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Estimates variance matrices of the observation- and latent process in a Gaussian state space model given as input, using the EM algorithm.
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ss |
an object of class |
epsilon |
a (small) positive numeric giving the tolerance of the maximum relative differences of |
maxiter |
a positive integer giving the maximum number of iterations to run. |
Vstruc |
a function specifying the structure of the variance matrix of the observation model if such is available. |
Wstruc |
a function specifying the structure of the variance matrix of the state model if such is available. |
The EM algorithm is a two-step iterative maximisation algorithm used to estimate unknown and constant covariance matrices V and W in a Gaussian state space model. Let the state space model be given as in SS
with constant covariance matrices.
The covariance matrix V is estimated by maximisation of log(p(Y_t|θ_t, V)) conditional on all information, denoted D_n. This is equivalent to minimise the expectation of
log(V) + n^-1 Σ (Y_t - μ_t)^2V^-1
conditional on D_n.
This yields
E[log(V) + n^-1 Σ (Y_t - μ_t)^2 V^-1 | D_n]
log(V) + n^-1 Σ [ trace( V^-1 F_t^T s.C F_t ) + (Y_t - F_t^T s.m_t)^2]
log(V) + trace[ (nV)^-1 Σ ( F_t^T s.C F_t + (Y_t - F_t^T s.m_t)^2)].
This is minimised for
V^* = n^-1 Σ [ F_t^T s.C F_t + (Y_t - F_t^T s.m_t)^2].
Similarly W is estimated by minimising the expectation of
log|W| + n^-1 Σ (θ_t - G_tθ_t-1)(θ_t - G_tθ_t-1)^T W^-1
conditional on D_n.
This yields
E[log|W| + n^-1 Σ (θ_t - G_tθ_t-1)(θ_t - G_tθ_t-1)^T W^-1 | D_n]
log|W| + n^-1 Σ [ trace( W^-1 L_t ) + (s.m_t - G_t s.m_t-1)(s.m_t - G_t s.m_t-1)^T]
log|W| + trace[ (nW)^-1 Σ ( L_t + (s.m_t - G_t s.m_t-1)(s.m_t - G_t s.m_t-1)^T)].
This is minimised for
W^* = n^-1 Σ [ L_t + (s.m_t - G_t s.m_t-1)(s.m_t - G_t s.m_t-1)^T],
where s.m_t, s.C_t denotes smoothed means and covariances and L_t=Var[θ_{t}-G_tθ_{t-1}|D_n].
ss |
the output from |
Vmat.est |
the estimate of the observation variance matrix, which is provided if the input of |
Wmat.est |
the estimate of the observation variance matrix, which is provided if the input of |
loglik |
maximum value of log likelihood function for each iteration. |
iteration |
number of iterations upon convergence. |
Anette Luther Christensen
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## Trend: local linear
## Seasonal variation: sine function with frequency = 1
m1 <- SS( Fmat = function(tt, x, phi) {
Fmat <- matrix(NA, nrow=3, ncol=1)
Fmat[1,1] <- 1
Fmat[2,1] <- cos(2*pi*tt/12)
Fmat[3,1] <- sin(2*pi*tt/12)
Gmat = function(tt, x, phi) {
matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1), nrow=3)
Wmat = matrix(c(0.01,0,0,0,0.1,0,0,0,0.1), nrow=3),
Vmat = matrix(1),
m0 = matrix(c(0,0,0), nrow=1),
C0 = matrix(c(1,0,0,0,0.001,0,0,0,0.001), nrow=3, ncol=3)
## Simulates 100 observation from m1
m1 <- recursion(m1, 100)
## Specifies the correlation structure of W:
Wstruc <- function(W){
W[1,2:3] <- 0
W[2:3,1] <- 0
W[2,2] <- (W[2,2]+W[3,3])/2
W[3,3] <- W[2,2]
W[2,3] <- 0
W[3,2] <- 0
## Estimstes variances and covariances of W by use of the EM algorithm
estimates <- EMalgo(m1, Wstruc=Wstruc)
## Plots estimated model
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