
#'src_connectR connect to Databases
#'Connects to databases currently using the odbc api, and also ecrypt password for safe storage.
#'@return Connection to database
#'@param dsn:The Data Source Name.
#'@param uid: User id for database connecting to.
#'@param pwd: User password for database
#'@param db: Database name i.e. TMG
#'@param Update: Update encrypted password
#'@param ...: Additional ODBC keywords, these will be joined with the other arguments to form the final connection string.
#'  #Standard connection to teradata and to database "postgres",
#'  unadviced as password in contained within the code:
#'    src_connectR(dsn = "POSTGRES", uid = "USERNAME", pwd = "PaSsword",
#'     db = "postgres", Update = F)
#'  #Standard connection to teradata and to all database,
#'  unadviced as password in contained within the code:
#'    src_connectR(dsn = "POSTGRES", uid = "USERNAME", pwd = "PaSsword",
#'     Update = F)
#'  #Connection to teradata and to all databases,
#'  R will take store encrypted username and password:
#'    connectR(dsn = "POSTGRES")
#'  #Connection to teradata and to all databases,
#'  as Update = TRUE, stored password will be updated:
#'    connectR(dsn = "POSTGRES",Update=T)

#----Wrapper for connecting for a connection function -----
src_connectR <-
  function(dsn = NULL,
           uid = NULL,
           pwd = NULL,
           Update = FALSE,
           db = NULL,
           auto_disconnect = FALSE) {
    if (!requireNamespace("assertthat", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("assertthat is required to use src_connectR", call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("dplyr is required to use src_connectR", call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("dbplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("dbplyr is required to use src_connectR", call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("DBI", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("DBI is required to use src_connectR", call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("sodium", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("sodium is required to use src_connectR", call. = FALSE)
    if (!is.character(dsn)) {
      stop("dsn must be character. Please check your odbc", call. = FALSE)
    #Simplity for user
    if (is.null(pwd) &&
        rstudioapi::isAvailable() &&
        !file.exists(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"))) {
      if (grepl("teradata", tolower(dsn))) {
        pwd <- rstudioapi::askForPassword("Input Password for Teradata")
        pwd <- rstudioapi::askForPassword("Input Password for Postgres")
      store(dsn, pwd)
    if (is.null(pwd) && rstudioapi::isAvailable() && Update == T) {
      if (grepl("teradata", tolower(dsn))) {
        pwd <- rstudioapi::askForPassword("Input Password for Teradata")
        pwd <- rstudioapi::askForPassword("Input Password for Postgres")
      store(dsn, pwd)
    # build the connection string - we need the dsn to be defined
    uid <- if (is.null(uid)) {
    } else {
    pwd <- if (is.null(pwd)) {
    } else {
    con <-
        dsn = toupper(dsn),
        uid = uid,
        pwd = pwd,
        database = db,
    ##details for class
    info <- DBI::dbGetInfo(con)
    info$package <-
      attr(attr(getClass(class(con)[1]), "className"), "package")
    info[c("host", "port")] <- NULL
    disco <- db_disconnector(con)
    if (isClass("connectR_connection", where = .GlobalEnv)) {
      removeClass("connectR_connection", where = .GlobalEnv)
             contains = class(con),
             where = .GlobalEnv)
    con <-
      structure(con, class = c("connectR_connection", class(con)))
    attributes(con)$info <- info
                    con = con,
                    disco = disco,
                    info = info)

sys <-
           "Darwin" = Sys.getenv("HOME"),
           "Windows" = Sys.getenv("USERPROFILE")

#---- encoding -----

store <-
  function(dsn, pwd) {
    nw(dsn, pwd) -> table
              file = paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"))

stage <-
  function(pwd) {
    msg <- charToRaw(pwd)
    pad <- sodium::random(length(msg))
    text <- base::xor(msg, pad)
    pad2 <- sodium::random(length(text))
    text2 <- base:::xor(text, pad2)
    table <- data.frame(
      HOST_R64K = rawToChar(pad),
      HOST_R64L = rawToChar(pad2),
      HOST_R64 = rawToChar(text2),
      stringsAsFactors = F

nw <-
  function(dsn, pwd) {
    if (grepl("teradata", tolower(dsn))) {
      if (!file.exists(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"))) {
        table <- stage(pwd)
      else {
        table <-
          read.csv(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"),
                   stringsAsFactors = F)
        t <- stage(pwd)
        table[,-1] -> table
        table[1,] <- t
    else {
      if (!file.exists(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"))) {
        t <- stage(pwd)
          HOST_R64K = NA,
          HOST_R64L = NA,
          HOST_R64 = NA,
          stringsAsFactors = F
        ) -> table
        table <- rbind(table, t)
      else {
        table <-
          read.csv(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"),
                   stringsAsFactors = F)
        t <- stage(pwd)
        table[,-1] -> table
        table[2,] <- t

HOST_R64 <-
  function(dsn) {
    t <-
      read.csv(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"), stringsAsFactors = F)
    if (grepl("teradata", tolower(dsn))) {
      t <- t[1,]
    } else {
      t <- t[2,]
    if (is.na(t$HOST_R64)) {
      pwd <- rstudioapi::askForPassword("Input Password for Database")
      store(dsn, pwd)
      t <-
        read.csv(paste0(sys(), "/HOST_R64.csv"), stringsAsFactors = F)
      if (grepl("teradata", tolower(dsn))) {
        t <- t[1,]
      } else {
        t <- t[2,]
    st <- base::xor(charToRaw(t$HOST_R64), charToRaw(t$HOST_R64L))
    pwd <- rawToChar(base::xor(st, charToRaw(t$HOST_R64K)))

#---- disconnector ----

db_disconnector <-
  function(con, quiet = FALSE) {
    reg.finalizer(environment(), function(...) {
      if (!quiet) {
        message("Auto-disconnecting ", class(con)[[1]])
DyfanJones/connectR documentation built on May 23, 2019, 10:32 p.m.