
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# export()

test_that("must have SEXP arguments", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export() ]]
    SEXP fn(int x) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "must all be `SEXP`s")

test_that("can parse signatures over two lines", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export() ]]
    SEXP fn(SEXP x,
            SEXP y) {
      return x;

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)
  expect_equal(x$signature[[1]]$args, c("x", "y"))

test_that("can parse signatures over three lines", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export() ]]
    SEXP fn(SEXP x,
            SEXP y,
            SEXP z) {
      return x;

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)
  expect_equal(x$signature[[1]]$args, c("x", "y", "z"))

test_that("can parse signatures when the closing parenthesis is on its own line", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export() ]]
    SEXP fn(SEXP x,
            SEXP y,
            SEXP z
            ) {
      return x;

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)
  expect_equal(x$signature[[1]]$args, c("x", "y", "z"))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# export_external()

test_that("must have 1 SEXP arguments", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export_external(n = 1) ]]
    SEXP fn(int w) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "must all be `SEXP`s")

  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export_external(n = 1) ]]
    SEXP fn(SEXP w, SEXP z) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "must have 1 argument")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# export_external2()

test_that("must have 4 SEXP arguments", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export_external2(n = 1) ]]
    SEXP fn(int w) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "must all be `SEXP`s")

  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ export_external2(n = 1) ]]
    SEXP fn(SEXP w) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "must have 4 arguments")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# callable()

test_that("can parse a `callable` signature with non-SEXP arguments", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ callable() ]]
    int fn(int x) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)

  expect <- list(
    name = "fn",
    name_callable = "fn",
    return = "int",
    arg_names = "x",
    arg_types = "int",
    n_args = 1L,
    loc = 3

  expect <- list(expect)

  expect_equal(x$signature, expect)

test_that("can parse a `callable` signature with a pointer argument aligned with the variable name", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ callable() ]]
    int fn(int* x, int *y) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)

  expect <- list(
    name = "fn",
    name_callable = "fn",
    return = "int",
    arg_names = c("x", "y"),
    arg_types = c("int*", "int *"),
    n_args = 2L,
    loc = 3

  expect <- list(expect)

  expect_equal(x$signature, expect)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# init()

test_that("can parse an `init` attribute signature", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    void fn(DllInfo* dll) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)

  expect <- list(list(name = "fn", loc = 3L))
  expect_equal(x$signature, expect)

test_that("can parse an `init` attribute signature with the `*` in a different spot", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    void fn(DllInfo *dll) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)

  expect <- list(list(name = "fn", loc = 3L))
  expect_equal(x$signature, expect)

  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    void fn(DllInfo * dll) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  x <- parse_signatures(attrs, code)

  expect <- list(list(name = "fn", loc = 3L))
  expect_equal(x$signature, expect)

test_that("error with `DllInfo`", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    void fn(DllInfo dll) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "is a `DllInfo\\*`")

test_that("error with two arguments", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    void fn(DllInfo* dll, SEXP x) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "can only be 1 argument")

test_that("error with 0 arguments", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    void fn() {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "can only be 1 argument")

test_that("error with non void return value", {
  code <- to_lines("
    // [[ init() ]]
    SEXP fn(DllInfo* dll) {

  attrs <- parse_attributes(code)
  expect_error(parse_signatures(attrs, code), "return value of `void`")
DavisVaughan/cbuild documentation built on Dec. 25, 2019, 5:11 a.m.