
#### Simulation input ####

#' @importFrom data.table rbindlist

#' @include input.R elemental_get_helpers.R

#' Simulation input class
#' Objects of the \code{sim_input} class store objects of the \code{input} class (see \code{\link{class.input}}. The use of the \code{sim_input} class is to put all of the necessary \code{input} objects together for a simulation. During the simulation, the \code{sim_input} object will contain the values of the inputs at any given time.
#' \code{make.sim_input} for making a \code{sim_input} object.
#' There is a \code{show} method for the \code{sim_input} class. This method can be removed with the \code{remove.sim_inout.show} function and reinstated with the \code{sim_input.show}. This show method does not do anything different to if the object were just printed normally.
#' In a simulation, \code{sim_input} is used to monitor the value of the inputs, which serve as arguments for the functions that are necessary to operate a given model. See the section below. See \code{\link{input_monitor}}.
#' @slot input This is a list of the input objects that are required for a simulation.
#' @rdname class.sim_input

class.sim_input = setClass( "sim_input", slots = list( input = "list" ) )

#### Make a simulation input object ####

#' @rdname class.sim_input
#' @section Make a simulation input object:{
#' To create an object of \code{sim_input}, use the function \code{make.sim_input}.
#' }
#' @param ... The names of the desired \code{input} objects, separated by commas.
#' @examples
#' # Make some input objects
#' test_input1 = make.custom_input( "test_input1" )
#' test_input2 = make.custom_input( "test_input2" )
#' # Make a sim_input object
#' make.sim_input( test_input1, test_input2 )
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{make.custom_input}} to make \code{input} objects.
#' \code{\link{input_monitor}} for when \code{sim_input} is used in a simulation.
#' @export make.sim_input

make.sim_input = function( ... ){
    dot_args = list( ... )
    input_checker( dot_args )
    check = sapply( dot_args, function(x) is(x, "input") )
    names = sapply( dot_args, e_get.name )
    if ( !any( check ) ){
        message = paste( names[!check], collapse = ", " )
        stop( paste( "The arguments:", message, "are not of class 'input'" ) )
    x = lapply( dot_args, function( x ) slot(x, "input") )
    names(x) = names
    new( "sim_input", input = x )

input_checker = function( dot_args ){
    x = sapply( dot_args, class )
    if ( any( x != "input" ) ) stop( "Only enter objects of type 'input'" )

#' @rdname class.sim_input
#' @export sim_input.show
#' @format The \code{show} method prints the \code{sim_input} object as a \code{data frame}, which is what it would print out as without the \code{show} method.
sim_input.show = setMethod( "show", signature( object = "sim_input" ), function( object ) {
    print( object@input )
} )

#' @rdname class.sim_input
#' @export remove.sim_input.show
remove.sim_input.show = function() removeMethod( "show", signature( object = "sim_input" ) )
Don-Li/CAB_original documentation built on May 6, 2019, 2:53 p.m.