
########## Import data from netcdf files and store it in a data table of the required format #######

# This script shows how to construct a data table of the required type from the original data, provided as NetCDF files.

rm(list = ls())


# The OISST dataset needs to be downloaded from

obs_dir = '~/PostClimDataNoBackup/SFE/OISST/' # the directory you stored the observations in

data = nc_open(paste0(obs_dir,''))

# times and locations

times = as.Date(ncvar_get(data,varid = 'time'),origin = '1800-01-01')

lon = ncvar_get(data,varid = 'lon')
lat = ncvar_get(data,varid = 'lat')

# create data table

DT_obs = = lon,Lat = lat,date = times))

DT_obs[,year:= year(date)][,month := month(date)]

DT_obs[,Lon := (Lon <= 180) * Lon + (Lon > 180) * (Lon - 360)]

sst = ncvar_get(data,varid = 'sst')

DT_obs[,SST_bar := sst]

DT_obs = DT_obs[year >= 1985]

# check correct import:



# get an example forecast. The predictions can be downloaded at  ...

fc_dir = '~/PostClimDataNoBackup/SFE/NorCPM_Ocean/' # where did you store the data?

ens_ex = load_ensemble(year = 1985, month = 1,data_dir = fc_dir)


# construct nearest-neighbour grid mapping between the observations grid and the NorCPM prediction grid:

data_dir = '~/PostClimDataNoBackup/SFE/NorCPM_Ocean/' # directory where the ensemble forecast is stored.

  dt_map = construct_grid_map(dt_ens = ens_ex,
                        dt_obs = DT)

  save(dt_map,file = paste0(data_dir,'dt_map.RData'))
} else {load(file = paste0(data_dir,'dt_map.RData'))}



# construct the full data table

years = 1985:2010
months = 1:12

DT = data.table()

for(yy in years)
  for(mm in months)
    print(paste0('year = ',yy,', month = ',mm))
    obs = DT_obs[year == yy & month == mm ]
    ens_fc = load_ensemble(year = yy, month = mm,data_dir = fc_dir)
    dt = combine_data_wide(dt_ens = ens_fc,dt_obs = obs,dt_map)
    DT = rbindlist(list(DT,dt))

save(DT,file = paste0(fc_dir,'dt.RData'))
ClaudioHeinrich/pp.sst documentation built on March 12, 2020, 3:15 a.m.