Man pages for CompEpigen/methrix
Fast and efficient summarization of generic bedGraph files from Bisufite sequencing

combine_methrixCombine methrix objects
convert_HDF5_methrixConverts HDF5 methrix object to standard in-memory object.
convert_methrixConverts an in-memory object to an on-disk HDF5 object.
coverage_filterFilter matrices by coverage
extract_CPGsExtracts all CpGs from a genome
get_matrixExtract methylation or coverage matrices
get_region_summaryExtract and summarize methylation or coverage info by regions...
get_statsEstimate descriptive statistics
load_HDF5_methrixLoads HDF5 methrix object
mask_methrixMasks too high or too low coverage
methrix2bsseqConvert 'methrix' to 'bsseq' object
methrix-classClass methrix
methrix_dataWGBS for colon cancer, chr21 and chr22
methrix_pcaPrincipal Component Analysis
methrix_reportCreates a detailed interative html summary report from...
order_by_sdOrder mathrix object by SD
plot_coverageCoverage QC Plots
plot_densityDensity Plot of beta-Values
plot_pcaPlot PCA results
plot_statsPlot descriptive statistics
plot_violinViolin Plot for beta-Values
read_bedgraphsVersatile BedGraph reader.
region_filterFilter matrices by region
remove_snpsRemoves CpG sites from the object if they overlap with common...
remove_uncoveredRemove loci that are uncovered across all samples
save_HDF5_methrixSaves HDF5 methrix object
subset_methrixSubsets 'methrix' object based on given conditions.
write_bedgraphsWrites bedGraphs from methrix object
write_bigwigsExports methrix object as bigWigs
CompEpigen/methrix documentation built on July 24, 2024, 5:49 p.m.