bty,
      points3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]),
               y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]),
               z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[root.idx, dim[3]]),
               col = point.col,
               pch = 2,
               cex = 1.5,
               plot = TRUE,
               add = TRUE)
      points3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]),
               y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]),
               z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[term.idx, dim[3]]),
               col = point.col,
               pch = 5,
               cex = 1.5,
               plot = TRUE,
               add = TRUE)
      text3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[term.idx, dim[1]]),
             y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[term.idx, dim[2]]),
             z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[term.idx, dim[3]]),
             labels = rep("    Predicted\n    Terminal\n    Cell",
             col = point.col,
             cex = 0.8,
             font = 2,
             plot = TRUE,
             add = TRUE)
      text3D(x = (sign_dim[1]*dms[root.idx, dim[1]]),
             y = (sign_dim[2]*dms[root.idx, dim[2]]),
             z = (sign_dim[3]*dms[root.idx, dim[3]]),
             labels = "    Root Cell",
             col = point.col,
             cex = 0.8,
             font = 2,
             plot = TRUE,
             add = TRUE)
ChenWeiyan/LandSCENT documentation built on Aug. 28, 2020, 9:55 p.m.