
Defines functions checkDat

checkDat <-
function(dataset, treatment, match.on){    
    # Make sure user isn't trying to match on the treatment or the outcome
    if(treatment %in% match.on){
        customStop("the treatment is in 'match.on'. You shouldn't match on the treatment, that's bad.", 'makeFrontier()')

    # Check treatment
    if(sum(!(dataset[,treatment] %in% c(0,1))) != 0){
        customStop('the treatment must be either 0/1 (integers) or "TRUE"/"FALSE" (logical).', 'makeFrontier()')

    # Check for missing values
    if(sum(is.na(dataset)) != 0){
        customStop("missing values in the data; remove them (or impute) and try again.", 'makeFrontier()')
    rownames(dataset) <- 1:nrow(dataset)

ChristopherLucas/MatchingFrontier documentation built on June 10, 2020, 6:01 p.m.