
Defines functions parse_signatures parse_signatures_export parse_signatures_export_line new_export_info parse_signatures_export_external2 parse_signatures_export_external2_line new_export_external2_info parse_signatures_export_external parse_signatures_export_external_line new_export_external_info parse_signatures_callable parse_signatures_callable_line new_callable_info rev_chr rev_and_collapse parse_signatures_init parse_signatures_init_line new_init_info locate_signature_start collect_signature_arguments parse_arguments parse_arguments_callable locate_last_space pull_last_space_pos parse_arguments_exports split_by_comma starts_with_SEXP

parse_signatures <- function(attributes, lines) {
  attribute_types <- attributes$attribute

  rows_export <- which(attribute_types == "export")
  rows_export_external <- which(attribute_types == "export_external")
  rows_export_external2 <- which(attribute_types == "export_external2")
  rows_callable <- which(attribute_types == "callable")
  rows_init <- which(attribute_types == "init")

  attributes_export <- attributes[rows_export,]
  attributes_export_external <- attributes[rows_export_external,]
  attributes_export_external2 <- attributes[rows_export_external2,]
  attributes_callable <- attributes[rows_callable,]
  attributes_init <- attributes[rows_init,]

  signature <- vector("list", length(attribute_types))

  signature[rows_export] <- parse_signatures_export(attributes_export, lines)
  signature[rows_export_external] <- parse_signatures_export_external(attributes_export_external, lines)
  signature[rows_export_external2] <- parse_signatures_export_external2(attributes_export_external2, lines)
  signature[rows_callable] <- parse_signatures_callable(attributes_callable, lines)
  signature[rows_init] <- parse_signatures_init(attributes_init, lines)

  attributes[["signature"]] <- signature


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

parse_signatures_export <- function(attributes, lines) {
  if (nrow(attributes) == 0L) {

  n_lines <- length(lines)

  attributes <- unnest_args(attributes)

  locs <- attributes$loc
  max_locs <- c(locs[-length(locs)], n_lines)
  names <- attributes$name

  # White space just causes problems at this point
  lines <- trimws(lines, "both")

    list(locs, max_locs, names),
    lines = lines

parse_signatures_export_line <- function(loc, max_loc, name, lines) {
  n_lines <- length(lines)

  loc_signature <- locate_signature_start(loc, max_loc, lines)
  signature <- lines[[loc_signature]]

  # Does it start with `SEXP `?
  if (!starts_with_SEXP(signature)) {
    stop("The exported function must have a return value of `SEXP`", call. = FALSE)

  signature <- substr(signature, 6L, nchar(signature))

  # Locate `(`
  opening_parenthesis_loc <- locate_opening_parenthesis(signature)

  if (is.na(opening_parenthesis_loc)) {
    stop("Cannot find opening parenthesis.", call. = FALSE)

  name_fn <- substr(signature, 1L, opening_parenthesis_loc - 1L)
  name_fn <- trimws(name_fn, which = "right")

  # Attribute name override with `export(name = value)`
  if (is.na(name)) {
    name_export <- name_fn
  } else {
    name_export <- name

  # Trim off `(`
  signature <- substr(signature, opening_parenthesis_loc + 1L, nchar(signature))

  signature <- collect_signature_arguments(signature, loc_signature, max_loc, lines)

  args <- split_by_comma(signature)
  args <- parse_arguments_exports(args)

  new_export_info(loc_signature, name_fn, name_export, args)

new_export_info <- function(loc, name, name_export, args) {
  n_args <- length(args)

    name = name,
    name_export = name_export,
    args = args,
    n_args = n_args,
    loc = loc

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

parse_signatures_export_external2 <- function(attributes, lines) {
  if (nrow(attributes) == 0L) {

  n_lines <- length(lines)

  attributes <- unnest_args(attributes)

  locs <- attributes$loc
  max_locs <- c(locs[-length(locs)], n_lines)
  names <- attributes$name

  # White space just causes problems at this point
  lines <- trimws(lines, "both")

    list(locs, max_locs, names),
    lines = lines

parse_signatures_export_external2_line <- function(loc, max_loc, name, lines) {
  n_lines <- length(lines)

  loc_signature <- locate_signature_start(loc, max_loc, lines)
  signature <- lines[[loc_signature]]

  # Does it start with `SEXP `?
  if (!starts_with_SEXP(signature)) {
    stop("The exported .External2 function must have a return value of `SEXP`", call. = FALSE)

  signature <- substr(signature, 6L, nchar(signature))

  # Locate `(`
  opening_parenthesis_loc <- locate_opening_parenthesis(signature)

  if (is.na(opening_parenthesis_loc)) {
    stop("Cannot find opening parenthesis.", call. = FALSE)

  name_fn <- substr(signature, 1L, opening_parenthesis_loc - 1L)
  name_fn <- trimws(name_fn, which = "right")

  # Attribute name override with `export_external(name = value)`
  if (is.na(name)) {
    name_export <- name_fn
  } else {
    name_export <- name

  # Trim off `(`
  signature <- substr(signature, opening_parenthesis_loc + 1L, nchar(signature))

  signature <- collect_signature_arguments(signature, loc_signature, max_loc, lines)

  args <- split_by_comma(signature)
  args <- parse_arguments_exports(args)

  if (length(args) != 4L) {
      ".External2 functions must have 4 arguments, ",
      "preferably named: ",
      "`call`, `op`, `args`, `env`."

  new_export_external2_info(loc_signature, name_fn, name_export)

new_export_external2_info <- function(loc, name, name_export) {
    name = name,
    name_export = name_export,
    loc = loc

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

parse_signatures_export_external <- function(attributes, lines) {
  if (nrow(attributes) == 0L) {

  n_lines <- length(lines)

  attributes <- unnest_args(attributes)

  locs <- attributes$loc
  max_locs <- c(locs[-length(locs)], n_lines)
  names <- attributes$name

  # White space just causes problems at this point
  lines <- trimws(lines, "both")

    list(locs, max_locs, names),
    lines = lines

parse_signatures_export_external_line <- function(loc, max_loc, name, lines) {
  n_lines <- length(lines)

  loc_signature <- locate_signature_start(loc, max_loc, lines)
  signature <- lines[[loc_signature]]

  # Does it start with `SEXP `?
  if (!starts_with_SEXP(signature)) {
    stop("The exported .External function must have a return value of `SEXP`", call. = FALSE)

  signature <- substr(signature, 6L, nchar(signature))

  # Locate `(`
  opening_parenthesis_loc <- locate_opening_parenthesis(signature)

  if (is.na(opening_parenthesis_loc)) {
    stop("Cannot find opening parenthesis.", call. = FALSE)

  name_fn <- substr(signature, 1L, opening_parenthesis_loc - 1L)
  name_fn <- trimws(name_fn, which = "right")

  # Attribute name override with `export_external(name = value)`
  if (is.na(name)) {
    name_export <- name_fn
  } else {
    name_export <- name

  # Trim off `(`
  signature <- substr(signature, opening_parenthesis_loc + 1L, nchar(signature))

  signature <- collect_signature_arguments(signature, loc_signature, max_loc, lines)

  args <- split_by_comma(signature)
  args <- parse_arguments_exports(args)

  if (length(args) != 1L) {
      ".External functions must have 1 argument, ",
      "preferably named `args`."

  new_export_external_info(loc_signature, name_fn, name_export)

new_export_external_info <- function(loc, name, name_export) {
    name = name,
    name_export = name_export,
    loc = loc

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

parse_signatures_callable <- function(attributes, lines) {
  if (nrow(attributes) == 0L) {

  n_lines <- length(lines)

  attributes <- unnest_args(attributes)

  locs <- attributes$loc
  max_locs <- c(locs[-length(locs)], n_lines)
  names <- attributes$name

  # White space just causes problems at this point
  lines <- trimws(lines, "both")

    list(locs, max_locs, names),
    lines = lines

parse_signatures_callable_line <- function(loc, max_loc, name, lines) {
  n_lines <- length(lines)

  loc_signature <- locate_signature_start(loc, max_loc, lines)
  signature <- lines[[loc_signature]]

  # Locate `(`
  opening_parenthesis_loc <- locate_opening_parenthesis(signature)

  if (is.na(opening_parenthesis_loc)) {
    stop("Cannot find opening parenthesis.", call. = FALSE)

  return_and_name <- substr(signature, 1L, opening_parenthesis_loc - 1L)
  return_and_name <- trimws(return_and_name, which = "right")

  loc_last_space <- locate_last_space(return_and_name)

  if (is.na(return_and_name)) {
    abort("There must be a space between the return type and the function name.")

  return <- substr(return_and_name, 1L, loc_last_space - 1L)
  name_fn <- substr(return_and_name, loc_last_space + 1L, nchar(return_and_name))

  # Attribute name override with `export(name = value)`
  if (is.na(name)) {
    name_callable <- name_fn
  } else {
    name_callable <- name

  # Trim off `(`
  signature <- substr(signature, opening_parenthesis_loc + 1L, nchar(signature))

  signature <- collect_signature_arguments(signature, loc_signature, max_loc, lines)

  args <- split_by_comma(signature)

  info <- parse_arguments_callable(args)
  arg_names <- info$names
  arg_types <- info$types

  new_callable_info(loc_signature, name_fn, name_callable, return, arg_names, arg_types)

new_callable_info <- function(loc, name, name_callable, return, arg_names, arg_types) {
  n_args <- length(arg_names)

    name = name,
    name_callable = name_callable,
    return = return,
    arg_names = arg_names,
    arg_types = arg_types,
    n_args = n_args,
    loc = loc

rev_chr <- function(x) {
  x_lst <- strsplit(x, "")
  map_chr(x_lst, rev_and_collapse)

rev_and_collapse <- function(x) {
  paste0(rev(x), collapse = "")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

parse_signatures_init <- function(attributes, lines) {
  if (nrow(attributes) == 0L) {

  n_lines <- length(lines)

  attributes <- unnest_args(attributes)

  locs <- attributes$loc
  max_locs <- c(locs[-length(locs)], n_lines)

  # White space just causes problems at this point
  lines <- trimws(lines, "both")

    list(locs, max_locs),
    lines = lines

parse_signatures_init_line <- function(loc, max_loc, lines) {
  n_lines <- length(lines)

  loc_signature <- locate_signature_start(loc, max_loc, lines)
  signature <- lines[[loc_signature]]

  # Does it start with `void `?
  if (!substr(signature, 1L, 5L) == "void ") {
    stop("The init function must have a return value of `void`", call. = FALSE)

  signature <- substr(signature, 6L, nchar(signature))

  # Locate `(`
  opening_parenthesis_loc <- locate_opening_parenthesis(signature)

  if (is.na(opening_parenthesis_loc)) {
    stop("Cannot find opening parenthesis.", call. = FALSE)

  name <- substr(signature, 1L, opening_parenthesis_loc - 1L)
  name <- trimws(name, which = "right")

  # Trim off `(`
  signature <- substr(signature, opening_parenthesis_loc + 1L, nchar(signature))

  signature <- collect_signature_arguments(signature, loc_signature, max_loc, lines)

  args <- split_by_comma(signature)

  if (length(args) != 1L) {
    abort("There can only be 1 argument for an init function, a `DllInfo*`.")

  # Some people do `DllInfo *dll`, so remove all spaces and find the `*`
  args <- sub(" ", "", args)
  loc_dllinfo_endpoint <- locate_text("*", args)

  if (is.na(loc_dllinfo_endpoint)) {
    abort("The only argument allowed for an init function is a `DllInfo*`.")

  args <- substr(args, 1L, loc_dllinfo_endpoint - 1L)

  if (!identical(args, "DllInfo")) {
    abort("The only argument allowed for an init function is a `DllInfo*`.")

  new_init_info(loc_signature, name)

new_init_info <- function(loc, name) {
    name = name,
    loc = loc

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

locate_signature_start <- function(loc, max_loc, lines) {
  loc <- loc + 1L
  signature <- lines[[loc]]

  while(startsWith(signature, "//")) {
    if (loc == max_loc) {
      abort("Detected a cbuild attribute, but found no function to go along with it.")

    loc <- loc + 1L
    signature <- lines[[loc]]


collect_signature_arguments <- function(signature, loc, max_loc, lines) {
  # Locate `)`
  closing_parenthesis_loc <- locate_closing_parenthesis(signature)

  # Find `)` if it is over multiple lines
  while(is.na(closing_parenthesis_loc)) {
    if (loc == max_loc) {
      stop("Cannot find closing parenthesis", call. = FALSE)

    loc <- loc + 1L

    partial_signature <- lines[[loc]]
    partial_signature <- trimws(partial_signature, "both")

    signature <- paste(signature, partial_signature)
    closing_parenthesis_loc <- locate_closing_parenthesis(signature)

  # Trim off everything at and after `)`
  signature <- substr(signature, 1L, closing_parenthesis_loc - 1L)


parse_arguments <- function(args) {
  args <- trimws(args, which = "both")

  loc_space <- locate_text(" ", args)

  if (any(is.na(loc_space))) {
    abort("A valid argument has a space between the type and the argument name.")

  args <- substr(args, loc_space + 1L, nchar(args))

  # Rip off any pointers before the variable name
  # Might be an arg like `int *varname`
  has_pointer <- startsWith(args, "*")
  args[has_pointer] <- substr(args[has_pointer], 2L, nchar(args))


# Arguments could be anything,
# like `int *varname` or `enum enum_thing varname`
parse_arguments_callable <- function(args) {
  args <- trimws(args, which = "both")

  # Locate the last space and split there
  loc_last_space <- locate_last_space(args)

  if (any(is.na(loc_last_space))) {
    abort("A valid argument has a space between the type and the argument name.")

  types <- substr(args, 1L, loc_last_space - 1L)
  names <- substr(args, loc_last_space + 1L, nchar(args))

  # Rip off any pointers before the variable name
  # Might be an arg like `int *varname`
  has_pointer <- startsWith(names, "*")
  names[has_pointer] <- substr(names[has_pointer], 2L, nchar(names[has_pointer]))
  types[has_pointer] <- paste0(types[has_pointer], " *")

  list(names = names, types = types)

locate_last_space <- function(x) {
  lst_of_all_spaces <- gregexpr(" ", x, fixed = TRUE)
  map_int(lst_of_all_spaces, pull_last_space_pos)

pull_last_space_pos <- function(x) {
  if (identical(x[[1L]], -1L)) {


parse_arguments_exports <- function(args) {
  args <- trimws(args, which = "both")

  # Does it start with `SEXP `?
  if (any(!starts_with_SEXP(args))) {
    stop("The exported function's arguments must all be `SEXP`s", call. = FALSE)

  args <- substr(args, 6L, nchar(args))

  if (any(grepl("\\s", args))) {
    stop("The exported function's arguments cannot have any spaces in their names", call. = FALSE)


split_by_comma <- function(x) {
  strsplit(x, ",", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

starts_with_SEXP <- function(x) {
  substr(x, 1L, 5L) == "SEXP "
DavisVaughan/cbuild documentation built on Dec. 25, 2019, 5:11 a.m.