
Defines functions read_template_attributes to_docbook EAL_template_arguments

# Create a list of EML func inputs
# @description  
#     Initialize the full list of possible inputs to \code{make_eml()}
#     functions (i.e. function arguments, metadata templates, and data 
#     objects). This enables bridging of upstream metadata and data sources 
#     (e.g. metabases, databases, Excel files, web forms, etc.).
# @param path 
#     (character) Path to the directory containing \code{make_eml()} 
#     metadata templates.
# @param data.path
#     (character) Path to the directory containing \code{data.table} and 
#     \code{other.entity} data objects.
# @param data.table
#     (character) File names of data tables. If more than one, then supply as 
#     a vector (e.g. \code{data.table = c('decomp.csv', 'nitrogen.csv')}).
# @param other.entity
#     (character) File names of other entity data objects. If more than one, 
#     then supply as a vector (e.g. 
#     \code{other.entity = c('ancillary_data.zip', 'processing_and_analysis.R')}).
# @param sep
#     (character) Data table field delimiter. Use this if this function fails
#     to read your \code{data.table}.
# @param empty
#     (logical) Initialize the output with a set of empty metadata templates?
#     This option is useful when wanting to transfer metadata directly into
#     the template files without having to call the templating functions.
# @details 
#     Character encoding in tabular metadata templates is converted to UTF-8 
#     via \code{enc2utf8()}. Characters in TextType metadata templates are not
#     yet converted. Note: This may lead to an inaccuracy and disconnect 
#     between values in the data objects and what is reported in the EML (e.g.
#     a categorical variable listed in the EML may not be the same as it's 
#     corresponding value in the data object). To reduce the chance of this,
#     warnings are issued if the input data object from which the metadata was
#     extracted is not UTF-8 encoded.
# @return 
#     (named list) A list of all \code{make_eml()} arguments, specified 
#     metadata templates and data objects.
EAL_template_arguments <- function(
  path = NULL, 
  data.path = NULL, 
  data.table = NULL,
  other.entity = NULL, 
  sep = NULL,
  empty = FALSE) {
  # # Validate arguments --------------------------------------------------------
  # validate_arguments(
  #   fun.name = 'template_arguments',
  #   fun.args = as.list(environment()))
  # Parameterize --------------------------------------------------------------
  # If empty = TRUE, then set path to /inst/templates so empty templates can
  # be read.
  if (isTRUE(empty)) {
    path <- system.file("extdata", "/eal_templates", package = "ecocomDP")
  # Get attributes of template files and arguments
  attr_arg <- data.table::fread(
    file = system.file(
      package = 'ecocomDP'),
    fill = TRUE,
    blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
  attr_tmp <- read_template_attributes()
  # Initialize arguments ------------------------------------------------------
  output <- vector('list', nrow(attr_arg))
  names(output) <- attr_arg$argument_name
  # Initialize templates ------------------------------------------------------
  # Distinguish metadata templates from other files located at path.
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    path_files <- list.files(path)
    if (!length(path_files) == 0) {
      is_template <- rep(FALSE, length(path_files))
      for (i in 1:length(path_files)){
        is_template[i] <- any(
          stringr::str_detect(path_files[i], attr_tmp$regexpr))
      templates <- vector('list', length(path_files[is_template]))
      names(templates) <- enc2utf8(path_files[is_template])
  } else {
    templates <- NULL
  # Add empty versions of all metadata templates if argument empty = TRUE.
  # Only include .txt extensions to prevent duplication.
  if (isTRUE(empty)) {
    path_files <- list.files(path)
    is_template <- rep(FALSE, length(path_files))
    for (i in 1:length(path_files)){
      is_template[i] <- any(
        stringr::str_detect(path_files[i], attr_tmp$regexpr))
    templates <- vector('list', length(path_files[is_template]))
    names(templates) <- enc2utf8(path_files[is_template])
    templates[stringr::str_detect(names(templates), ".docx|.md")] <- NULL
  # Initialize data tables ----------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(data.table)){
    data_table <- validate_file_names(
      path = data.path,
      data.files = data.table)
    data_tables <- vector('list', length(data_table))
    names(data_tables) <- enc2utf8(as.character(data_table))
  } else {
    data_tables <- NULL
  # Initialize other entities -------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(other.entity)){
    other_entity <- validate_file_names(
      path = data.path,
      data.files = other.entity)
    other_entities <- vector('list', length(other_entity))
    names(other_entities) <- enc2utf8(as.character(other_entity))
  } else {
    other_entities <- NULL
  # Read templates ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!is.null(path)) {
    # Helper functions for reading templates
    read_tbl <- function(f) {
      # Convert NA to "" expected by EAL funcitons. Assume NA listed
      # under missingValueCode of the attributes template is "" unless 
      # accompanied by a missingValueCodeExplanation
      d <- as.data.frame(
          file = f,
          fill = TRUE,
          blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
          sep = "\t",
          quote = "",
          colClasses = list(
            character = 1:utils::count.fields(f, sep = "\t")[1])))
      # Clean up result
      for (k in 1:ncol(d)) {
        # Remove bookend quote characters mistakenly added by some file writers
        # where values contain commas
        d[ , k] <- stringr::str_remove_all(d[ , k], "\"")
        # Re-encode metadata in UTF-8
        d[ , k] <- enc2utf8(d[ , k])
    read_txt <- function(f) {
      txt <- EML::set_TextType(f)
    # Loop through each metadata template found at path
    tfound <- names(templates)
    for (i in 1:length(tfound)){
      # Read abstract ---------------------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "abstract"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_txt(
          paste0(path, '/', tfound[i]))
      # Read additional information -------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "additional_info"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_txt(
          paste0(path, '/', tfound[i]))
      # Read annotations ------------------------------------------------------
      # Use read_tbl()
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "annotations"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read attributes (data table) ------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "attributes"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
        if (any(is.na(templates[[i]]$content$missingValueCode))) {
          # Ensure any NA missing value codes are expressed as strings 
          # (i.e. "NA") otherwise they will not be recognized by downstream
          # functions
            is.na(templates[[i]]$content$missingValueCode)] <- "NA"
      # Read categorical variables --------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "catvars"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read custom units -----------------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "custom_units"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read geographic bounding boxes ----------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "bounding_boxes"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read geographic coverage ----------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "geographic_coverage"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read intellectual rights ----------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "intellectual_rights"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_txt(
          paste0(path, '/', tfound[i]))
      # Read keywords ---------------------------------------------------------
      # Remove rows with empty keywords
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "keywords"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read methods ----------------------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "methods"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_txt(
          paste0(path, '/', tfound[i]))
      # Read personnel --------------------------------------------------------
      # Homogenize case of the 'role' field (i.e. use tolower())
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "personnel"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read provenance -------------------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "provenance"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
      # Read taxonomic coverage -----------------------------------------------
      if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "taxonomicCoverage"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- list(
          taxonomicClassification = EML::read_eml(
            paste0(path, '/', tfound[i]))$taxonomicClassification)
      } else if (stringr::str_detect(
        attr_tmp$regexpr[attr_tmp$template_name == "taxonomic_coverage"])) {
        templates[[i]]$content <- read_tbl(
          paste0(path, "/", tfound[i]))
  # Read data tables ----------------------------------------------------------
  # Warn user of possible empty columns (i.e. "V([:digit:])*")
  if (!is.null(data.table)) {
    for (i in 1:length(data.table)) {
      f <- paste0(data.path, "/", data.table[i])
      if (is.null(sep)){
        data_tables[[i]]$content <- as.data.frame(
            file = f,
            fill = TRUE,
            blank.lines.skip = TRUE))
      } else {
        data_tables[[i]]$content <- utils::read.table(
          file = f,
          header = T,
          sep = sep,
          quote = "\"",
          as.is = TRUE,
          comment.char = "")
  # Read other entities -------------------------------------------------------
  # if (!is.null(other.entity)) {
  #   # for (i in 1:length(other.entity)) {
  #   #   other_entities[[i]]$content <- NA
  #   # }
  # }
  # Combine components & return -----------------------------------------------
  output$x <- list(
    template = templates,
    data.table = data_tables,
    other.entity = other_entities)

# Helper functions ------------------------------------------------------------

# Convert to docbook
# This function is not exported from the EML R Package but useful here
# @param file
#     (character) Full path to file to be read into docbook
# @return
#     (xml) Docbook XML R object
to_docbook <- function(file = NULL) {
  if (!tools::file_ext(file) %in% c("xml", "dbk", "db")) {
    ## Not xml yet, so use pandoc to generate docbook
    if (!requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("rmarkdown package required to convert to Docbook format",
           call. = FALSE
    if (!rmarkdown::pandoc_available()) {
      stop(paste("Pandoc is required to convert to Docbook format.",
                 "Please supply input text directly"),
           call. = FALSE
    pandoc_convert <-
      getExportedValue("rmarkdown", "pandoc_convert")
    wd <- getwd()
    dir <- tempdir()
    file.copy(file, file.path(dir, basename(file)), overwrite = TRUE)
    docbook_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = ".", fileext = ".xml")
      to = "docbook",
      output = normalizePath(docbook_file, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE),
      options = "-s"
    docbook <- xml2::read_xml(docbook_file)
  } else {
    ## File is already xml/docbook, so no need for pandoc
    docbook <- xml2::read_xml(file)
  ## Unlike EML, treat this as literal!

read_template_attributes <- function() {
      package = 'ecocomDP'), 
    fill = TRUE,
    blank.lines.skip = TRUE)
EDIorg/ecocomDP documentation built on Aug. 22, 2024, 9:34 a.m.