
Defines functions .fetch_file .fetch_unload .fetch_n

#' @include utils.R

.fetch_n <- function(res, result_class, n) {
  # assign token from AthenaResult class
  token <- res@info[["NextToken"]]

  if (length(token) == 0) n <- as.integer(n + 1)
  chunk <- as.integer(n)
  if (n > 1000L) chunk <- 1000L

  iterate <- 1:ceiling(n / chunk)

  # create empty list shell
  dt_list <- list()
  length(dt_list) <- max(iterate)

  for (i in iterate) {
    if (i == max(iterate)) chunk <- as.integer(n - (i - 1) * chunk)

    # get chunk with retry api call if call fails
    retry_api_call(result <- res@connection@ptr$Athena$get_query_results(
      QueryExecutionId = res@info[["QueryExecutionId"]],
      NextToken = token,
      MaxResults = chunk

    # process returned list
    output <- do.call(rbind, result[["ResultSet"]][["Rows"]])
    suppressWarnings(staging_dt <- rbindlist(output, use.names = FALSE))

    # remove colnames from first row
    if (i == 1 && length(token) == 0) {
      staging_dt <- staging_dt[-1, ]

    # ensure rownames are not set
    rownames(staging_dt) <- NULL

    # added staging data.table to list
    dt_list[[i]] <- staging_dt

    # if token hasn't changed or if no more tokens are available then break loop
    if ((length(token) != 0 &&
      token == result[["NextToken"]]) ||
      length(result[["NextToken"]]) == 0) {
    } else {
      token <- result[["NextToken"]]

  # combined all lists together
  dt <- rbindlist(dt_list, use.names = FALSE)

  # Update last token in s4 class
  res@info[["NextToken"]] <- result[["NextToken"]]

  # replace names with actual names
  Names <- do.call(rbind, result_class)[,"Name"]
  colnames(dt) <- as.character(Names)

  # convert data.table to tibble if using vroom as backend
  if (inherits(athena_option_env[["file_parser"]], "athena_vroom")) {
    as_tibble <- pkg_method("as_tibble", "tibble")
    dt <- as_tibble(dt)


.fetch_unload <- function(res) {
  result_info <- split_s3_uri(res@connection@info[["s3_staging"]])
  result_info[["key"]] <- gsub("^/", "", file.path(gsub("/$", "", result_info[["key"]]), res@info[["UnloadDir"]]))

  all_keys <- list()
  token <- NULL
  # Get all s3 objects linked to table
  i <- 1
  while (is.null(token) || length(token) != 0) {
    objects <- res@connection@ptr$S3$list_objects_v2(
      Bucket = result_info[["bucket"]], Prefix = result_info[["key"]], ContinuationToken = token
    token <- objects$NextContinuationToken
    all_keys[[i]] <- lapply(objects$Contents, function(x) list(Key = x[["Key"]]))
    i <- i + 1
  all_keys <- unlist(all_keys, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)

  if (!requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("unload methods requires the `arrow` package, please install it first and try again",
      call. = F

  df_list <- lapply(all_keys, function(x) {
      Bucket = result_info[["bucket"]],
      Key = x

  # convert data.table to tibble if using vroom as backend
  if (inherits(athena_option_env[["file_parser"]], "athena_vroom")) {
    if (!requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("`dplyr` package is required, please install it first and try again", call. = F)
    combine <- function(x) dplyr::bind_rows(x)
  } else {
    combine <- function(x) rbindlist(x)

.fetch_file <- function(res, result_class) {
  # create temp file
  File <- tempfile()

  result_info <- split_s3_uri(res@info[["OutputLocation"]])

  # connect to s3 and create a bucket object
  # download athena output
    Bucket = result_info[["bucket"]], Key = result_info[["key"]], Filename = File

  if (grepl("\\.csv$", result_info[["key"]])) {
    output <- athena_read(
  } else {
    output <- athena_read_lines(
DyfanJones/noctua documentation built on April 15, 2024, 3:22 p.m.