
#' Melt an abf object.
#' Flatten an abf object to 2d data.frame by sampling along time dimension.
#' For performance consideration, using a column function by sample_colFunc or
#' a function name supported by find_colFunc() is strongly encouraged.
#' @param abf an abf object.
#' @param intv a time interval to melt.
#' @param channel channels to melt.
#' @param episode episodes to melt.
#' @param concat_epi wheter to concatenate all episodes, if TRUE, episode arguement
#' is ignored and all episodes will be used instead.
#' @param along the axis/dimension to melt along.
#' @param format the format of returned data.frame.
#' @param abf_id_func function to tag id column.
#' @param epi_id_func function to tag episode column.
#' @param chan_id_func function to tag channel column.
#' @param sample_ratio a sampling ratio if need to reduce data points.
#' @param sample_func a sampling function if sample_ratio > 1.
#' @param sample_colFunc a sampling column function.
#' @param time_unit a time unit.
#' @param ... passed to sample_func or sample_colFunc.
#' @param value.name a character vector to tag value column, only used when format is long.
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
MeltAbf <- function(abf, intv = NULL, channel = GetAllChannels(abf),
                    episode = GetAvailEpisodes(abf), concat_epi = FALSE,
                    along = c("episode", "channel"), format = c("wide", "long"),
                    abf_id_func = NULL, epi_id_func = GetEpiTag, chan_id_func = GetChanTag,
                    sample_ratio = 1L, sample_func = "mean", sample_colFunc = NULL,
                    time_unit = c("tick", "us", "ms", "s", "min", "hr"), ...,
                    value.name = "value") {

  CheckArgs(abf, chan = channel)

  time_unit <- match.arg(time_unit)
  along <- match.arg(along)
  format <- match.arg(format)

  chan <- channel
  nchan <- length(chan)

  if (concat_epi) {
    d <- dim(abf)
    dim(abf) <- c(d[1] * d[2], 1L, d[3])
    epi <- 1L
    nepi <- 1L
  } else {
    epi <- episode
    nepi <- length(epi)

  if (is.null(intv)) {
    npts <- nPts(abf)
    t_start <- 1L
    t_end <- npts
    if (is.null(sample_colFunc)) {
      data <- samplend(x = abf[, epi, chan, drop = FALSE],
                       ratio = sample_ratio,
                       func = sample_func,
                       along = 1L,
    } else {
      data <- samplend_col(x = abf[, epi, chan, drop = FALSE],
                           ratio = sample_ratio,
                           colFunc = sample_colFunc,
                           along = 1L,
  } else {
    mask <- MaskIntv(intv)
    npts <- length(mask)
    t_start <- mask[1L]
    t_end <- mask[npts]
    if (is.null(sample_colFunc)) {
      data <- samplend(x = abf[mask, epi, chan, drop = FALSE],
                       ratio = sample_ratio,
                       func = sample_func,
                       along = 1L,
    } else {
      data <- samplend_col(x = abf[mask, epi, chan, drop = FALSE],
                           ratio = sample_ratio,
                           colFunc = sample_colFunc,
                           along = 1L,

  tick <- seq.int(from = t_start, to = t_end, by = sample_ratio)
  if (is.function(epi_id_func)) {
    epi_id <- epi_id_func(abf)[epi]
  } else {
    epi_id <- unlist(epi_id_func)[epi]
  if (is.function(chan_id_func)) {
    chan_id <- chan_id_func(abf)[chan]
  } else {
    chan_id <- unlist(chan_id_func)[chan]

  if (format == "wide") {
    if (along == "episode") {
      ep <- as.factor(matrix(epi, nrow = length(tick), ncol = nepi, byrow = TRUE))
      levels(ep) <- epi_id
      time <- rep(TickToTime(tick = tick, time_unit = time_unit, sampling_rate = abf), nepi)
      if (is.null(abf_id_func)) {
        xcol <- list(
          Time = time,
          Episode = ep
      } else {
        if (is.function(abf_id_func)) {
          id <- abf_id_func(abf)
        } else {
          id <- unlist(abf_id_func)
        xcol <- list(
          id = id,
          Time = time,
          Episode = ep
      reduce_names <- chan_id
    } else {
      #along channel
      ch <- as.factor(matrix(chan, nrow = length(tick), ncol = nchan, byrow = TRUE))
      levels(ch) <- chan_id
      time <- rep(TickToTime(tick = tick, time_unit = time_unit, sampling_rate = abf), nchan)
      if (is.null(abf_id_func)) {
        xcol <- list(
          Time = time,
          Channel = ch
      } else {
        if (is.function(abf_id_func)) {
          id <- abf_id_func(abf)
        } else {
          id <- unlist(abf_id_func)
        xcol <- list(
          id = id,
          Time = time,
          Channel = ch
      reduce_names <- epi_id
  } else {
    #long format
    ep <- as.factor(matrix(epi, nrow = length(tick), ncol = nepi * nchan, byrow = TRUE))
    levels(ep) <- epi_id
    ch <- as.factor(matrix(chan, nrow = length(tick) * nepi, ncol = nchan, byrow = TRUE))
    levels(ch) <- chan_id
    time <- rep(TickToTime(tick = tick, time_unit = time_unit, sampling_rate = abf), nepi * nchan)
    if (is.null(abf_id_func)) {
      xcol <- list(
        Time = time,
        Episode = ep,
        Channel = ch
    } else {
      if (is.function(abf_id_func)) {
        id <- abf_id_func(abf)
      } else {
        id <- unlist(abf_id_func)
      xcol <- list(
        id = id,
        Time = time,
        Episode = ep,
        Channel = ch
    along <- "episode"
    reduce_names <- NULL

  data <- reduce_along(data,
                       along = switch(along, episode = 3L, channel = 2L),
                       names = reduce_names)
  if (format == "long") {
    data <- list(unlist(data, use.names = FALSE))
    names(data) <- value.name

  data.frame(c(xcol, data))

#' Wrap a mapping function along specific axis to batch process abf data.
#' The wrapped function has a signature of f(abf, intv = NULL, episode, channel)
#' see details for more details.
#' Arguments of the wrapped function f(abf, intv = NULL, episode, channel):
#' abf   a abf object
#' intv   OPTIONAL, a time interval to calcaulte. If NULL, the whole timespan is used.
#' episode   OPTIONAL, a vector of episodes to calculate. If missing, all episodes are used.
#' channel   OPTIONAL, a vector of channels to calculate. If missing, all channels are used.
#' @param map_func a mapping function.
#' @param along the axis to process along. Can be "time", "episode" or "channel".
#' @param pack_args wheter to pack arguments for map_func, see PackArgs() for more details.
#' @param abf_id_func OPTIONAL, a function accepts an abf object and returns an identifier of the objects.
#' @param epi_id_func OPTIONAL, a function accepts an abf object and returns a vector of identifiers of all episodes.
#' @param chan_id_func OPTIONAL, a function accepts an abf object and returns a vectors of identifiers of all channels.
#' @param time_unit convert time unit of the return time axis.
#' @param ret.df wheter to return a data.frame, a matrix is returned instead if set to FALSE.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to map_func.
#' @return a function
#' @export
WrapMappingFuncAlong <- function(map_func, along = c("time", "episode", "channel"), pack_args = FALSE,
                                 abf_id_func = NULL, epi_id_func = DefaultEpiLabel, chan_id_func = DefaultChanLabel,
                                 time_unit = "tick", ret.df = TRUE, ...) {

  along <- match.arg(along)
  along <- switch(along, time = 1L, episode = 2L, channel = 3L)

  dim_row <- switch(along, 2L, 1L, 1L)
  dim_col <- switch(along, 3L, 3L, 2L)
  dim_id <- c("Time", "Episode", "Channel")

  get_dim_names <- function(abf, mask_time, mask_epi, mask_chan) {
    ans <- list()
    #dim 1
    if (along == 1L) {
      #do not generate dim 1 if along time
      ans[[1]] <- NA
    } else {
      ans[[1]] <- TickToTime(tick = mask_time, time_unit = time_unit, sampling_rate = abf)
    #dim 2
    if (is.null(epi_id_func)) {
      ans[[2]] <- mask_epi
    } else {
      if (is.function(epi_id_func)) {
        ans[[2]] <- epi_id_func(abf)[mask_epi]
      } else {
        ans[[2]] <- unlist(epi_id_func)[mask_epi]
    #dim 3
    if (is.null(chan_id_func)) {
      ans[[3]] <- mask_chan
    } else {
      if (is.function(chan_id_func)) {
        ans[[3]] <- chan_id_func(abf)[mask_chan]
      } else {
        ans[[3]] <- unlist(chan_id_func)[mask_chan]
    if (!is.null(abf_id_func)) {
      if (is.function(abf_id_func)) {
        ans$id <- abf_id_func(abf)
      } else {
        ans$id <- unlist(abf_id_func)

  dots <- list(...)
  f <- function(abf, intv = NULL,
                episode = GetAvailEpisodes(abf),
                channel = GetAllChannels(abf)){

    mask_epi <- as.integer(unlist(episode))
    mask_chan <- as.integer(unlist(channel))
    CheckArgs(abf,  epi = mask_epi, chan = mask_chan)

    if (is.null(intv) || any(is.na(intv))) {
      mask_time <- seq_len(nPts(abf))
    } else {
      mask_time <- MaskIntv(intv)

    args <- c(list(
      x = abf[mask_time, mask_epi, mask_chan, drop = FALSE],
      func = map_func,
      along = along,
      pack_args = pack_args
    ), dots)
    ans <- do.call(mapnd, args)

    if (length(dim(ans)) > 2L) {

    dim_names <- get_dim_names(abf, mask_time, mask_epi, mask_chan)
    ans <- reduce_lastdim(ans, names = dim_names[[dim_col]])

    #extra id columns
    xcol <- list()
    if (!is.null(dim_names$id)) {
      xcol$id <- dim_names$id
    xcol[[dim_id[dim_row]]] <- dim_names[[dim_row]]

    if (ret.df) {
      data.frame(c(xcol, ans), check.names = FALSE)
    } else {
      do.call(cbind, ans)


#' Wrap a mapping function to batch process abf channel data.
#' The returned function accepts an abf object and maps its channel data in the
#' given intv to the mapping function. If intv is not given, it maps the whole
#' channel to mapping function instead. The return value type is depended on
#' whether abf_id_func and epi_id_func are present. If so, a data.frame is returned,
#' otherwise a matrix is returned. The column names are determined by chan_id_func,
#' and if chan_id_func is missing, a column name of numeric channel id will be
#' used.
#' @param map_func a mapping function to process abf channel data, such as mean, sum etc.
#' @param channel OPTIONAL, a channel/channels to process.
#' @param abf_id_func OPTIONAL, a function accepts an abf object and returns an identifier of the objects.
#' @param epi_id_func OPTIONAL, a function accepts an abf object and returns a vector of identifiers of all episodes.
#' @param chan_id_func OPTIONAL, a function accepts an abf object and returns a vectors of identifiers of all channels.
#' @param ret.df wheter to return a data.frame, a matrix is returned instead if set to FALSE.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to map_func.
#' @return a function of f(abf, intv).
#' @export
WrapMappingFunc <- function(map_func, channel,
                            abf_id_func = NULL,
                            epi_id_func = DefaultEpiLabel,
                            chan_id_func = DefaultChanLabel, ret.df = TRUE, ...) {

  f_along <- WrapMappingFuncAlong(map_func = map_func,
                                  abf_id_func = abf_id_func,
                                  epi_id_func = epi_id_func,
                                  chan_id_func = chan_id_func,
                                  along = "time", ret.df = ret.df, ...)

  ch_missing <- missing(channel) || is.null(channel)
  f <- function(abf, intv = NULL) {
    if (ch_missing) {
      f_along(abf, intv = intv)
    } else {
      f_along(abf, intv = intv, channel = channel)


#' @rdname WrapMappingFunc
#' @export
wrap <- function(...) {


#' @rdname WrapMappingFuncAlong
#' @export
wrap_along <- function(...,
                       time_unit = "ms",
                       ret.df = TRUE) {

  WrapMappingFuncAlong(..., time_unit = time_unit, ret.df = ret.df)
Crystal-YWu/abftools documentation built on May 10, 2019, 8:22 a.m.