Defines functions readWORDPRESS

Documented in readWORDPRESS

#' Read the WORDPRESS Corpus as CSV
#' Reads the CSV-files from a WORDPRESS BLOG corpus and seperates the text and meta
#' data.
#' @param path Character string with Path where the data files are.
#' @param file Character string with names of the CVS files.
#' @param do.meta Logical: Should the algorithm collect meta data?
#' @param do.text Logical: Should the algorithm collect text data?
#' @return \item{meta}{ id date title year number page_start page_stop pagetitle
#' shorttitle rubrik ressort dokumentmerkmal dachzeile abstract}
#' \item{text}{ Text (Paragraphenweise)} \item{metamult}{ signature person
#' koerperschaft company inkl. Kategorie(n)}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
#' @export readWORDPRESS
readWORDPRESS <- function(path = getwd(), file = list.files(path=path, pattern="*.csv$",
                                                          full.names = FALSE, recursive = TRUE),
                        do.meta = TRUE, do.text = TRUE){
    stopifnot(is.character(file), is.character(path),
              is.logical(do.meta), is.logical(do.text),
              length(path) == 1, length(do.meta) == 1, length(do.text) == 1)
    text <- NULL
    meta <- NULL
    for(i in 1:length(file)){
        #cat(paste(file[i]), "\n")
        csv <- read.csv(file= paste(path,file[i], sep="/"), header=TRUE, sep=",")
        id <- csv["id"][[1]]

            cand <- c("datum", "titel", "jahrgang", "nummer", "seite-start", "seite-ende", "seitentitel", "kurztitel", "rubrik", "ressort", "dokumentmerkmal", "dachzeile", "vorspann")

            cand_names <- c("date_gmt", "title", "year", "link","comment_count","author_id","author_name","categories","tags")
            mData <- NULL
            for(k in 1:length(cand_names)){
                mData_new <- csv[cand_names[k]]
                #mData_new <- removeXML(mData_new)
                  mData <- cbind(mData, mData_new)
            #mData <- as.data.frame(mData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            #colnames(mData) <- cand_names

            mData$year <- as.numeric(mData$year)
            mData$date_gmt <- as.Date(mData$date_gmt, format = "%Y-%m-%d")


            mData <- cbind(id, mData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            meta <- rbind(meta, mData)

            text_new <- csv["content"][[1]]
            text_new <- removeXML(text_new)
            names(text_new) <- id
            text <- as.list(c(text, text_new))
    res <- list("meta" = meta, "text" = text)
    class(res) <- "textmeta"
    #if (do.text) res <- deleteAndRenameDuplicates(res, paragraph = TRUE)
    #res2 <<- res
Docma-TU/tmT documentation built on May 5, 2022, 12:45 a.m.