
Defines functions cdf.ds

Documented in cdf.ds

#' Cumulative distribution function (cdf) for fitted distance sampling
#' detection function
#' Computes cdf values of observed distances from fitted distribution. For a
#' set of observed x it returns the integral of f(x) for the range= (inner, x),
#' where inner is the innermost distance which is observable (either 0 or left
#' if left truncated).  In terms of g(x) this is the integral of g(x) over
#' range divided by the integral of g(x) over the entire range of the data
#' (inner, W).
#' @param model fitted distance sampling model
#' @param newdata new data values if computed for values other than the
#' original observations
#' @return vector of cdf values for each observation
#' @note This is an internal function that is not intended to be invoked
#' directly.  It is called by \code{\link{qqplot.ddf}} to compute values for
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-von Mises tests and the Q-Q plot.
#' @author Jeff Laake
#' @seealso \code{\link{qqplot.ddf}}
#' @keywords utility
cdf.ds <- function(model, newdata=NULL){

  ltmodel <- model$ds
  width <- ltmodel$aux$width
  left <- ltmodel$aux$left
  ddfobj <-ltmodel$aux$ddfobj
  x <- ddfobj$xmat
  z <- ddfobj$scale$dm
  point <- model$meta.data$point

  # Set up integration ranges
    int.range <- as.matrix(cbind(rep(0, nrow(x)+1),
                                 c(width, x$distance)))
    int.range <- ltmodel$aux$int.range
      int.range <- matrix(int.range, nrow=1)
      int.range[,2] <- c(width, x$distance)
      int.range <- cbind(rep(int.range[1], nrow(x)+1),
                         c(width, x$distance))
  int.range <- int.range[-1, ]

  # Do integration of g(x) from inner (0 or left) to x
  #int1 <- integratepdf(ddfobj=ddfobj, select=rep(TRUE, nrow(x)), width=width,
  #                     int.range=int.range, standardize=TRUE, point=point,
  #                     left=left)
  # this seems easier to do the above this way...
  int1 <- predict(model, int.range=int.range, integrate=TRUE, esw=FALSE,

  # integral of g(x) over entire integration range
  int2 <- predict(model, integrate=TRUE, esw=FALSE, compute=TRUE)$fitted

  # Divide by integral of g(x) over entire integration range (e.g., 0 to W);
  # thus providing integral of f(x) from inner to x.
  fitted <- int1/int2

DistanceDevelopment/mrds documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 1:36 p.m.