
Defines functions getStatus

Documented in getStatus

#' Returns data required to show the status of a users and/or communities
#' @param users_ids User IDs
#' @param groups_ids Community IDs
#' @param progress_bar Display progress bar
#' @param v Version of API
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' status.me <- getStatus()
#' status.friends <- getStatus(users_ids = getFriends()$items)
#' status.groups  <- getStatus(groups_ids = getGroups()$items)
#' status.friends_and_groups <- getStatus(users_ids = getFriends()$items,
#'  groups_ids = getGroups()$items, progress_bar = T)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @export
getStatus <- function(users_ids=c(), groups_ids=c(), progress_bar=FALSE, v=getAPIVersion()) {
  get_status <- function(users_ids=c(), groups_ids=c(), v=getAPIVersion()) {
    param_name <- 'user_id'
    objects <- users_ids
    if (length(users_ids) <= 0) {
      param_name <- 'group_id'
      objects <- groups_ids

    code <- 'var updates = {}; var query;'
    for (i in 1:length(objects)) {
      code <- paste0(code, 'query = API.status.get({"', param_name, '":"', objects[i], '", "v":"', v, '"}).text; updates.id', objects[i], '=query;')
    code <- paste0(code, 'return updates;')
    response <- execute(code)
    if (!is.null(response)) names(response) <- objects


  if (length(users_ids) <= 0 & length(groups_ids) <= 0)
    return(execute(paste0('return API.status.get({"v":"', v, '"}).text;')))

  max_length <- length(users_ids) + length(groups_ids)
  if (progress_bar) {
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = max_length, style = 3)
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, 0)

  all_updates <- list()

  # By users
  if (length(users_ids) > 0)
    from <- 1
    to <- 25
      if (to >= length(users_ids)) to <- length(users_ids)

      updates <- get_status(users_ids = users_ids[from:to], v = v)
      all_updates <- append(all_updates, updates)

      if (progress_bar)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(all_updates))

      if (to >= length(users_ids))

      from <- to + 1
      to <- to + 25

  # By groups
  if (length(groups_ids) > 0) {
    from <- 1
    to <- 25
      if (to >= length(groups_ids)) to <- length(groups_ids)

      updates <- get_status(groups_ids = groups_ids[from:to], v = v)
      all_updates <- append(all_updates, updates)

      if (progress_bar)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, length(all_updates))

      if (to >= length(groups_ids))

      from <- to + 1
      to <- to + 25

  if (progress_bar)

  if (!requireNamespace('reshape2', quietly = TRUE)) {
    all_updates <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, all_updates)
    colnames(all_updates) <- c("status")
    all_updates$id <- rownames(all_updates)
    rownames(all_updates) <- NULL

  all_updates <- reshape2::melt(all_updates)
  colnames(all_updates) <- c("status", "id")
Dementiy/vkR documentation built on Oct. 1, 2020, 9:48 a.m.