
#'  popPlace : Populates the input$unit field using information from the PostGres estimates database.
#'  return a data frame with the placefips, countyfips, placename and totalPopulation
#' @param level identifies the level to be used (State, Planning Regions, Counties, Municipalities/Places)
#'    taken from the input$level parameter from the dashboard
#' @export

popPlace <- function(level) {

  # create a connection
  # save the password that we can "hide" it as best as we can by collapsing it
  pw <- {

  # loads the PostgreSQL driver
  drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
  # creates a connection to the postgres database
  # note that "con" will be used later in each connection to the database
  con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "dola",
                   host = "", port = 5433,
                   user = "codemog", password = pw)
  rm(pw) # removes the password

    # f.cLookup contains the county records
    f.cLookup <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT countyfips, placefips, municipalityname, year, totalpopulation
                            FROM estimates.county_muni_timeseries WHERE year=2016 and placefips = 0;")
    f.pLookup <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT countyfips, placefips, municipalityname, year, totalpopulation
                            FROM estimates.county_muni_timeseries WHERE year=2016 and placefips != 0
                            and placefips != 99990 and countyfips != 999;")
    #f.mLookup is the multi county cities
    f.mLookup <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT countyfips, placefips,  year, totalpopulation
                            FROM estimates.county_muni_timeseries WHERE year=2016 and placefips != 0
                            and placefips != 99990 and countyfips = 999;")

    #closing the connections

    f.cLookup <- f.cLookup[c(2:nrow(f.cLookup)),]
    for(i in 1: nrow(f.cLookup)) {
      f.cLookup[i,3] <- simpleCap(f.cLookup[i,3])
  if(level == "Counties") {    
  if(level == "Municipalities/Places") {
    f.pLookup$municipalityname <- sub(' \\(Part\\)','',f.pLookup$municipalityname)
    #merging f.pLookup and f.mLookup and updating totalpopulation value
    f.mLookup <- f.mLookup[,c(2,4)]

    f.pLookupFin <- merge(f.pLookup,f.mLookup,by="placefips", all.x=TRUE)
    f.pLookupFin$cty_Pop <- f.pLookupFin$totalpopulation.x  # this is the potions of the population in each portion

    f.pLookupFin$totalpopulation <- ifelse($totalpopulation.y),f.pLookupFin$totalpopulation.x,f.pLookupFin$totalpopulation.y)
    f.pLookupFin <- f.pLookupFin[,c(2,1,3,4,8,7)]
    # merging counties and municipals
    f.cty <- f.cLookup[,c(1,3)]
    f.plac <- merge(f.pLookupFin,f.cty,by="countyfips",all.x=TRUE)
    names(f.plac)[3] <- "municipalityname"
    names(f.plac)[7] <- "countyname"
    f.plac <- f.plac[order(f.plac$municipalityname),]
ColoradoDemography/ProfileDashboard documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:08 a.m.