# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This function converts source dataset "knb-lter-hfr.118" (archived in the EDI
# Data Repository) to ecocomDP dataset "edi.193" (also archived in EDI)
# Arguments:
# path Where the ecocomDP tables will be written
# source_id Identifier of the source dataset
# derived_id Identifier of the derived dataset
# url The URL by which the derived tables and metadata can be accessed
# by a data repository. This argument is used when automating the
# repository publication step, but not used when manually
# publishing.
# Value:
# tables (.csv) ecocomDP tables
# metadata (.xml) EML metadata for tables
# Details:
# This function facilitates automated updates to the derived
# "edi.193" whenever new data are added to the source
# "knb-lter-hrf.118". The framework executing this maintenance
# routine is hosted on a remote server and jumps into action
# whenever an update notification is received for
# "knb-lter-hrf.118". The maintenance routine parses the
# notification to get the arguments to create_ecocomDP().
# Landing page to source dataset "knb-lter-hfr.118":
# https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/mapbrowse?scope=knb-lter-hfr&identifier=118
# Landing page to derived dataset "edi.193":
# https://portal.edirepository.org/nis/mapbrowse?scope=edi&identifier=193
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Libraries used by this function
library(EDIutils) # remotes::install_github("EDIorg/EDIutils")
library(taxonomyCleanr) # remotes::install_github("EDIorg/taxonomyCleanr")
create_ecocomDP <- function(path,
url = NULL) {
# Read source dataset -------------------------------------------------------
# The source dataset is about ant communities and their functional traits
# changing in response to an invasive species. Observations are made across
# habitat types within the Harvard Experimental Forest. The dataset consists
# of a primary table listing abundances at sites through time, and an
# ancillary table listing physical and functional traits of observed species.
# Read the source dataset from EDI
eml <- EDIutils::api_read_metadata(source_id)
data <- EDIutils::read_tables(
eml = eml,
strip.white = TRUE,
na.strings = "",
convert.missing.value = TRUE,
add.units = TRUE)
ants <- data$`hf118-01-ants.csv`
traits <- data$`hf118-02-functional-traits.csv`
ants$date <- ymd(ants$date)
# Join and flatten the source dataset ---------------------------------------
# Joining all source data and relevant metadata into one big flat table
# simplifies parsing into ecocomDP tables and facilitates referential
# integrity in the process.
# Remove duplicate data from the ancillary table and join on species "code"
traits <- traits %>% select(-genus, -species)
traits <- traits %>% rename(code = species.code)
wide <- left_join(ants, traits, by = "code")
# Convert wide format to "flat" format. This is the wide form but gathered on
# core observation variables, which are often > 1 in source datasets. This
# "flat" table is the "widest" ecocomDP datasets can be consistently returned
# to by the ecocomDP::flatten_data() function, and is the input format
# required by the "create table" helpers we'll meet shortly. This dataset
# only has one core observation variable, "abundance", so gathering really
# only entails a change of column names.
wide <- wide %>% rename(value_abundance = abundance)
flat <- pivot_longer(
cols = matches("abundance"),
names_to = c(".value", "variable_name"),
names_sep = '\\_')
# We're now in a good place to begin adding columns of the ecocomDP tables
# we can create from this source dataset. We'll begin with the observation
# table.
# Add columns for the observation table -------------------------------------
# The frequency and timing of surveys (events) varied throughout the history
# of this dataset and are uniquely identifiable by grouping sample dates by
# year and month.
flat$event_id <- flat %>% group_by(month = floor_date(flat$date, "month"),
year) %>% group_indices()
flat <- flat %>% arrange(event_id)
# Observations are made in plots, which are nested in blocks. Unique
# combinations of these form a location
flat$location_id <- flat %>% group_by(plot, block) %>% group_indices()
# Each row of the flattened source dataset represents an observation of taxa
# abundance and should have a unique ID for reference
flat$observation_id <- seq(nrow(flat))
# Add columns for the location table ----------------------------------------
# Ideally, the source dataset would include latitude, longitude, and
# elevation for each location_id, but all we have are coordinates for the
# area encompassing all sampling locations. The best we can do here is use
# the middle of the bounding box and mean of the bounding elevations.
geocov <- xml_find_all(eml, ".//geographicCoverage")
north <- xml_double(xml_find_all(geocov, './/northBoundingCoordinate'))
east <- xml_double(xml_find_all(geocov, './/eastBoundingCoordinate'))
south <- xml_double(xml_find_all(geocov, './/southBoundingCoordinate'))
west <- xml_double(xml_find_all(geocov, './/westBoundingCoordinate'))
elev_max <- xml_double(xml_find_all(geocov, './/altitudeMaximum'))
elev_min <- xml_double(xml_find_all(geocov, './/altitudeMinimum'))
flat$latitude <- mean(c(north, south))
flat$longitude <- mean(c(east, west))
flat$elevation <- mean(c(elev_max, elev_min))
# Add columns for the taxon table -------------------------------------------
# Taxonomic entities of this dataset are comprised of unique genus and
# species pairs
flat <- flat %>%
mutate(taxon_name = trimws(paste(genus, species))) %>%
select(-genus, -species)
flat$taxon_id <- flat %>% group_by(taxon_name) %>% group_indices()
# While not required, resolving taxonomic entities to an authority system
# improves the discoverability and interoperability of the ecocomDP dataset.
# We can resolve taxa by sending names through taxonomyCleanr for direct
# matches against the Integrated Taxonomic Information System
# (ITIS; https://www.itis.gov/).
taxa_resolved <- taxonomyCleanr::resolve_sci_taxa(
x = unique(flat$taxon_name),
data.sources = 3)
taxa_resolved <- taxa_resolved %>%
select(taxa, rank, authority, authority_id) %>%
rename(taxon_rank = rank,
taxon_name = taxa,
authority_system = authority,
authority_taxon_id = authority_id)
flat <- left_join(flat, taxa_resolved, by = "taxon_name")
# Add columns for the dataset_summary table ---------------------------------
dates <- flat$date %>% stats::na.omit() %>% sort()
# Use the calc_*() helper functions for consistency
flat$package_id <- derived_id
flat$original_package_id <- source_id
flat$length_of_survey_years <- ecocomDP::calc_length_of_survey_years(dates)
flat$number_of_years_sampled <- ecocomDP::calc_number_of_years_sampled(dates)
flat$std_dev_interval_betw_years <-
flat$max_num_taxa <- length(unique(flat$taxon_name))
flat$geo_extent_bounding_box_m2 <-
ecocomDP::calc_geo_extent_bounding_box_m2(west, east, north, south)
# Odds and ends -------------------------------------------------------------
# Rename source columns with an ecocomDP equivalent (date to datetime) and
# remove columns of redundant information (year can be recalculated from
# datetime and code was a key that no longer has use).
flat <- flat %>% rename(datetime = date) %>% select(-year, -code)
# The hard work is done! The flat table contains all the source data and
# more! We can now use the "create" functions to parse this table into the
# ecocomDP tables.
# Parse flat into ecocomDP tables -------------------------------------------
# Each ecocomDP table has an associated "create" function. Begin with the
# core required tables.
observation <- ecocomDP::create_observation(
L0_flat = flat,
observation_id = "observation_id",
event_id = "event_id",
package_id = "package_id",
location_id = "location_id",
datetime = "datetime",
taxon_id = "taxon_id",
variable_name = "variable_name",
value = "value",
unit = "unit")
location <- ecocomDP::create_location(
L0_flat = flat,
location_id = "location_id",
location_name = c("block", "plot"),
latitude = "latitude",
longitude = "longitude",
elevation = "elevation")
taxon <- ecocomDP::create_taxon(
L0_flat = flat,
taxon_id = "taxon_id",
taxon_rank = "taxon_rank",
taxon_name = "taxon_name",
authority_system = "authority_system",
authority_taxon_id = "authority_taxon_id")
dataset_summary <- ecocomDP::create_dataset_summary(
L0_flat = flat,
package_id = "package_id",
original_package_id = "original_package_id",
length_of_survey_years = "length_of_survey_years",
number_of_years_sampled = "number_of_years_sampled",
std_dev_interval_betw_years = "std_dev_interval_betw_years",
max_num_taxa = "max_num_taxa",
geo_extent_bounding_box_m2 = "geo_extent_bounding_box_m2")
# Create the ancillary ecocomDP tables. These are optional, but should be
# included if possible.
observation_ancillary <- ecocomDP::create_observation_ancillary(
L0_flat = flat,
observation_id = "observation_id",
variable_name = c("trap.type", "trap.num", "moose.cage"))
location_ancillary <- ecocomDP::create_location_ancillary(
L0_flat = flat,
location_id = "location_id",
variable_name = "treatment")
taxon_ancillary <- ecocomDP::create_taxon_ancillary(
L0_flat = flat,
taxon_id = "taxon_id",
variable_name = c(
"subfamily", "hl", "rel", "rll", "colony.size",
"feeding.preference", "nest.substrate", "primary.habitat",
"secondary.habitat", "seed.disperser", "slavemaker.sp",
"behavior", "biogeographic.affinity", "source"),
unit = c("unit_hl", "unit_rel", "unit_rll"))
# Create the variable_mapping table. This is optional but highly recommended
# as it provides unambiguous definitions to variables and facilitates
# integration with other ecocomDP datasets.
variable_mapping <- ecocomDP::create_variable_mapping(
observation = observation,
observation_ancillary = observation_ancillary,
location_ancillary = location_ancillary,
taxon_ancillary = taxon_ancillary)
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'abundance'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/individualCount'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'individualCount'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'treatment'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'The Ecosystem Ontology'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00000506'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'Manipulative experiment'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'trap.type'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'The Ecosystem Ontology'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00001591'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'type of trap'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'hl'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/measurementType'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'measurementType'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'rel'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/measurementType'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'measurementType'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'rll'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/measurementType'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'measurementType'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'colony.size'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'The Ecosystem Ontology'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00000311'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'Population'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'feeding.preference'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/behavior'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'behavior'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'primary.habitat'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'The Ecosystem Ontology'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00002736'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'type of habitat'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'secondary.habitat'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'The Ecosystem Ontology'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00002736'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'type of habitat'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'seed.disperser'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/behavior'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'behavior'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'slavemaker.sp'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/behavior'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'behavior'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'behavior'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/behavior'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'behavior'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'biogeographic.affinity'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'The Ecosystem Ontology'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.dataone.org/odo/ECSO_00002736'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'type of habitat'
i <- variable_mapping$variable_name == 'source'
variable_mapping$mapped_system[i] <- 'Darwin Core'
variable_mapping$mapped_id[i] <- 'http://purl.org/dc/terms/references'
variable_mapping$mapped_label[i] <- 'references'
# Write tables to file
path = path,
observation = observation,
location = location,
taxon = taxon,
dataset_summary = dataset_summary,
observation_ancillary = observation_ancillary,
location_ancillary = location_ancillary,
taxon_ancillary = taxon_ancillary,
variable_mapping = variable_mapping)
# Validate tables -----------------------------------------------------------
# Validation checks ensure the derived set of tables comply with the ecocomDP
# model. Any issues at this point
# should be addressed in the lines of code above, the tables rewritten, and
# another round of validation, to be certain the fix worked.
issues <- ecocomDP::validate_data(path = path)
# Create metadata -----------------------------------------------------------
# Before publishing the derived ecocomDP dataset, we need to describe it. The
# create_eml() function does this all for us. It knows the structure of the
# ecocomDP model and applies standardized table descriptions and mixes in
# important elements of the source dataset metadata for purposes of
# communication and provenance tracking.
# Convert "dataset level keywords" listed in the source to "dataset level
# annotations" in the derived. The predicate "is about" is used, which
# results in an annotation that reads "This dataset is about 'species
# abundance'", "This dataset is about 'Population'", etc. All source datasets
# involving a human induced manipulative experiment, not a natural
# disturbance/experiment, should include the "Manipulative experiment"
# annotation below to enable searching on this term.
dataset_annotations <- c(
`species abundance` =
Population =
`Manipulative experiment` =
`level of ecological disturbance` =
`type of ecological disturbance` =
# Add contact information for the author of this script and dataset
additional_contact <- data.frame(
givenName = 'Colin',
surName = 'Smith',
organizationName = 'Environmental Data Initiative',
electronicMailAddress = 'ecocomdp@gmail.com',
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Create EML metadata
eml <- ecocomDP::create_eml(
path = path,
source_id = source_id,
derived_id = derived_id,
is_about = dataset_annotations,
script = "create_ecocomDP.R",
script_description =
"A function for converting knb-lter-hrf.118 to ecocomDP",
contact = additional_contact,
user_id = 'ecocomdp',
user_domain = 'EDI',
basis_of_record = "HumanObservation")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.