
Defines functions muni_hist

Documented in muni_hist

#' API Wrapper to call Colorado historical municipal population estimates
#' This API wrapper returns a dataframe of municipal populations and related variables for the years
#'  and municipalities selected.
#'  Note: Selecting all of the counties can be done by providing 300 as the fips_list
#' @param fips_list Numeric FIPS code(s) for the municipality(ies). Leave blank and specify county to get all places in a county Defaults to blank
#' @param year_list Numeric list of years between 1980 and 2015
#' @param county county FIPS number used to pull either parts of a muni or all munis in a county if fips_list is blank Defaults to Blank
#' @param vars list of variables to pull includes: totalpopulation, householdpopulation, groupquarterspopulation, householdsize totalhousingunits, occupiedhousingunits, and vacanthousingunits Defaults to totalpopulation
#' @param totals controls whether API returns totals or parts of municipalities Defaults to 'yes' to give totals not parts.
#' @importFrom jsonlite read_json
#' @import dplyr
#' @export

muni_hist = function(fips_list = "", year_list, county = "", vars = "totalpopulation", totals = "yes") {
  # subject to change, but this is the server URL
  url_stub = "https://gis.dola.colorado.gov/lookups/countymuni?"

  # Type checks for each list so that we don't get any text sent to the API for a SQL Injection.
  if (!is.numeric(fips_list) && fips_list != "")
    stop("FIPS should be numeric or blank.")

  if (!is.numeric(year_list))
    stop("Years should be numeric.")

  if (county != "")
    totals = "no"

  if (any(year_list < 1980) || any(year_list > 2020))
    stop("One or more year is out of range. Years should be between 1980 and 2020")

  # Creates the URL for the API call
  call = paste0(url_stub, "year=", paste(year_list, collapse = ","), "&placefips=", paste(fips_list,
                                                                                          collapse = ","), "&countyfips=", county, "&stats=totalpopulation", "&compressed=",

  # Makes the API call and converts the JSON to a data frame
  data = jsonlite::read_json(call, simplifyVector = TRUE)
  if (totals == "yes") {
    data = mutate(data, totalpopulation = as.numeric(totalpopulation)) %>% rename(municipality = municipalityname)%>%filter(!grepl("Total", municipality))
  } else {
    data = mutate(data, totalpopulation = as.numeric(totalpopulation)) %>% rename(municipality = municipalityname)
  # tells the function what to return and changes it from a dplyr tbl object back to a generic data
  # frame

ColoradoDemography/codemogAPI documentation built on May 6, 2019, 12:28 p.m.