
Defines functions produce_plots run_template strip_performer_id lookup_template

#' @title Produce Plots
#' @description Produce the ggplots for the promoted candidates.
#' @param promoted List of promoted candidates.
#' @param data Performance data.
#' @param spek List representation of client spek.
#' @param templates List of template environments. Each should have name attribute and run() function
#' @return List of ggplots
#' @export
produce_plots <- function(promoted, templates, data, spek){
  # Strip recipient id and template id from promoted candidates
  p_ids <- lapply(promoted, FUN=`strip_performer_id`)
  t_envs <- lapply(promoted, FUN=`lookup_template`, templates=templates)
  result <- mapply(FUN=`run_template`, p_ids, t_envs,
                   MoreArgs = list(data=data, spek=spek), SIMPLIFY = F)
  result[sapply(result, is.null)] <- NULL # Removes invalid templates (NULL)

#' @title Run Template
#' @param p_id performer id.  Passed to template as recipient.
#' @description Generate ggplot from data for the recipient
run_template <- function(p_id, t_env, data, spek){
  invalid_templates <- tryCatch(
      result <- t_env$run(p_id, data, spek)
    error=function(x) {
      message(paste("Invalid template environment", t_env, "with id", p_id, sep=' '))

#' @title Strip Performer Id
#' @description Given a template node and list of template environments, return matching env
strip_performer_id <- function(x){
  anc_performer <- unlist(getElement(x, PT$ANC_PERFORMER_URI))
  p_id <- getElement(anc_performer, "@value")
  sub(PT$APP_BASE_URI, '', p_id)

#' @title Lookup Template
#' @description Given a template node and list of template environments, return matching env
lookup_template <- function(x, templates){
  anc_template <- unlist(getElement(x, PT$ANC_TEMPLATE_URI))
  value <- getElement(anc_template, "@value")
  t_id <- sub(PT$APP_BASE_URI,"", value)
  getElement(templates, t_id)
Display-Lab/pictoralist documentation built on April 1, 2020, 1:25 a.m.