
Defines functions stop_for_invalid_tag_action_ gen_tag_action_ pocket_tag

Documented in gen_tag_action_ pocket_tag

#' pocket_tag
#' @description modify the tags of the items in pocket.
#' @param action_name character vector. The kind of tag action you want to undertake. Possible values: 'tags_add', 'tags_remove', 'tags_replace', 'tags_clear', 'tag_rename', or 'tag_delete'.
#' @param item_ids character vector. Pocket item ids you want to modify the tags for.
#' @param tags character vector. The names of the tags to work with the chosen action.
#' @param consumer_key character. Your Pocket consumer key. Defaults to Sys.getenv("POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY").
#' @param access_token character. Your Pocket request token. Defaults to Sys.getenv("POCKET_ACCESS_TOKEN").
#' @details This function uses the \code{modify} endpoint of the Pocket API which exhibits some weird behaviour. 
#' For example, even if a `modify` action is not successful, the API will still return "success". 
#' See [issue [#26](https://github.com/CorrelAid/pocketapi/issues/26) for a discussion. 
#' @export
pocket_tag <- function(action_name = c("tags_replace", "tags_remove", "tags_add", "tags_clear", "tag_rename", "tag_delete"), item_ids = NULL, tags = NULL, consumer_key = Sys.getenv("POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY"),
                       access_token = Sys.getenv("POCKET_ACCESS_TOKEN")) {

  if (consumer_key == "") usethis::ui_stop(error_message_consumer_key())
  if (access_token == "") usethis::ui_stop(error_message_access_token())

  # Validity checks
  stop_for_invalid_tag_action_(item_ids = item_ids, action_name = action_name, tags = tags)

  # Pre-process tags to comma separated string
  tags <- paste(tags, collapse = ",")

  # Processing
  # Actions that require item_ids and tags
  if (action_name %in% c("tags_replace", "tags_remove", "tags_add")) {
    action_results <- pocket_modify_bulk_(item_ids, action_name, consumer_key, access_token, tags = tags)

  # Clearing all tags from item(s) requires item_ids but not tags
  if (action_name == "tags_clear") {
    action_results <- pocket_modify_bulk_(item_ids, action_name, consumer_key, access_token)

  # Renaming a tag requires old name and new name
  if (action_name == "tag_rename") {
    # Compile list of lists with action
    action_list <- action_name %>% purrr::map(
      old_tag = tags[1],
      new_tag = tags[2],
      .f = gen_tag_action_

    # Convert list of lists to JSON
    actions_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(action_list, auto_unbox = TRUE)

    # Send request to Pocket
    res <- pocket_post_("send",
      actions = actions_json

    # Return success message
    usethis::ui_done(glue::glue("Successfully renamed tag '{tags[1]}' for '{tags[2]}'."))

  # Execute tag action for "delete"
  if (action_name == "tag_delete") {
    action_list <- action_name %>% purrr::map(
      tag = tags,
      .f = gen_tag_action_

    # Compile list of lists for action
    action_list <- action_name %>% purrr::map(
      tag = tags,
      .f = gen_tag_action_

    # Convert list of lists to JSON
    actions_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(action_list, auto_unbox = TRUE)

    res <- pocket_post_("send",
      actions = actions_json
    usethis::ui_done(glue::glue("Successfully removed tag '{tags}'."))

#' gen_tag_action_
#' @description Generate an action list element for a given action name.
#' @param action_name Character. Name of Pocket action as a string.
#' @param ... Additional, named arguments to be added to the action list.
#' @return Action list.
#' @keywords internal
gen_tag_action_ <- function(action_name, ...) {
    action = action_name,
    time = as.POSIXct(Sys.time()),

stop_for_invalid_tag_action_ <- function(item_ids, action_name, tags) {
  actions <- c("tags_add", "tags_remove", "tags_replace", "tags_clear", "tag_rename", "tag_delete")

  if (!action_name %in% actions) {
    usethis::ui_stop("Tag actions can be only be: 'tags_add', 'tags_remove', 'tags_replace', 'tags_clear', 'tag_rename', or 'tag_delete'.")

  if (is.null(item_ids) & !action_name %in% c("tag_delete", "tag_rename")) {
    usethis::ui_stop("If your action_name is not 'tag_delete' or 'tag_rename', you need to provide at least one item_id.")

  if (action_name == "tag_delete") {
    if (length(tags) > 1) {
      usethis::ui_stop("For 'tag_delete', you can only specify an atomic vector of one tag.")
    if (is.null(tags)) {
      usethis::ui_stop("For 'tag_delete', you need to specify an atomic vector of one tag.")

  if (action_name == "tag_rename" & length(tags) != 2) {
    usethis::ui_stop("If your action is 'tag_rename', your tags vector must be of length 2, format: c('old tag', 'new tag').")

  if (action_name == "tags_clear" & !is.null(tags)) {
    usethis::ui_stop("If your action is 'tags_clear', you must not provide tags.")

  if (action_name == "tags_replace" & is.null(tags)) {
    usethis::ui_stop("For 'tags_replace', you need to specify the tags argument.")
CorrelAid/pocketapi documentation built on Feb. 25, 2021, 4:07 p.m.