
Defines functions amFloatingBar

Documented in amFloatingBar

#' @title Plotting floating bar chart using rAmCharts
#' @description  amFloatingBar computes a floating bar chart of the given values.
#' @param x \code{character}, column name for x-axis or \code{numeric} value of the corresponding column.
#' It is optional if argument \code{data} has row names.
#' @param y_inf \code{character}, column name for the lower value or \code{numeric}  vector
#' of the corresponding column. 
#' @param y_sup \code{character}, column name for the upper value or \code{numeric}  vector
#' of the corresponding column. 
#' @param data \code{data.frame}, dataframe with values to display.
#' You can add a column "color" (character, colors in hexadecimal). You can
#' also add a column "description" (character) containing the text you want to
#' display when mouse is on the graphic ('<br>' for a new line).
#' See \link{data_fbar}.
#' @param groups_color \code{character}, vector of colors in hexadecimal, 
#' same length as y_inf or y_sup.
#' @param xlab \code{character}, label for x-axis.
#' @param ylab \code{character}, label for y-axis.
#' @param horiz \code{logical}, TRUE for an horizontal chart, FALSE for a vertical one
#' If 'horiz' is set to TRUE, the setting 'labelRotation' will be ignored.
#' @param show_values \code{logical}, TRUE to display values.
#' @param depth \code{numeric}, if > 0, chart is displayed in 3D. Value between 0 and 100.
#' @param dataDateFormat \code{character}, default set to NULL. Even if your chart parses dates,
#' you can pass them as strings in your dataframe - 
#' all you need to do is to set data date format and the chart will parse dates to date objects.
#' Check this page for available formats.
#' Please note that two-digit years (YY) as well as literal month names (MMM)  are NOT supported in this setting.
#' @param minPeriod Specifies the shortest period of your data.
#' This should be set only if dataDateFormat is not 'NULL'.
#' Possible period values:
#' fff - milliseconds, ss - seconds, mm - minutes, hh - hours, DD - days, MM - months, YYYY - years.
#' It's also possible to supply a number for increments, i.e. '15mm'
#' which will instruct the chart that your data is supplied in 15 minute increments.
#' @param ... see \code{\link{amOptions}} for more options.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{AmChart}.
#' @details 
#' \strong{Notice about labels:}
#' if the chart has many columns, several labels might be hidden.
#' It depends on the width of the conatainer where the chart is displayed.
#' Zoom on the chart to see if the chart can contain all labels.
#' You can also add a cursor to your chart...
#' @examples
#' # Load data
#' data(data_fbar)
#' data(data_gbar)
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar, labelRotation = -45)
#' amFloatingBar(x = "year", y_inf = "expenses", y_sup = "income", data = data_gbar,
#'               dataDateFormat = "YYYY", minPeriod = "YYYY", zoom = TRUE)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Other examples available which can be time consuming depending on your configuration.
#' library(pipeR)
#' # Reference example : column chart
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar, labelRotation = -45)
#' # Label rotation modification
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar, labelRotation = -90)
#' # Horizontal bar
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar, horiz = TRUE)
#' # 3D bar
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar, labelRotation = -45, depth = 15)
#' # Display values
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar, labelRotation = -90, show_values = TRUE)
#' # Change colors
#' amFloatingBar(x = "country", y_inf = "visits_inf", y_sup = "visits_sup",
#'               data = data_fbar[,1:3], labelRotation = -45, groups_color = "#67b7dc")
#' # Grouped columns
#' # Parse dates
#' # Default label: firt day of each year
#' amFloatingBar(x = "year", y_inf = "expenses", y_sup = "income", data = data_gbar,
#'               dataDateFormat = "YYYY", minPeriod = "YYYY", zoom = TRUE)
#' # Default label: first day of each month
#' amFloatingBar(x = "month", y_inf = "expenses", y_sup = "income", data = data_gbar,
#'               dataDateFormat = "MM/YYYY", minPeriod = "MM", zoom = TRUE)
#' amFloatingBar(x = "day", y_inf = "expenses", y_sup = "income", data = data_gbar,
#'               dataDateFormat = "DD/MM/YYYY", zoom = TRUE)
#' }
#' @seealso \link{amOptions}, \link{amBarplot}, \link{amBoxplot}, \link{amHist}, \link{amPie},
#' \link{amPlot}, \link{amTimeSeries}, \link{amStockMultiSet}, \link{amBullet}, \link{amRadar}, 
#' \link{amWind}, \link{amFunnel}, \link{amAngularGauge}, \link{amSolidGauge}, \link{amMekko},
#' \link{amCandlestick}, \link{amFloatingBar}, \link{amOHLC}, \link{amWaterfall}
#' @export
#' @references See online documentation \url{https://datastorm-open.github.io/introduction_ramcharts/}
#' and \link{amChartsAPI}
amFloatingBar <- function(x, y_inf, y_sup, data, xlab = "", ylab = "", groups_color = NULL,horiz = FALSE,
                          show_values = FALSE, depth = 0, dataDateFormat = NULL, 
                          minPeriod = ifelse(!is.null(dataDateFormat), "DD", ""), ...) {
  if(!is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop("data must be a data frame")
  } else {}
  # check argument x
  if (missing(x) && !length(rownames(data))) {
    stop("Argument x is not provided and the data.frame does not have row names")
  } else if (missing(x) && length(rownames(data))){
    x <- "xcat_"
    data$xcat_ <- rownames(data)
  } else if (is.character(x) && !(x %in% colnames(data))) {
    stop("Argument x does not correspond to a column name")
  } else if (is.numeric(x) && x > ncol(data)) {
    stop("Error in argument x")
  } else {}
  # convert x into character if necessary
  if (is.numeric(x)) x <- colnames(data)[x]
  # check if the column is compatible
  if(is.factor(data[,x])) {
    data[,x] <- as.character(data[,x])
  if (!is.character(data[,x]))
    stop(paste("The column ", x, " of the dataframe must be character."))
  # check argument y_inf
  if (is.character(y_inf) && !all(y_inf %in% colnames(data)))
    stop(paste("Cannot extract column(s)", y_inf, "from data"))
  sapply(1:length(y_inf), FUN = function(i) {
    if (is.numeric(y_inf[i])) {
      if (y_inf[i] > ncol(data)) stop("Error in argument x")
      # convert y_inf into character if necessary
      y_inf[i] <<- colnames(data)[y_inf[i]]
    } else if(is.character(y_inf) && !all(y_inf %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop(paste("Cannot extract column(s)", y_inf, "from data"))
    } else {}
    # check if the column is compatible
    if (!is.numeric(data[,y_inf[i]]))
      stop(paste("The column ", y_inf[i], "of the dataframe must be numeric."))
  # check argument y_sup
  if (is.character(y_sup) && !all(y_sup %in% colnames(data)))
    stop(paste("Cannot extract column(s)", y_sup, "from data"))
  sapply(1:length(y_sup), FUN = function(i) {
    if (is.numeric(y_sup[i])) {
      if (y_sup[i] > ncol(data)) stop("Error in argument x")
      # convert y_sup into character if necessary
      y_sup[i] <<- colnames(data)[y_sup[i]]
    } else if(is.character(y_sup) && !all(y_sup %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop(paste("Cannot extract column(s)", y_sup, "from data"))
    } else {}
    # check if the column is compatible
    if (!is.numeric(data[,y_sup[i]]))
      stop(paste("The column ", y_sup[i], "of the dataframe must be numeric."))
  .testCharacterLength1(char = xlab)
  .testCharacterLength1(char = ylab)
  .testLogicalLength1(logi = horiz)
  .testLogicalLength1(logi = show_values)
  .testInterval(num = depth, binf = 0, bsup = 100)
  if(!"color" %in% colnames(data)) {
    if(length(y_inf) == 1) {
      if(!is.null(groups_color)) {
        data$color <- groups_color[1]
      } else {
        vec_col <- tolower(utils::head(rep(c("#67b7dc", "#fdd400", "#84b761", "#cc4748", 
                                             "#cd82ad", "#2f4074", "#448e4d", "#b7b83f", 
                                             "#b9783f", "#b93e3d", "#913167"), 5), 
        data$color <- vec_col
  if (depth > 0) {
    depth3D = depth
    angle = 30
  } else {
    depth3D = 0
    angle = 0
  if (show_values) {
    label_text <- "[[value]]"
  } else {
    label_text <- ""
  data$tp_val <- round(as.numeric(data[,y_sup] - data[,y_inf]), 10)
  parseDates <- !is.null(dataDateFormat)
    amSerialChart(dataProvider = data, categoryField = x, rotate = horiz, 
                  depth3D = depth3D, angle = angle, dataDateFormat = dataDateFormat),
    addValueAxis(title = ylab, position = 'left'),
    setCategoryAxis(title = xlab, gridPosition = 'start',
                    axisAlpha = 0, gridAlpha = 0,
                    parseDates = parseDates, minPeriod = minPeriod),
    (~ chart)
  if("description" %in% colnames(data)) {
    tooltip <- '<b>[[description]]</b>'
  } else {
    tooltip <- '<b>[[tp_val]]</b>'
  chart <- addGraph(chart, balloonText = tooltip, fillColorsField = 'color', 
                    fillAlphas = 0.85, lineAlpha = 0.1, type = 'column', valueField = y_sup,
                    openField = y_inf, labelText = label_text)
  # add argupment 'RType_' for amOptions
  chart <- setProperties(.Object = chart, RType_ = "floatingbar")
  amOptions(chart, ...)
DataKnowledge/rAmCharts documentation built on Oct. 3, 2022, 5:42 a.m.