
Defines functions assign_responsible_party_id append_rp annotate_element annotate_eml read_template_attributes issues validate_taxonomic_coverage_completeness validate_taxonomic_coverage_authority_system validate_taxonomic_coverage validate_templates

# Validate metadata template content
# @param fun.name
#     (character) Name calling function.
# @param x
#     (named list) The data and metadata object returned by \code{template_arguments()}.
# @return 
# \item{template_issues}{Any issues found in the validation process and 
# returned as a character vector. This object can be saved for later use 
# and viewed in a human readable form with \code{issues()}}.
# @details
#     Each template has a unique set of metadata providing valuable 
#     information about corresponding data objects. This function checks
#     for metadata content according to metadata best practices and the needs
#     of downstream processes in the EMLassemblyline. Each set of checks is 
#     applied within the scope of the calling function (i.e. \code{fun.name}),
#     which each has a unique set of needs and constraints. If the needs of 
#     down stream processes are not met, then the template content is modified 
#     and a message returned to the user.
#     All issues are compiled into a single report and returned to the user 
#     with a warning. This approach of not "failing fast" allows the user to 
#     address several issues at once.
validate_templates <- function(fun.name, x) {
  message("Checking inputs")
  attr_tmp <- read_template_attributes()
  # Called from annotate_eml() ------------------------------------------------
  if (fun.name == "annotate_eml") {
    # Initialize object for collecting issue messages
    issues <- c()
    # Annotations
    # validate_annotation(x)
    # r <- validate_annotation(x)
    # issues <- c(issues, r$issues)
    # x <- r$x
    # Return
    if (!is.null(issues)) {
        list(template_issues = issues),
        if(is.null(options("eal.env"))) {
        } else {
        "Input issues found. Use issues() to see them.",
        call. = FALSE)
  # Called from make_eml() ----------------------------------------------------
  if (fun.name == 'make_eml'){
    # Initialize object for collecting issue messages
    issues <- c()
    # Taxonomic coverage
    r <- validate_taxonomic_coverage(x)
    issues <- c(issues, r$issues)
    x <- r$x
    # Return
    if (!is.null(issues)) {
        list(template_issues = issues),
        if(is.null(options("eal.env"))) {
        } else {
        "Template issues found. Use issues() to see them.", 
        call. = FALSE)

# Validate the taxonomic_coverage template
# @param x
#     (named list) The data and metadata object returned by 
#     \code{template_arguments()}.
# @return
#     \item{issues}{(character) Descriptions of issues found in the template 
#     grouped by "required" and "optional" criteria.}
#     \item{x}{(named list) If "required" issues are found, then the template 
#     is removed.}
# @details 
#     Checks performed by this function:
#     \itemize{
#         \item Template column names
#         \item Taxonomic authority
#         \item Complete entries
#     }
#     Manipulations performed by this function:
#     \itemize{
#         \item Use raw names when a resolved name is missing. This ensures the taxon is not ommitted from the taxonomic coverage metadata.
#     }
validate_taxonomic_coverage <- function(x) {
  # Objects for catching required and optional issues
  required_issues <- c()
  optional_issues <- c()
  if (any(names(x$template) == "taxonomic_coverage.txt")) {
    # Default manipulation - Use raw names when a resolved name is missing
    missing <- x$template$taxonomic_coverage.txt$content$name_resolved == ""
    x$template$taxonomic_coverage.txt$content$name_resolved[missing] <- 
    # authority_system is supported
    r <- validate_taxonomic_coverage_authority_system(x)
    optional_issues <- c(optional_issues, r)
    # Relax constraints on this check to match those of 
    # taxonomyCleanr::make_taxonomicCoverage()
    # Complete entries are required
    # r <- validate_taxonomic_coverage_completeness(x)
    # required_issues <- c(required_issues, r)
  # Compile issues
  if (!is.null(required_issues)) {
    required_issues <- paste0(
      "Taxonomic coverage (Required) - Taxonomic coverage will be dropped ",
      "from the EML until these issues are fixed:\n",
        paste0(seq_along(required_issues), ". "),
        collapse = "\n"), 
  if (!is.null(optional_issues)) {
    optional_issues <- paste0(
      "Taxonomic coverage (Optional):\n",
        paste0(seq_along(optional_issues), ". "),
        collapse = "\n"), 
  issues <- c(required_issues, optional_issues)
  # Drop the taxonomic coverage template if required issues are found
  if (!is.null(required_issues)) {
    x$template$taxonomic_coverage.txt <- NULL
  # Return
  list(issues = issues, x = x)

# Check authority_system values in the taxonomic coverage template
# @param x 
#     (list) The data and metadata object returned by 
#     \code{template_arguments()}.
# @return
#     \item{error}{If column names are invalid}
#     \item{NULL}{If no issues were found}
validate_taxonomic_coverage_authority_system <- function(x) {
  authorities_supported <- c(
    'Catalogue of Life', 'ITIS', 'Integrated Taxonomic Information System',
    'https://www.itis.gov/', 'https://www.itis.gov', 'https://itis.gov', 
    'itis', 'World Register of Marine Species', 'WORMS', 'https://www.marinespecies.org/', 
    'http://www.marinespecies.org', 'http://marinespecies.org',
    'http://www.marinespecies.org/', 'https://www.marinespecies.org', 
    'https://marinespecies.org', 'worms', 'GBIF Backbone Taxonomy', 'GBIF', 
    'gbif', 'https://gbif.org', 'Tropicos - Missouri Botanical Garden')
  authorities_found <- 
  unsupported_authorities <- !((authorities_found %in% authorities_supported) | 
                                 (authorities_found == ""))
  if (any(unsupported_authorities)) {
      "Taxa resolved to unsupported authorities cannot be expanded into ",
      "their full taxonomic classifications. Unsupported authorities found ",
      "for entries: ",
      paste(which(unsupported_authorities), collapse = ", "), ". ",
      "Supported authorities are: ITIS, WORMS, GBIF")

# Check completeness of the taxonomic coverage template
# @param x 
#     (list) The data and metadata object returned by 
#     \code{template_arguments()}.
# @return
#     \item{error}{If column names are invalid}
#     \item{NULL}{If no issues were found}
validate_taxonomic_coverage_completeness <- function(x) {
  authorities <- x$template$taxonomic_coverage.txt$content$authority_system
  ids <- x$template$taxonomic_coverage.txt$content$authority_id
  incomplete_entries <- !((authorities != "")) == 
    ((ids != "") & (!is.na(ids)))
  if (any(incomplete_entries)) {
      "Missing inputs. A taxonomic authority and corresponding identifier is ",
      "missing from entries: ",
      paste(which(incomplete_entries), collapse = ", "))

# Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------

# View issues to function inputs
# @return
#     A message listing any issues found in EMLassemblyline function inputs (arguments and templates).
# @details 
#     Validation functions \code{validate_arguments()} and \code{validate_templates()} return a list of issues to the global 
#     environment in \code{argument_issues} and \code{template_issues} list objects, respectively. The \code{view_issues()} function wraps these issues in \code{message()} to provide a human readable form.
issues <- function() {
  arg <- exists(
    if(is.null(options("eal.env"))) {
    } else {
  tmp <- exists(
    if(is.null(options("eal.env"))) {
    } else {
  if (arg & tmp) {
    message(c(argument_issues, template_issues))
  } else if (arg) {
  } else if (tmp) {
  } else {
    message("No issues found")

read_template_attributes <- function() {
    system.file('extdata', 'template_characteristics.txt', package = 'ecocomDP'), 
    fill = TRUE,
    blank.lines.skip = TRUE)

# Annotate an EML file (.xml) or an emld list object
# @param annotations
#     (character; data frame) Path or data frame of the annotations.txt 
#     template for annotating \code{eml.in}. Create annotations.txt with 
#     \code{template_annotations()}.
# @param eml.in
#     (EML; emld list) Path to, or emld list of, the EML file to be annotated. 
#     Accepted versions of the emld list object can be created by
#     \code{EMLassemblyline::read_eml()} or \code{make_eml()}.
# @param eml.out
#     (character) Path of the annotated EML file to be written.
# @return
#     (EML; emld list) If the input to \code{eml.in} is an EML file then the
#     output will be an EML file. The emld list object is always returned.
# @note 
#     All annotated elements are assigned ids and their annotations are 
#     placed both immediately under the parent element (subject) when 
#     supported and within the /eml/annotations node through id+reference 
#     pairs. This redundant approach supports variation in where EML metadata 
#     consumers harvest this information and supports annotation of EML 
#     elements requiring id+references.
annotate_eml <- function(
  annotations = NULL, 
  eml.in = NULL, 
  eml.out = NULL) {
  # Validate arguments --------------------------------------------------------
    fun.name = 'annotate_eml',
    fun.args = as.list(environment()))
  if (is.character(eml.in) | is.list(eml.in)) {
    message("Annotating EML ...")
  # Read metadata templates ---------------------------------------------------
  if (is.character(annotations)) {
    x <- EAL_template_arguments(
      path = dirname(annotations)
  } else if (is.data.frame(annotations)) {
    x <- EAL_template_arguments()$x
    x$template$annotations.txt$content <- annotations
  # Validate templates --------------------------------------------------------
  # Don't rerun validate_templates() if it has already been run by make_eml().
  # Validation can take minutes.
  if (!any(stringr::str_detect(deparse(sys.calls()), "make_eml"))) {
    x <- validate_templates("annotate_eml", x)
  # Continue if annotations.txt hasn't been dropped after validation
  if (!is.null(x$template$annotations.txt)) {
    # Set parameters ----------------------------------------------------------
    # Read EML
    if (is.character(eml.in)) {
      eml <- EAL_read_eml(
        path = dirname(eml.in),
        eml = basename(eml.in))
    } else {
      eml <- eml.in
    # Replace blank cells with NAs and remove incomplete cases to make 
    # annotations data easier to use and to preempt assigning a subject an 
    # incomplete annotation.
    anno <- x$template$annotations.txt$content
    anno[anno == ""] <- NA_character_
    anno <- anno[stats::complete.cases(anno), ]
    # ResponsibleParty elements often recur throughout an EML record, each of 
    # which requires a unique ID. To facilitate expansion of ResponsibleParty
    # from the annotations.txt template, create an empty copy of the 
    # annotations data frame (anno) and fill it with ResponsibleParty elements 
    # gathered from the EML (rp). Then replace the ResponsibleParty of anno 
    # with rp and add to the /eml/datset/annotations element within the EML.
    rp <- anno[0, ]
    # Convert annotations into the list structure expected by EML::
    anno_ls <- lapply(
      function(k) {
          propertyURI = list(
            label = anno$predicate_label[k]),
          valueURI = list(
            label = anno$object_label[k]))
    # Annotate ----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Match annotatable elements (subjects) to their annotations listed in
    # the annotations.txt template. Target EML sub-trees where the subjects 
    # occur, extract their values and, when not unique, their context, then 
    # use these as keys to annotations.txt from which IDs and predicate
    # + object annotations are retrieved and assigned to the EML. Annotatable
    # elements only supported through ID references are added to  
    # /eml/dataset/annotations (e.g. ResponsibleParty).
    annotate_element <- function(element) {
      if (element == "dataset") {
        if (!is.null(eml$dataset)) {
          sub_i <- element
          eml$dataset$id <- unique(anno$id[anno$subject == sub_i])
          eml$dataset$annotation <- anno_ls[anno$subject == sub_i]
      } else if (element == "dataTable") {
        if (!is.null(eml$dataset$dataTable)) {
          for (k in seq_along(eml$dataset$dataTable)) {
            sub_i <- eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$physical$objectName
            if (sub_i != "") {
              eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$id <- unique(anno$id[anno$subject == sub_i])
              eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$annotation <- anno_ls[anno$subject == sub_i]
            for (m in seq_along(eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute)) {
              sub_i <- eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute[[m]]$attributeName
              con_i <- eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$physical$objectName
              use_i <- (anno$subject == sub_i) & (anno$context == con_i)
              eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute[[m]]$id <- unique(anno$id[use_i])
              eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute[[m]]$annotation <- anno_ls[use_i]
      } else if (element == "otherEntity") {
        if (!is.null(eml$dataset$otherEntity)) {
          for (k in seq_along(eml$dataset$otherEntity)) {
            sub_i <- eml$dataset$otherEntity[[k]]$physical$objectName
            if (sub_i != "") {
              eml$dataset$otherEntity[[k]]$id <- unique(anno$id[anno$subject == sub_i])
              eml$dataset$otherEntity[[k]]$annotation <- anno_ls[anno$subject == sub_i]
    # Assign IDs and annotations. Note: ResponsibleParty annotations are 
    # added to /eml/dataset/annotations (below).
    eml <- annotate_element("dataset")
    eml <- annotate_element("dataTable")
    eml <- annotate_element("otherEntity")
    eml <- annotate_element("ResponsibleParty")
    # Replace ResponsibleParty in anno with expanded ResponsibleParty in rp and 
    # update anno_ls so all annotations listed in /eml/dataset/annotations will
    # have the correct ID pairing.
    # (A patch for EML::) IDs within the annotations template uses a 
    # preceding "/" (e.g. /dataTable/attribute) that EML:: fails to include in 
    # the id attribute of annotatable elements but does include in the
    # references attribute of /eml/dataset/annotations/annotation. Remove 
    # preceding "/" from anno$id until this is fixed in EML::.
    anno <- anno[anno$element != "/ResponsibleParty", ]
    anno <- rbind(anno, rp)
    anno$id <- stringr::str_remove(anno$id, "^/")
    anno_ls <- lapply(
      function(k) {
          propertyURI = list(
            label = anno$predicate_label[k]),
          valueURI = list(
            label = anno$object_label[k]))
    # Create the /dataset/annotations node and append below.
    annotations <- list(
      annotation = lapply(
        function(k) {
            references = anno$id[k],
            propertyURI = list(
              label = anno_ls[[k]]$propertyURI$label,
              propertyURI = anno_ls[[k]]$propertyURI[[1]]),
            valueURI = list(
              label = anno_ls[[k]]$valueURI$label,
              valueURI = anno_ls[[k]]$valueURI[[1]]))
    # Remove unused references from the /dataset/annotations node or the EML will
    # be invalid
    rmatch <- function(x, name) {
      pos <- match(name, names(x))
      if (!is.na(pos)) return(x[[pos]])
      for (el in x) {
        if (methods::is(el, "list")) {
        # if (class(el) == "list") {
          out <- Recall(el, name)
          if (!is.null(out)) return(out)
    references <- unlist(
    eml_flattened <- unlist(eml)
    eml_ids <- eml_flattened[
      stringr::str_detect(names(eml_flattened), "id")]
    annotation_ids <- stringr::str_remove(
        stringr::str_detect(eml_ids, "/")], 
    annotations_clean <- annotations$annotation[
      references %in% annotation_ids]
    # Add the /eml/datset/annotations element created and cleaned above
    eml$annotations$annotation <- annotations_clean
    # Return ------------------------------------------------------------------
    # If writing to file, then update packageId, schemaLocation, and EML version.
    if (is.character(eml.in)) {
      eml$packageId <- basename(tools::file_path_sans_ext(eml.out))
      eml$schemaLocation <- "eml://ecoinformatics.org/eml-2.2.0  http://nis.lternet.edu/schemas/EML/eml-2.2.0/xsd/eml.xsd"
      EML::write_eml(eml, eml.out)
    if (is.character(eml.in) | is.list(eml.in)) {

# Annotate an EML element
# This is a helper function for \code{annotate_eml()}.
# @param element 
#     (character) Element to be annotated
# @param eml 
#     (emld list) EML to be annotated
# @param anno
#     (data.frame) The annotations.txt template
# @param rp
#     (data.frame) The responsibleParty table
# @return
# \item{eml}{emld list object being annotated}
# @details 
# Match annotatable elements (subjects) to their annotations listed in
# the annotations.txt template. Target EML sub-trees where the subjects 
# occur, extract their values and, when not unique, their context, then 
# use these as keys to annotations.txt from which IDs and predicate + 
# object annotations are retrieved and assigned to the EML. Annotatable
# elements only supported through ID references are added to 
# /eml/dataset/annotations (e.g. ResponsibleParty).
annotate_element <- function(element, eml, anno, rp) {
  if (element == "dataset") {
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset)) {
      sub_i <- element
      eml$dataset$id <- unique(anno$id[anno$subject == sub_i])
      eml$dataset$annotation <- anno_ls[anno$subject == sub_i]
  } else if (element == "dataTable") {
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$dataTable)) {
      for (k in seq_along(eml$dataset$dataTable)) {
        sub_i <- eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$physical$objectName
        if (sub_i != "") {
          eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$id <- unique(anno$id[anno$subject == sub_i])
          eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$annotation <- anno_ls[anno$subject == sub_i]
        for (m in seq_along(eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute)) {
          sub_i <- eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute[[m]]$attributeName
          con_i <- eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$physical$objectName
          use_i <- (anno$subject == sub_i) & (anno$context == con_i)
          eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute[[m]]$id <- unique(anno$id[use_i])
          eml$dataset$dataTable[[k]]$attributeList$attribute[[m]]$annotation <- anno_ls[use_i]
  } else if (element == "otherEntity") {
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$otherEntity)) {
      for (k in seq_along(eml$dataset$otherEntity)) {
        sub_i <- eml$dataset$otherEntity[[k]]$physical$objectName
        if (sub_i != "") {
          eml$dataset$otherEntity[[k]]$id <- unique(anno$id[anno$subject == sub_i])
          eml$dataset$otherEntity[[k]]$annotation <- anno_ls[anno$subject == sub_i]
  } else if (element == "ResponsibleParty") {
    # Responsible party --------------------------------------
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$creator)) {
      r <- assign_responsible_party_id(eml$dataset$creator, anno, rp)
      eml$dataset$creator <- r$responsible.party
      rp <- r$rp
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$contact)) {
      r <- assign_responsible_party_id(eml$dataset$contact, anno, rp)
      eml$dataset$contact <- r$responsible.party
      rp <- r$rp
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$associatedParty)) {
      eml$dataset$associatedParty <- lapply(
        function(k) {
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$project$personnel)) {
      eml$dataset$project$personnel <- lapply(
        function(k) {
    if (!is.null(eml$dataset$project$relatedProject)) {
      eml$dataset$project$relatedProject <- lapply(
        function(k) {
          k$personnel <- lapply(
            function(m) {

# Assign ResponsibleParty IDs and append recurrences to the rp data frame
# This is a helper function for \code{annotate_eml()}
# @param responsible.party
#     (emld list) A ResponsibleParty EML node in the emld list format.
# @param annotations.template
#     (data.frame) The annotations template created within 
#     \code{annotate_eml()}.
# @return
#     \item{responsible.party}{(emld list) Annotated responsible party node}
#     \item{rp}{(data.frame) the rp object}
append_rp <- function(responsible.party, annotations.template) {
  subject <- paste(
    collapse = " ")
  if ((subject != "") & any(annotations.template$subject == subject)) {
    responsible.party$id <- paste0(
          annotations.template$subject == subject]),
      " ",
      uuid::UUIDgenerate(use.time = TRUE))
    rp <- suppressWarnings(
        id = responsible.party$id,
          annotations.template$subject == subject,
          c("element", "context", "subject", "predicate_label",
            "predicate_uri", "object_label", "object_uri")
      responsible.party = responsible.party, 
      rp = rp)

# Update the rp object with ID information
# This is a helper function for \code{annotate_eml()}
# @param responsible.party
#     (emld list) A ResponsibleParty EML node in the emld list format.
# @param anno
#     (data.frame) The annotations template created within 
#     \code{annotate_eml()}.
# @param rp
#     (data.frame) A growing set of responsible party metadata to be used
#     in \code{annotate_eml()}
# @return
#     \item{responsible.party}{(emld list) Annotated responsible party node}
#     \item{rp}{(data.frame) the rp object}
assign_responsible_party_id <- function(responsible.party, anno, rp) {
  r <- lapply(
    function(k) {
        responsible.party = k,
        annotations.template = anno)
    responsible.party = lapply(r, `[[`, 1),
    rp = data.table::rbindlist(lapply(r, `[[`, 2)))
EDIorg/ecocomDP documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 9:34 a.m.