
Defines functions detfct.fit

Documented in detfct.fit

#' Fit detection function using key-adjustment functions
#' Fit detection function to observed distances using the key-adjustment
#' function approach.  If adjustment functions are included it will alternate
#' between fitting parameters of key and adjustment functions and then all
#' parameters much like the approach in the CDS and MCDS Distance FORTRAN code.
#' To do so it calls \code{detfct.fit.opt} which uses the R optim function
#' which does not allow non-linear constraints so inclusion of adjustments does
#' allow the detection function to be non-monotone.
#' @aliases detfct.fit
#' @param ddfobj detection function object
#' @param optim.options control options for optim
#' @param bounds bounds for the parameters
#' @param misc.options miscellaneous options
#' @return fitted detection function model object with the following list
#'   structure \item{par}{final parameter vector} \item{value}{final negative
#'   log likelihood value} \item{counts}{number of function evaluations}
#'   \item{convergence}{see codes in optim} \item{message}{string about
#'   convergence} \item{hessian}{hessian evaluated at final parameter values}
#'   \item{aux}{ a list with 20 elements \itemize{ \item maxit: maximum number
#'   of iterations allowed for optimization \item lower: lower bound values for
#'   parameters \item upper: upper bound values for parameters \item setlower:
#'   TRUE if they are user set bounds \item setupper: TRUE if they are user set
#'   bounds \item point: TRUE if point counts and FALSE if line transect \item
#'   int.range: integration range values \item showit: integer value that
#'   determines information printed during iteration \item silent: option 
#'   to silence errors from detfct.fit.opt \item integral.numeric
#'   if TRUE compute logistic integrals numerically \item
#'   breaks: breaks in distance for defined fixed bins for analysis \item
#'   maxiter: maximum iterations used \item refit: if TRUE, detection function
#'   will be fitted more than once if parameters are at a boundary or when
#'   convergence is not achieved \item nrefits: number of refittings
#'   \item mono: if TRUE monotonicity will be enforced \item
#'   mono.strict: if TRUE, then strict monotonicity is enforced; otherwise weak
#'   \item width: radius of point count or half-width of strip \item
#'   standardize: if TRUE, detection function is scaled so g(0)=1 \item ddfobj:
#'   distance detection function object; see \code{\link{create.ddfobj}} \item
#'   bounded: TRUE if parameters ended up a boundary (I think) \item model:
#'   list of formulas for detection function model (probably can remove this)
#'   }}
#' @author Dave Miller; Jeff Laake
#' @importFrom numDeriv hessian
detfct.fit <- function(ddfobj, optim.options, bounds, misc.options){
  # Functions Used: assign.par, detfct.fit.opt, get.par

  # show debug information
  showit <- misc.options$showit
  # whether to silence errors from detfct.fit.optim
  silent <- misc.options$silent

  # keep a history of how the optimisation is doing
  # stores: convergence status (0=GOOD), lnl, pars
  misc.options$optim.history <- rep(NA, length(getpar(ddfobj))+2)

  # Count how we're doing...
  iter <- 0
  metaiter <- 0

  # If we have no adjustments then we can just do the optimisation -- no
  # complicated stuff. Also if:
  #  - we have uniform detection function
  #  - we're enforcing monotonicity
  if(is.null(ddfobj$adjustment) | ddfobj$type=="unif" |
     misc.options$mono | misc.options$nofit){

    if(misc.options$mono & ddfobj$type!="unif"){
      ## get best key pars first, not enforcing monotonicity
      save.mono <- misc.options$mono
      save.mono.strict <- misc.options$mono.strict
      misc.options$mono <- FALSE
      misc.options$mono.strict <- FALSE
      lt <- detfct.fit.opt(ddfobj, optim.options, bounds,
                           misc.options, fitting="key")
      misc.options$mono <- save.mono
      misc.options$mono.strict <- save.mono.strict
      # assign those parameters
      ddfobj <- assign.par(ddfobj, lt$par)
      # recalculate lower/upper bounds
      if(check.bounds(lt, bounds$lower, bounds$upper, ddfobj,
                      showit, bounds$setlower, bounds$setupper)){
        bounds <- setbounds(rep(NA, length(lt$par)), rep(NA, length(lt$par)),
                            lt$par, ddfobj, misc.options$width,

    lt <- detfct.fit.opt(ddfobj, optim.options, bounds, misc.options)

    # get the Hessian for the monotonicity model
      hess <- numDeriv::hessian(flnl, lt$par,
                                ddfobj=ddfobj, misc.options=misc.options)
      attr(lt, "details") <- list(nhatend=hess)
  # more complex situations require some cycling

    # get the starting values
    initialvalues <- getpar(ddfobj)

    # Now start to alternate between adjustment and key
    if(showit>=2) cat("DEBUG: starting to cycle the optimisation...\n")

    while(iter < misc.options$maxiter){

      # Variable to count sub iterations
      metaiter <- 0
      # loop through fitting the adjustment, key and full detection function
      for(fitting in c("adjust", "key", "all")){

        # don't do refitting when we are just fitting key or adjustments
        if(fitting == "adjust" | fitting == "key"){
          refit.save <- misc.options$refit
          misc.options$refit <- FALSE

        # report if we're in debug mode
        if(showit >= 2) {
          cat("DEBUG:", fitting, "iteration ", iter, ".", metaiter, "\n")
          cat("DEBUG: initial values =",
               paste(round(initialvalues, 7), collapse=", "), "\n")

        lt <- try(detfct.fit.opt(ddfobj, optim.options, bounds, misc.options,
                                 fitting=fitting), silent = silent)
        metaiter <- metaiter + 1

        # report failure
        if(inherits(lt, "try-error")){
            cat("DEBUG: iteration", iter, ", fitting", fitting, "failed.\n")
            stop("Fitting failed! Try again with better initial values.\n")
        # if everything went okay
          # update bounds
          bounds <- lt$bounds

          # report if we're in debug mode
          if(showit >= 2){
            cat("DEBUG: iteration", paste(iter, metaiter, sep="."),
                ":\n       Converge   =", lt$converge,
                "\n       nll        =", lt$value,
                "\n       parameters =", paste(round(lt$par, 7), collapse=", "),

          # were any of the pars NA? if so, reset to initialvalues
            lt$par[is.na(lt$par)] <- initialvalues[is.na(lt$par)]

          # save the optimisation history
          optim.history <- lt$optim.history
          misc.options$optim.history <- optim.history

          # setup starting values for the next iteration
          oh <- optim.history[!is.na(optim.history[,1]) &
                              optim.history[, 1]==0, ]
          if(fitting=="all" & !is.null(nrow(oh))){
            # use the best value so far
            initialvalues <- oh[which.max(oh[2]), -(1:2)]
            ddfobj <- assign.par(ddfobj, initialvalues)
            ddfobj <- assign.par(ddfobj, lt$par)
            initialvalues <- getpar(ddfobj)

        # restore the refit status
        misc.options$refit <- refit.save
        # did we converge in an "all" fitting situation? If so, we're done
        if(fitting == "all" & lt$conv==0) break
      } # end key/adjust/all loop

      # exit if we've converged
      if(lt$conv==0) break

      iter <- iter + 1
    } # end while loop

    # report if we ex
    if(iter > misc.options$maxiter){
      warning("Maximum iterations exceeded!", iter, ">",
              misc.options$maxiter, "\n")


  # calculate hessian if it didn't work during optimisation
  if(!misc.options$mono & (is.null(lt$hessian) || any(is.na(lt$hessian)))){
    # However, don't want to do this for uniform with no adjustments
    if(lt$aux$ddfobj$type == "unif" && is.null(lt$aux$ddfobj$adjustment)){
      # Do nothing - no hessian as nothing being estimated
      lt$hessian <- numDeriv::hessian(flnl, lt$par, ddfobj=ddfobj,

  if(showit >= 1){
    if(is.null(ddfobj$adjustment) & ddfobj$type=="unif"){
      cat("\nDEBUG: Convergence!",
          "\n       Iteration ", paste(iter, metaiter, sep="."),
          "\n       Converge   =", lt$converge,
          "\n       nll        =", lt$value,
      cat("\nDEBUG: Convergence!",
          "\n       Iteration ", paste(iter, metaiter, sep="."),
          "\n       Converge   =", lt$converge,
          "\n       nll        =", lt$value,
          "\n       parameters =", paste(round(lt$par, 7), collapse=", "), "\n")

  # get rid of the first (dummy) line of the optimisation history
  lt$optim.history <- lt$optim.history[-1, ]

  # Return some (hopefully correct) results
DistanceDevelopment/mrds documentation built on Feb. 15, 2024, 9:25 a.m.