
#' Create or update a chapter
#' @param chapter_file path to the Markdown file to be uploaded
#' @param force boolean, FALSE by default, specifies whether exercises should be removed. If set, will prompt for confirmation.
#' @param open boolean, TRUE by default, determines whether a browser window should open, showing the course creation web interface
#' @param ask boolean, TRUE by default, determines whether you are asked for confirmation if you set force to TRUE.
#' @return No return values.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Upload without possibly deleting existing exercises
#' upload_chapter("chapter1.md")
#' # Completely sync online chapter with your local markdown file
#' upload_chapter("chapter1.md", force = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
upload_chapter = function(chapter_file, force = FALSE, open = TRUE, ask = TRUE) {
  old_wd <- getwd()
  chapter_file <- basename(chapter_file)

  course <- load_course_file()
  if (is.null(course$id)) {
    stop("Error: course file does not contain a course id. Please upload your course before uploading chapters.")

  if(!datacamp_logged_in()) {

  if (isTRUE(force) && isTRUE(ask)) {
    sure <- readline("Using 'force' deletes exercises. Are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N) ")
    if (!(sure %in% c("y", "Y", "yes", "Yes"))) { return(message("Aborted.")) }

  chapter_index <- get_chapter_index(chapter_file)
  if (length(chapter_index) == 0 && isTRUE(ask)) {
    sure <- readline("Chapter not found in course file. This will create a new chapter, are you sure you want to continue? (Y/N) ")
    if (!(sure %in% c("y", "Y", "yes", "Yes"))) { return(message("Aborted.")) }

  message("Parsing R Markdown file ...")
  chapter <- parse_chapter(chapter_file)

  message("Converting chapter content to JSON ...")
  output_list <-  list(force = force,
                       skip_validation = TRUE,
                       course = course$id,
                       email = datacamp$get("email"),
                       chapter = chapter)

  # Extract chapter id and index from course.yml. If found, add to output_list
  if (length(chapter_index) != 0) { # existing chapter, add info to output_list
    output_list$chapter$id <- as.integer(course$chapters[[chapter_index]])
    output_list$chapter$number <- chapter_index

  # Convert entire list to JSON
  chapter_json <- RJSONIO::toJSON(output_list)

  message("Uploading chapter to datacamp.com ...")
  upload_chapter_json(chapter_json, chapter_file, open = open) # Upload everything

  # reset working directory


# Upload the chapter json
#' @importFrom httr POST content add_headers
#' @importFrom utils browseURL
upload_chapter_json = function(chapter_json, chapter_file, open = TRUE) {
  base_url = paste0(datacamp$get("base_url"), "/chapters/create_from_r.json")
  auth_token = datacamp$get("auth_token")
  url = paste0(base_url,"?auth_token=", auth_token)
  x = try(POST(url = url, body = chapter_json, add_headers(c(`Content-Type` = "application/json", `Expect` = ""))))

  if (class(x) != "response") {
  } else {
    if (is.list(content(x)) ) {
      if ("course" %in% names(content(x)) ) {
        course = content(x)$course
        chapter = content(x)$chapter
        message(sprintf("Updated course \"%s\" (id: %i)", course$title, course$id))
        message(sprintf("Created/Updated chapter \"%s\" (id: %i)", chapter$title, chapter$id))
        add_chapter_to_course_file(chapter_file, as.integer(chapter$id))
        if (open) {
          browseURL(paste0(datacamp$get("redirect_base_url"), "/", course$id))
      if ("message" %in% names(content(x))) {
      if ("result" %in% names(content(x))) {
        if ("testresults" %in% names(content(x)$result)) {
          invisible(lapply(content(x)$result$testresults, function(x) message(x[[2]])))
      if ( "error" %in% names(content(x)) ) {
        message(paste0("Something went wrong:\n", content(x)$error ))
    } else {
      message(paste0("Something went wrong. Please check whether your course was correctly uploaded to datacamp.com."))
Data-Camp/datacamp documentation built on May 6, 2019, 1:38 p.m.