
Defines functions gt.LT.fun.body

#' @include generic.functions.R
#' @include Survey.Design.R
#' @include Region.R
#' @importFrom methods validObject

#' @title Class "Line.Transect.Design" extends Class "Survey.Design"
#' @description Class \code{"Line.Transect.Design"} is an S4 class detailing
#' the type of line transect design.
#' @name Line.Transect.Design-class
#' @title S4 Class "Line.Transect.Design"
#' @slot line.length Numeric value defining the total line length to be generated (may be
#' multiple values relating to each stratum).
#' @slot bounding.shape relevant for zigzag designs, either a minimum bounding "rectangle"
#' or a "convex.hull".
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{generate.transects}}{\code{signature=(object = "Line.Transect.Design", quiet = FALSE, ...)}:
#'  generates a set of transects from the design.}
#' }
#' @keywords classes
#' @seealso \code{\link{make.design}}
#' @export
setClass(Class = "Line.Transect.Design",
         representation = representation(line.length = "numeric",
                                         bounding.shape = "character"),
         contains = "Survey.Design"
  definition=function(.Object, region, truncation, design, line.length, effort.allocation, spacing, samplers, design.angle, edge.protocol, bounding.shape, coverage.grid){
    #Set slots
    .Object@region        <- region
    .Object@truncation    <- truncation
    .Object@design        <- design
    .Object@line.length   <- line.length
    .Object@effort.allocation <- effort.allocation
    .Object@spacing       <- spacing
    .Object@samplers      <- samplers
    .Object@design.angle  <- design.angle
    .Object@edge.protocol <- edge.protocol
    .Object@bounding.shape <- bounding.shape
    .Object@coverage.grid <- coverage.grid
    .Object@coverage.scores <- numeric(0)
    .Object@design.statistics <- data.frame()
    #Check object is valid (testing now done in Class constructor)
    valid <- try(validObject(.Object), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(valid, "try-error")){
      stop(attr(valid, "condition")$message, call. = FALSE)
    # return object

# GENERIC METHODS DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------

#' @rdname generate.transects-methods
#' @export
  definition=function(object, quiet = FALSE, ...){
    #This function separates the design generation by strata so different strata can have different designs in them. Assumes that the validation method called when the class is initialised checks that all design options either have length 1 or length equal to the number of strata. Also assumes that the region object has been checked and confirmed to have the correct number of strata names for the size of the geometry.
    # Body of function moved out into separate function below for debugging
    transect <- gt.LT.fun.body(object, quiet = quiet, ...)

gt.LT.fun.body <- function(object, quiet, ...){
  # Check not trying to generate transects for segmentedtrack or random lines
  # Initial check for segmentedtrack or random lines
  if(any(object@design == "segmentedtrack")){
    stop("dssd cannot generate transects from segmented trackline designs. Please use Distance for Windows to generate transect shapefiles if you would like to use this design within simulations.", call. = FALSE)
  # Get strata names
  region <- object@region
  sf.column <- attr(region@region, "sf_column")
  if(length(region@strata.name) > 0){
    strata.names <- region@strata.name
    strata.no <- length(region@strata.name)
    strata.names <- region@region.name
    strata.no <- 1
  #Store original angles
  orig.angles <- object@design.angle
  #Make sure these are restored incase of a crash
  on.exit(object@design.angle <- orig.angles)
  #Now generate random design angles
  n <- length(which(object@design.angle == -1))
  object@design.angle <- ifelse(object@design.angle == -1, runif(n,0,179.9999), object@design.angle)
  if(length(object@design) == 1){
    design <- rep(object@design, strata.no)
    design <- object@design
  #Calculate effort allocation if only only one design or if using total line length and only if spacing has not been specified.
  if((length(object@design) == 1 || length(object@line.length) == 1 || length(object@samplers) == 1) && length(object@spacing) == 0){
    if(length(object@effort.allocation) == 0){
      #Use area
      effort.allocation <- region@area/sum(region@area)
      effort.allocation <- object@effort.allocation
  #Extract design parameters
  spacing <- object@spacing
  samplers <- object@samplers
  line.length <- object@line.length
  if(inherits(object, "Segment.Transect.Design")){
    seg.length <- object@seg.length
    seg.threshold <- object@seg.threshold
  #Check if only has one has been
  if(length(spacing) == 1){
    spacing <- rep(spacing, strata.no)
    by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
  }else if(length(spacing) == strata.no){
    by.spacing <- ifelse(is.na(spacing), FALSE, TRUE)
  }else if(length(spacing) == 0){
    by.spacing = rep(FALSE, strata.no)
  #If spacing has not been provided for any
    #If only a total number of samplers has been provided (and there is only one design)
    if(length(samplers) == 1 && length(unique(design) == 1)){
      if(all(design %in% c("systematic", "eszigzag", "eszigzagcom")) && length(object@effort.allocation) == 0){
        #Calculate spacing across entire study region for more equal effort (it will only be truly equal if the same design is used across strata)
        width <- calc.region.width(object)
        spacing <- width/samplers
        spacing <- ifelse(design == "eszigzagcom", spacing*2, spacing)
        by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
      }else if(all(design == "segmentedgrid") && length(object@effort.allocation) == 0 && length(unique(object@seg.length)) == 1){
        spacing <- rep(((sum(object@region@area)/samplers)+(seg.length[1]/2)^2)^0.5 - seg.length[1]/2, strata.no)
        by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
        #Have to allocate number of samplers per strata
        samplers <- round(samplers*effort.allocation)
    #If only a total line.length has been supplied
    if(length(line.length) == 1){
      width <- calc.region.width(object)
      ave.line.height <- (sum(object@region@area)/width)
      if(length(object@effort.allocation) == 0){
        if(all(design == "systematic")){
          tot.samplers <- line.length/ave.line.height
          spacing <- rep(width/tot.samplers, strata.no)
          by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
        }else if(all(design == "eszigzag")){
          spacing = (width * ave.line.height) / sqrt(line.length^2 - width^2)
          spacing <- rep(spacing, strata.no)
          by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
        }else if(all(design == "eszigzagcom")){
          spacing = (width * ave.line.height) / sqrt((line.length/2)^2 - width^2)
          spacing <- rep(spacing, strata.no)
          by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
        }else if(all(design == "segmentedgrid") && length(unique(object@seg.length)) == 1){
          tot.samplers <- line.length/seg.length[1]
          spacing <- rep(((sum(object@region@area)/tot.samplers)+(seg.length[1]/2)^2)^0.5 - seg.length[1]/2, strata.no)
          by.spacing <- rep(TRUE, strata.no)
          #there is a mix of designs or they are random
          line.length <- line.length*effort.allocation
        #Have to allocate line.length per strata
        line.length <- line.length*effort.allocation
    #If spacing has been provided for some but not all - deal with this in validation function!
    #Need to check only one option supplied for each strata
    # }else if(any(!by.spacing) && !all(!by.spacing)){
    #   for(strat in seq(along = strata.names)){
    #     if(!by.spacing[strat]){
    #     }
    #   }

  #Store all lines in a list
  transects <- list()
  polys <- list()
  trackline <- cyclictrackline <- numeric(0)
  #Iterate over strata calling the appropriate method for the design.
  #Main grid generation
  for (strat in seq(along = region@region[[sf.column]])) {
    if(design[strat] %in% c("systematic","random")){
      temp <- generate.parallel.lines(object, strat, samplers[strat], line.length[strat], spacing[strat], by.spacing[strat], quiet = quiet)
      transects[[strat]] <- temp$transects
      polys[[strat]] <- temp$cover.polys
      #If there are transects calculate the trackline
        spacing[strat] <- temp$spacing
        temp <- calculate.trackline.pl(transects[[strat]])
        trackline[strat] <- temp$trackline
        cyclictrackline[strat] <- temp$cyclictrackline
    }else if(design[strat] == "eszigzag" || design[strat] == "eszigzagcom"){
      temp <-  generate.eqspace.zigzags(object, strat, samplers[strat], line.length[strat], spacing[strat], by.spacing[strat], quiet = quiet)
      transects[[strat]] <- temp$transects
      polys[[strat]] <- temp$cover.polys
        spacing[strat] <- temp$spacing
        if(design[strat] == "eszigzag"){
          temp <- calculate.trackline.zz(transects[[strat]])
        }else if(design[strat] == "eszigzagcom"){
          temp <- calculate.trackline.zzcom(transects[[strat]])
        trackline[strat] <- temp$trackline
        cyclictrackline[strat] <- temp$cyclictrackline
    }else if(design[strat] == "segmentedgrid"){
      temp <-  generate.segmented.grid(object, strat, samplers[strat], line.length[strat], spacing[strat], by.spacing[strat], seg.length[strat], seg.threshold[strat], quiet = quiet)
      transects[[strat]] <- temp$transects
      polys[[strat]] <- temp$cover.polys
        spacing[strat] <- temp$spacing
        track.temp <- calculate.trackline.segl(transects[[strat]])
        trackline[strat] <- track.temp$trackline
        cyclictrackline[strat] <- track.temp$cyclictrackline
      message("This design is not supported at present")
      transects[[strat]] = NULL
  #Put transects into a multipart, linestring/multilinestring objects
  #Need to retain transect IDs as well as strata for lines
  if(length(transects) == 0){
      warning("No samplers generated.", immediate. = T, call. = FALSE)
  index <- which(sapply(transects, Negate(is.null)))
  cov.areas <- line.length <- sampler.count <- numeric(0)
  transect.count <- 0
  strata.id <- character(0)
  for(strat in seq(along = index)){
    for(i in seq(along = transects[[index[strat]]])){
      if(strat == 1 && i == 1){
        temp <- sf::st_sfc(transects[[index[strat]]][[i]])
        temp.poly <- sf::st_sfc(polys[[index[strat]]][[i]])
        transect.count <- 1
        strata.id <- strata.names[index[strat]]
        temp <- c(temp, sf::st_sfc(transects[[index[strat]]][[i]]))
        temp.poly <- c(temp.poly, sf::st_sfc(polys[[index[strat]]][[i]]))
        transect.count <- transect.count + 1
        strata.id <- c(strata.id, strata.names[index[strat]])
    line.length[index[strat]] <- sum(unlist(lapply(transects[[index[strat]]], FUN = sf::st_length)))
    cov.areas[index[strat]] <- sum(unlist(lapply(polys[[index[strat]]], FUN = sf::st_area)))
    sampler.count[index[strat]] <- length(transects[[index[strat]]])
  all.transects <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(transect = 1:transect.count, strata = strata.id, geom = temp))
  all.polys <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(transect = 1:transect.count, strata = strata.id, geom = temp.poly))
  #Set crs
  region.crs <- sf::st_crs(region@region)
  sf::st_crs(all.transects) <- region.crs
  sf::st_crs(all.polys) <- region.crs
  #Make a survey object
  if(inherits(object, "Segment.Transect.Design")){
    transect <- new(Class="Segment.Transect", design = object@design, lines = all.transects, samp.count = sampler.count, line.length = line.length, seg.length = seg.length, effort.allocation = object@effort.allocation, spacing = spacing, design.angle = object@design.angle, edge.protocol = object@edge.protocol, cov.area = cov.areas, cov.area.polys = all.polys, strata.area = region@area, strata.names = strata.names, trackline = trackline, cyclictrackline = cyclictrackline, seg.threshold = seg.threshold)
    transect <- new(Class="Line.Transect", design = object@design, lines = all.transects, samp.count = sampler.count, line.length = line.length, effort.allocation = object@effort.allocation, spacing = spacing, design.angle = object@design.angle, edge.protocol = object@edge.protocol, cov.area = cov.areas, cov.area.polys = all.polys, strata.area = region@area, strata.names = strata.names, trackline = trackline, cyclictrackline = cyclictrackline)
DistanceDevelopment/dssd documentation built on Dec. 2, 2023, 1:12 a.m.