read_dataset: Read a dataset from a text file

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also Examples

View source: R/read_write.R


The text file may be separated by commas, tabs, or any other commonly used delimiter. The first row must have the following elements:


read_dataset(filepath, negative_control = NA, plate_id = "plate_1",
  sep = "\t")



Path to the file to load. If the full path is not given, R will assume the file is in the current working directory.


A designation for the negative controls in this dataset, if they exist. Value may be NA, a number, a string, or a data frame.

  • NA: Use when there are no negative control measurements. The contents of the column named 'value_normalized' will be copied from the contents of the column named 'value'.

  • Number: Use when each treatment has been labeled with a concentration (typically 0) that indicates the vehicle control. Each treatment must contain one or more observations with this concentration, and these observations will be the negative controls.

  • string: Use when a single set of observations is a universal control. The treatment whose name matches the string is the universal negative control all of the data.

  • data frame: Use when more than one negative control exists, and you have to map different treatments to a particular negative control. The data frame must have names 'drug' and 'vehicle', and the data frame will map match treatments in the 'drug' column to those in the 'vehicle' column.


A string identifying this set of observations. Defaults to "plate_1".


A character that separates elements in the text file. Fefaults to tab.


The text file may optionally contain a column called "hour", indicating the time point of the measurement. If "hour" is present the value must be a number.


A data frame for the dataset matching the output of the create_dataset function.

See Also



pkg = "HTDoseResponseCurve"
fn_txt = system.file("extdata", "sample_data_1.txt", package = pkg)
ds = read_dataset( fn_txt, negative_control="DMSO" )

DavidQuigley/HTDoseResponseCurve documentation built on Jan. 23, 2021, 5:10 a.m.