
Defines functions idct3D dctFunction3D idct2D dctFunction2D splineFunction2Dpen splineFunction2D splineFunction1D expandBasisFunction univExpansion

Documented in dctFunction2D dctFunction3D expandBasisFunction idct2D idct3D splineFunction1D splineFunction2D splineFunction2Dpen univExpansion

# define global variable i, used by the foreach package and confusing R CMD CHECK

#' @import funData

#' Calculate a univariate basis expansion
#' This function calculates a univariate basis expansion based on given
#' scores (coefficients) and basis functions.
#' This function calculates functional data \eqn{X_i(t), i= 1 \ldots N}
#' that is represented as a linear combination of basis functions
#' \eqn{b_k(t)} \deqn{X_i(t) = \sum_{k = 1}^K \theta_{ik} b_k(t), i = 1,
#' \ldots, N.} The basis functions may be prespecified (such as spline
#' basis functions or Fourier bases) or can be estimated from observed
#' data (e.g. by functional principal component analysis). If \code{type =
#' "default"} (i.e. a linear combination of arbitrary basis functions is
#' to be calculated), both scores and basis functions must be supplied.
#' @section Warning: The options \code{type = "spline2Dpen"}, \code{type =
#'   "DCT2D"} and \code{type = "DCT3D"} have not been tested with
#' @param type A character string, specifying the basis for which the
#'   decomposition is to be calculated.
#' @param argvals A list, representing the domain of the basis functions.
#'   If \code{functions} is not \code{NULL}, the usual default is
#'   \code{functions@@argvals}. See \linkS4class{funData} and the
#'   underlying expansion functions for details.
#' @param scores A matrix of scores (coefficients) for each observation
#'   based on the given basis functions.
#' @param functions A functional data object, representing the basis
#'   functions. Can be \code{NULL} if the basis functions are not
#'   estimated from observed data, but have a predefined form. See
#'   Details.
#' @param params A list containing the parameters for the particular basis
#'   to use.
#' @return An object of class \code{funData} with \code{N} observations on
#'   \code{argvals}, corresponding to the linear combination of the basis
#'   functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{MFPCA}}, \code{\link{splineFunction1D}},
#'   \code{\link{splineFunction2D}}, \code{\link{splineFunction2Dpen}},
#'   \code{\link{dctFunction2D}}, \code{\link{dctFunction3D}},
#'   \code{\link{expandBasisFunction}}
#' @export univExpansion
#' @examples
#' oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#' par(mfrow = c(1,1))
#' set.seed(1234)
#' ### Spline basis ###
#' # simulate coefficients (scores) for N = 10 observations and K = 8 basis functions
#' N <- 10
#' K <- 8
#' scores <- t(replicate(n = N, rnorm(K, sd = (K:1)/K)))
#' dim(scores)
#' # expand spline basis on [0,1]
#' funs <- univExpansion(type = "splines1D", scores = scores, argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01)),
#'                       functions = NULL, # spline functions are known, need not be given
#'                       params = list(bs = "ps", m = 2, k = K)) # params for mgcv
#' plot(funs, main = "Spline reconstruction")
#' ### PCA basis ###
#' # simulate coefficients (scores) for N = 10 observations and K = 8 basis functions
#' N <- 10
#' K <- 8
#' scores <- t(replicate(n = N, rnorm(K, sd = (K:1)/K)))
#' dim(scores)
#' # Fourier basis functions as eigenfunctions
#' eFuns <- eFun(argvals = seq(0,1,0.01), M = K, type = "Fourier")
#' # expand eigenfunction basis
#' funs <-  univExpansion(type = "uFPCA", scores = scores,
#'                        argvals = NULL, # use argvals of eFuns (default)
#'                        functions = eFuns)
#' plot(funs, main = "PCA reconstruction")
#' par(oldPar)
univExpansion <- function(type, scores, argvals = ifelse(!is.null(functions), functions@argvals, NULL), functions, params = NULL)
  # Parameter checking
    stop("Parameter 'type' is missing.")
     stop("Parameter 'type' must be a character string. See ?univExpansion for details.")
    stop("Parameter 'scores' is missing.")
      stop("Parameter 'scores' must be passed as a matrix.")
    argvals <- list(argvals)
    warning("Parameter 'argvals' was passed as a vector and transformed to a list.")
      stop("Must pass 'argvals' if 'functions' is NULL.")
          stop("Parameter 'argvals' must be passed as a list.")
    if(class(functions) != "funData")
      stop("Parameter 'functions' must be a funData object.")
    # check interaction with other parameters
    if(nObs(functions) != NCOL(scores))
      stop("Number of scores per curve does not match the number of basis functions.")
    if(!is.null(argvals) & !isTRUE(all.equal(argvals, functions@argvals)))
      stop("The parameter 'argvals' does not match the argument values of 'functions'.")
  if(!is.null(params) & !is.list(params))
    stop("The parameter 'params' must be passed as a list.")
  # start calculations
  params$scores <- scores
  params$functions <- functions

    argvals <- list(argvals)

  params$argvals <- argvals

  res <- switch(type,
                "given" = do.call(expandBasisFunction, params),
                "uFPCA" = do.call(expandBasisFunction, params),
                "UMPCA" = do.call(expandBasisFunction, params),
                "FCP_TPA" = do.call(expandBasisFunction, params),
                "splines1D" = do.call(splineFunction1D, params),
                "splines1Dpen" = do.call(splineFunction1D, params),
                "splines2D" = do.call(splineFunction2D, params),
                "splines2Dpen" = do.call(splineFunction2Dpen, params),
                "fda" = do.call(expandBasisFunction, params),
                "DCT2D" = do.call(dctFunction2D, params),
                "DCT3D" = do.call(dctFunction3D, params),
                "default" = do.call(expandBasisFunction, params),
                stop("Univariate Expansion for 'type' = ", type, " not defined!")


#' Calculate a linear combination of arbitrary basis function
#' This function calculates a linear combination of arbitrary basis functions on 
#' domains with arbitrary dimension.
#' @param scores A matrix of dimension \code{N x K}, representing the \code{K} 
#'   scores (coefficients) for each of the \code{N} observations.
#' @param argvals A list representing the domain, see \code{\link[funData]{funData}}
#'   for details. Defaults to \code{functions@@argvals}.
#' @param functions A \code{funData} object, representing \code{K} basis 
#'   functions on a domain with arbitrary dimension.
#' @return An object of class \code{funData} with \code{N} observations on 
#'   \code{argvals}, corresponding to the linear combination of the basis 
#'   functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{univExpansion}}
#' @keywords internal
# @examples
# # set seed
# set.seed(1234)
# ### functions on one-dimensional domains ###
# N <- 12 # 12 observations
# K <- 10 # 10 basis functions
# # Use the first 10 Fourier basis functions on [0,1]
# x <- seq(0,1,0.01)
# b <- eFun(argvals = x, M = K, type = "Fourier")
# # generate N x K score matrix
# scores <- t(replicate(N, rnorm(K, sd = 1 / (1:10))))
# # calculate basis expansion
# f <- MFPCA:::expandBasisFunction(scores = scores, functions = b) # default value for argvals
# oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mfrow = c(1,2))
# plot(b, main = "Basis functions")
# plot(f, main = "Linear combination")
# par(mfrow = c(1,1))
# ### functions on two-dimensional domains (images) ###
# # use the same score matrix as for the one-dimensional example
# dim(scores)
# # Define basis functions
# x1 <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
# x2 <- seq(-pi, pi, 0.05)
# b <- funData(argvals = list(x1, x2), X = 1:K %o% exp(x1) %o% sin(x2))
# # calculate PCA expansion
# f <- MFPCA:::expandBasisFunction(scores = scores, functions = b)
# # plot the resulting observations
# for(i in 1:4)
#  plot(f, obs = i, zlim = range(f@@X))
# par(oldpar)
expandBasisFunction <- function(scores, argvals = functions@argvals, functions)
  if(dim(scores)[2] != nObs(functions))
    stop("expandBasisFunction: number of scores for each observation and number of eigenfunctions does not match.")

  # collapse higher-dimensional functions, multiply with scores and resize the result
  d <- dim(functions@X)
  nd <- length(d)
  if(nd == 2)
    resX <- scores %*% functions@X
  if(nd == 3)
    resX <- array(NA, dim = c(dim(scores)[1], d[-1]))
    for(i in seq_len(d[2]))
      resX[,i,] <- scores %*% functions@X[,i,]
  if(nd == 4)
    resX <- array(NA, dim = c(dim(scores)[1], d[-1]))
    for(i in seq_len(d[2]))
      for(j in seq_len(d[3]))
          resX[,i,j,] <- scores %*% functions@X[,i,j,]
  if(nd > 4) # slow solution due to aperm
    resX <- aperm(plyr::aaply(.data = functions@X, .margins = 3:nd, 
                        .fun = function(x,y){y %*% x}, y = scores), 
                  c(nd-1,nd, seq_len((nd-2))))
    dimnames(resX) <- NULL
  return( funData(argvals, resX) )

#' Calculate linear combinations of spline basis functions on one-dimensional 
#' domains
#' Given scores (coefficients), this function calculates a linear combination of
#' spline basis functions on one-dimensional domains based on the 
#' \link[mgcv]{gam} function in the \pkg{mgcv} package.
#' @param scores A matrix of dimension \code{N x K}, representing the \code{K} 
#'   scores (coefficients) for each of the \code{N} observations.
#' @param argvals A list containing a vector of x-values, on which the functions
#'   should be defined.
#' @param bs A character string, specifying the type of basis functions to be 
#'   used. Please refer to \code{\link[mgcv]{smooth.terms}} for a list of 
#'   possible basis functions.
#' @param m A numeric, the order of the spline basis. See  \code{\link[mgcv]{s}}
#'   for details.
#' @param k A numeric, the number of basis functions used. See 
#'   \code{\link[mgcv]{s}} for details.
#' @return An object of class \code{funData} with \code{N} observations on 
#'   \code{argvals}, corresponding to the linear combination of spline basis 
#'   functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{univExpansion}}, \code{\link{gam}},
#'   \code{\link{splineBasis1D}}
#' @importFrom mgcv gam s
#' @keywords internal
# @examples  
# set.seed(1234)
# # simulate coefficients (scores) for 10 observations and 8 basis functions
# N <- 10
# K <- 8
# scores <- t(replicate(n = N, rnorm(K, sd = (K:1)/K)))
# dim(scores)
# # expand spline basis on [0,1]
# funs <- MFPCA:::splineFunction1D(scores = scores, argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01)),
#                          bs = "ps", m = 2, k = K) # params for mgcv
# oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mfrow = c(1,1))
# plot(funs, main = "Spline reconstruction")
# par(oldPar)
splineFunction1D <- function(scores, argvals, bs, m, k)
  x <- argvals[[1]]

  # spline design matrix via gam
  desMat <- mgcv::gam(rep(0, length(x)) ~ s(x, bs = bs, m = m, k = k), fit = FALSE)$X

  # calculate functions as linear combination of splines
  res <- funData(argvals,
                 tcrossprod(scores, desMat))


#' Calculate linear combinations of spline basis functions on
#' two-dimensional domains
#' Given scores (coefficients), these functions calculate a linear
#' combination of spline tensor basis functions on two-dimensional domains
#' based on the \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}}/\code{\link[mgcv]{bam}} functions
#' in the \pkg{mgcv} package. See Details.
#' If the scores have been calculated based on an unpenalized tensor
#' spline basis, the linear combination is computed based on the
#' \code{\link[mgcv]{gam}} functions ((\code{splineFunction2D})). If the
#' scores were obtained using penalization, the expansion is calculated
#' via \link[mgcv]{bam} (\code{splineFunction2Dpen}).
#' @section Warning: The function \code{splineFunction2Dpen}, which relies
#'   on \link[mgcv]{bam} has not been tested with ATLAS/MKL/OpenBLAS.
#' @param scores A matrix of dimension \code{N x K}, representing the
#'   \code{K} scores (coefficients) for each of the \code{N} observations.
#' @param argvals A list containing a two numeric vectors, corresponding
#'   to the x- and y-values, on which the functions should be defined.
#' @param bs A vector of character strings (or a single character), the
#'   type of basis functions to be used. Please refer to
#'   \code{\link[mgcv]{te}} for a list of possible basis functions.
#' @param m A numeric vector (or a single number), the order of the spline
#'   basis. See \code{\link[mgcv]{s}} for details.
#' @param k A numeric vector (or a single number), the number of basis
#'   functions used.  See  \code{\link[mgcv]{s}} for details.
#' @return An object of class \code{funData} with \code{N} observations on
#'   the two-dimensional domain specified by \code{argvals}, corresponding
#'   to the linear combination of spline basis functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{univExpansion}},  \code{\link{gam}},
#'   \code{\link{splineBasis2D}}
#' @importFrom mgcv gam te
#' @keywords internal
# @examples
# set.seed(1234)
# ### Spline basis ###
# # simulate coefficients (scores) for N = 4 observations and K = 7*8 basis functions
# N <- 4
# K <- 7*8
# scores <- t(replicate(n = N, rnorm(K, sd = (K:1)/K)))
# dim(scores)
# # expand spline basis on [0,1] x [-0.5, 0.5]
# funs <- MFPCA:::splineFunction2D(scores = scores,
#                      argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01), seq(-0.5, 0.5, 0.01)),
#                      bs = "ps", m = 2, k = c(7,8)) # params for mgcv
# oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mfrow = c(1,1))
# # plot all observations
# for(i in 1:4)
#  plot(funs, obs = i, main = "Spline reconstruction")
# par(oldPar)
splineFunction2D <- function(scores, argvals, bs, m, k)
  N <- nrow(scores)

  coord <- expand.grid(x = argvals[[1]], y = argvals[[2]])

  # spline design matrix via gam
  desMat <- mgcv::gam(rep(0, dim(coord)[1]) ~ te(coord$x, coord$y, bs = bs, m = m, k = k), data = coord, fit = FALSE)$X

  # calculate functions as linear combination of splines
  res <- funData(argvals,
                 array(tcrossprod(scores, desMat),
                       dim = c(N, length(argvals[[1]]), length(argvals[[2]]))))


#' @rdname splineFunction2D
#' @importFrom mgcv gam te
#' @keywords internal
splineFunction2Dpen <- function(scores, argvals, bs, m, k)
  N <- nrow(scores)

  coord <- expand.grid(x = argvals[[1]], y = argvals[[2]])

  # spline design matrix via gam
  desMat <- mgcv::bam(rep(0, dim(coord)[1]) ~ te(coord$x, coord$y, bs = bs, m = m, k = k), data = coord, fit = FALSE,
                      chunk.size = nrow(coord))$X # use exactly the given grid, no chunks

  # calculate functions as linear combination of splines
  res <- funData(argvals,
                 array(tcrossprod(scores, desMat),
                       dim = c(N, length(argvals[[1]]), length(argvals[[2]]))))


#' Calculate linear combinations of orthonormal cosine basis functions on
#' two- or three-dimensional domains
#' Given scores (coefficients), these functions calculate a linear
#' combination of two- or three-dimensional cosine tensor basis functions
#' on two- or three-dimensional domains using the C-library \code{fftw3}
#' (see \url{http://www.fftw.org/}).
#' @section Warning: If the C-library \code{fftw3} is not available when
#'   the package \code{MFPCA} is installed, the functions are disabled an
#'   will throw an error. For full functionality install the C-library
#'   \code{fftw3} from \url{http://www.fftw.org/} and reinstall
#'   \code{MFPCA}. This function has not been tested with
#' @param  scores A sparse matrix of dimension \code{N x L}, representing
#'   the \code{L} scores (coefficients), where \code{N} is the number of
#'   observations.
#' @param argvals A list containing two or three numeric vectors,
#'   corresponding to the domain grid (x and y values for two-dimensional
#'   domains; x,y and z values fro three-dimensional domains.)
#' @param parallel Logical. If \code{TRUE}, the coefficients for the basis
#'   functions are calculated in parallel. The implementation is based on
#'   the \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function and requires a parallel
#'   backend that must be registered before; see
#'   \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} for details. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @return An object of class \code{funData} with \code{N} observations on
#'   the two- or threedimensional domain specified by \code{argvals},
#'   corresponding to the linear combination of orthonormal cosine basis
#'   functions.
#' @seealso \code{\link{univExpansion}}, \code{\link{idct2D}},
#'   \code{\link{idct3D}}, \code{\link{dctBasis2D}},
#'   \code{\link{dctBasis3D}}
#' @importFrom abind abind
#' @keywords internal
# @examples
# # set seed
# set.seed(12345)
# # generate sparse 10 x 15 score matrix (i.e. 10 observations) with 30 entries
# # smoothness assumption: higher order basis functions (high column index) have lower probability
# scores <- Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = sample(1:10, 30, replace = TRUE), # sample row indices
#      j = sample(1:15, 30, replace = TRUE, prob = 1/(1:15)), # sample column indices
#      x = rnorm(30)) # sample values
# scores
# \dontrun{
# # calculate basis expansion on [0,1] x [0,1]
# f <- MFPCA:::dctFunction2D(scores = scores, argvals = list(seq(0,1,0.01), seq(0,1,0.01)))
# nObs(f) # f has 10 observations
# oldPar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# par(mfrow = c(1,1))
# plot(f, obs = 1) # plot first observation
# plot(f, obs = 2) # plot second observation
# par(oldPar)
# }
dctFunction2D <- function(scores, argvals, parallel = FALSE)
  # dimension of the image
  dim <- vapply(argvals, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = 0)

  # get indices of sparse matrix
  scores <- methods::as(scores, "dgTMatrix") # uncompressed format

    res <- foreach::foreach(i = 0:max(scores@i), .combine = function(x,y){abind(x,y, along = 3)}) %dopar%{
      idct2D(scores@x[scores@i == i], 1 + scores@j[scores@i == i], dim = dim) # 0-indexing!
    res <- foreach::foreach(i = 0:max(scores@i), .combine =function(x,y){abind(x,y, along = 3)}) %do%{
      idct2D(scores@x[scores@i == i], 1 + scores@j[scores@i == i], dim = dim) # 0-indexing!

  return(funData(argvals, X = aperm(res, c(3,1,2))))

#' Calculate an inverse DCT for an image
#' This function calculates an inverse (orthonormal) discrete cosine
#' transformation for given coefficients in two dimensions using the
#' C-library \code{fftw3} (see \url{http://www.fftw.org/}). As many
#' coefficients are expected to be zero, the values are given in
#' compressed format (indices and values only of non-zero coefficients).
#' @section Warning: If the C-library \code{fftw3} is not available when
#'   the package \code{MFPCA} is installed, this function is disabled an
#'   will throw an error. For full functionality install the C-library
#'   \code{fftw3} from \url{http://www.fftw.org/} and reinstall
#'   \code{MFPCA}. This function has not been tested with
#' @param scores A numeric vector, containing the non-zero coefficients.
#' @param ind An integer vector, containing the indices of the non-zero
#'   coefficients.
#' @param dim A numeric vector of length 2, giving the resulting image
#'   dimensions.
#' @return A matrix of dimensions \code{dim}, which is a linear
#'   combination of cosine tensor basis functions with the given
#'   coefficients.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dctBasis2D}}
#' @useDynLib MFPCA, .registration = TRUE
#' @keywords internal
idct2D <- function(scores, ind, dim)
  if(length(dim) != 2)
    stop("Function idct2D can handle only 2D images.")
  if(length(ind) != length(scores))
    stop("Indices do not match number of scores.")
  if(length(ind) == 0) # no scores at all
    return(array(0, dim))
  if(min(ind) < 1)
    stop("Indices must be positive.")
  if(max(ind) > prod(dim))
    stop("Index exceeds image dimensions.")
  full <- array(0, dim)
  full[ind] <- scores

  res <- .C("calcImage", M = as.integer(dim[1]), N = as.integer(dim[2]),
            coefs = as.numeric(full), image = as.numeric(full*0))$image

  return(array(res, dim))

#' @rdname dctFunction2D
#' @keywords internal
dctFunction3D <- function(scores, argvals, parallel = FALSE)
  # dimension of the image
  dim <- vapply(argvals, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = 0)

  # get indices of sparse matrix
  scores <- methods::as(scores, "dgTMatrix") # uncompressed format

    res <- foreach::foreach(i = 0:max(scores@i), .combine = function(x,y){abind(x,y, along = 4)}) %dopar%{
      idct3D(scores@x[scores@i == i], 1 + scores@j[scores@i == i], dim = dim) # 0-indexing!
    res <- foreach::foreach(i = 0:max(scores@i), .combine =function(x,y){abind(x,y, along = 4)}) %do%{
      idct3D(scores@x[scores@i == i], 1 + scores@j[scores@i == i], dim = dim) # 0-indexing!

  return(funData(argvals, X = aperm(res, c(4,1,2,3))))

#' Calculate an inverse DCT for a 3D image
#' This function calculates an inverse (orthonormal) discrete cosine
#' transformation for given coefficients in three dimensions using the
#' C-library \code{fftw3} (see \url{http://www.fftw.org/}). As many
#' coefficients are expected to be zero, the values are given in
#' compressed format (indices and values only of non-zero coefficients).
#' @section Warning: If the C-library \code{fftw3} is not available when
#'   the package \code{MFPCA} is installed, this function is disabled an
#'   will throw an error. For full functionality install the C-library
#'   \code{fftw3} from \url{http://www.fftw.org/} and reinstall
#'   \code{MFPCA}. This function has not been tested with
#' @param scores A numeric vector, containing the non-zero coefficients.
#' @param ind An integer vector, containing the indices of the non-zero
#'   coefficients.
#' @param dim A numeric vector of length 3, giving the resulting image
#'   dimensions.
#' @return A matrix of dimensions \code{dim}, which is a linear
#'   combination of cosine tensor basis functions with the given
#'   coefficients.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dctBasis3D}}
#' @useDynLib MFPCA, .registration = TRUE
#' @keywords internal
idct3D <- function(scores, ind, dim)
  if(length(dim) != 3)
    stop("Function idct3D can handle only 3D images.")
  if(length(ind) != length(scores))
    stop("Indices do not match number of scores.")
  if(length(ind) == 0) # no scores at all
    return(array(0, dim))
  if(min(ind) < 1)
    stop("Indices must be positive.")
  if(max(ind) > prod(dim))
    stop("Index exceeds image dimensions.")
  full <- array(0, dim)
  full[ind] <- scores

  res <- .C("calcImage3D", dim = as.integer(dim),
            coefs = as.numeric(full), image = as.numeric(full*0))$image

  return(array(res, dim))
ClaraHapp/MFPCA documentation built on Nov. 9, 2021, 11:35 p.m.