sspir: State Space Models in R

Description What sspir does not include Other software Author(s) See Also


The main contribution of this package is to give a formula language for specifying dynamic generalized linear models. That is, an extension of glm formulae by marking terms with tvar to specify that their coefficients are time-varying. The package also provides (extended) Kalman filter and Kalman smoother for models within Gaussian, Poisson and binomial families. To get started, try demo(gas), demo(vandrivers) and demo(mumps).

Also, read the paper "C. Dethlefsen and S. Lundbye-Christensen. Formulating state space models in r with focus on longitudinal regression models. Journal of Statistical Software, 16(1), 2006."

What sspir does not include

Other software

Probably this list is incomplete. Feel free to contribute with more links to packages.


Claus Dethlefsen, Søren Lundbye-Christensen and Anette Luther Christensen.

See Also


ClausDethlefsen/sspir documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7 p.m.