# Validate arguments of ecocomDP functions
# @description
# Validate input arguments to ecocomDP functions.
# @param fun.name
# (character) Name of function from which \code{validate_arguments()} is
# called.
# @param fun.args
# (named list) Arguments passed to calling function and formatted as
# \code{as.list(environment())}.
# @details
# Validation checks are function specific.
validate_arguments <- function(fun.name, fun.args) {
# Parameterize --------------------------------------------------------------
use_i <- sapply(fun.args, function(X) identical(X, quote(expr=)))
fun.args[use_i] <- list(NULL)
criteria <- read_criteria()
# convert_to_dwca() ---------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "convert_to_dwca") {
if (fun.args$core_name != "event") {
stop("Invalid input to 'core_name'. Only 'event' is currently supported.", call. = FALSE)
# create_eml() --------------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "create_eml") {
# Basis of record
if (!is.null(fun.args$basis_of_record)) {
if (length(fun.args$basis_of_record) > 1) {
stop("Only one basis_of_record is allowed.", call. = FALSE)
if ((fun.args$basis_of_record != "HumanObservation") &
(fun.args$basis_of_record != "MachineObservation")) {
stop("Invalid input to 'basis_of_record'. Must be 'HumanObservation' or 'MachineObservation'.", call. = FALSE)
# create_ecocomDP.R - A standard script format facilitates maintenance
if (is.null(fun.args$script)) {
# Warning Input argument 'script' is missing
stop("Input 'script' is missing.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (is.null(fun.args$script_description)) {
stop("Input 'script_description' is missing.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(fun.args$script)) {
# Only one script is allowed
if (length(fun.args$script) != 1) {
stop("Only one 'script' is allowed.", call. = FALSE)
# Can be found in path
if (!(fun.args$script %in% dir(fun.args$path))) {
stop(paste0("The 'script' ", fun.args$script, " cannot be found ",
"at 'path'."),
call. = FALSE)
# Has name 'create_ecocomDP.R'
if (fun.args$script != "create_ecocomDP.R") {
stop("The 'script' must have the name: 'create_ecocomDP.R'.", call. = FALSE)
# Has func 'create_ecocomDP()' including recommended arguments
check_script(path = paste0(fun.args$path, "/create_ecocomDP.R"))
# create_tables() -----------------------------------------------------------
if (stringr::str_detect(fun.name, "^create_")) {
flat <- fun.args$L0_flat
cols <- fun.args[names(fun.args) %in% stats::na.omit(criteria$column)] # Col args can be assigned any value, so we need a map
# Table specific checks
if (fun.name == "create_observation") {
var_lengths <- c(length(fun.args$variable_name), length(fun.args$value), length(fun.args$unit))
if (any(var_lengths != 1)) {
stop("Only one input is allowed to 'variable_name', 'value', and 'unit'. Gather your primary observation variables into long format before calling this function.", call. = FALSE)
# Check input cols exist in L0_flat
cols_expctd <- unlist(cols, use.names = FALSE)
cols_in_flat <- cols_expctd %in% colnames(flat)
if (!all(cols_in_flat)) {
stop("Columns not in 'L0_flat': ", paste(cols_expctd[!cols_in_flat], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
# Rename input cols according to L1 specifications so the resulting L1 table is valid
cols2rename <- base::setdiff(names(cols), c("variable_name", "unit", "location_name"))
cols2rename <- unlist(cols[cols2rename])
cols_flat <- colnames(flat)
cols_flat[match(cols2rename, cols_flat)] <- names(cols2rename)
colnames(flat) <- cols_flat
cols[names(cols2rename)] <- names(cols[names(cols2rename)])
# Check unit cols follow required format and have matching variable_name, otherwise downstream processes will error
if (fun.name != "create_observation") { # Exception: Unit input to create_observation() is already gathered
if ("unit" %in% names(cols)) {
hasfrmt <- stringr::str_detect(cols$unit, "^unit_")
if (!all(hasfrmt)) {
stop("Unexpected 'unit' formats: ",
paste(cols$unit[!hasfrmt], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(cols$variable_name)) {
hasmatch <- stringr::str_remove_all(cols$unit, "^unit_") %in% cols$variable_name
if (!all(hasmatch)) {
stop("Input 'unit' without 'variable_name' match: ",
paste(cols$unit[!hasmatch], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
# Return modified arguments to the calling function
fun.args$L0_flat <- flat
fun.args[names(cols)] <- cols
list2env(fun.args, envir = parent.frame(1))
# flatten_data() ------------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "flatten_data") {
crit <- read_criteria()
# list
if (all(class(fun.args$tables) != "list")) {
stop("Input 'tables' should be a list.", call. = FALSE)
# names
nms <- names(fun.args$tables)
expctd <- nms %in% unique(crit$table)
if (any(!expctd)) {
stop("Unrecognized tables: ", paste(nms[!expctd], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
# plot_*() ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "plot") {
# alpha
if (!is.null(fun.args$alpha)) {
if (!(fun.args$alpha <= 1 & fun.args$alpha > 0)) {
stop("Intput 'alpha' should be 0-1.", call. = FALSE)
# time_window_size
if (!is.null(fun.args$time_window_size)) {
if (!fun.args$time_window_size %in% c("day", "month", "year")) {
stop('Intput "time_window_size" must be "day", "month",or "year"', call. = FALSE)
# facet_scales
if (!is.null(fun.args$facet_scales)) {
if (!fun.args$facet_scales %in% c("free", "fixed", "free_x", "free_y")) {
stop('Intput "facet_scales" must be "free", "fixed", "free_x", or ',
'"free_y"', call. = FALSE)
# search_data() -------------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "search_data") {
# text
if (!is.null(fun.args$text) & !is.character(fun.args$text)) {
stop("Input 'text' must be of class 'character'.", call. = F)
# taxa
if (!is.null(fun.args$taxa) & !is.character(fun.args$taxa)) {
stop("Input 'taxa' must be of class 'character'.", call. = F)
# num_taxa
if (!is.null(fun.args$num_taxa)) {
if (!is.numeric(fun.args$num_taxa)) {
stop("Input 'num_taxa' must be of class 'numeric'.", call. = F)
if (length(fun.args$num_taxa) != 2) {
"Input 'num_taxa' must have a minimum and maximum value.",
call. = F)
# num_years
if (!is.null(fun.args$num_years)) {
if (!is.numeric(fun.args$num_years)) {
stop("Input 'years' must be of class 'numeric'.", call. = F)
if (length(fun.args$num_years) != 2) {
"Input 'years' must have a minimum and maximum value.",
call. = F)
# sd_years
if (!is.null(fun.args$sd_years)) {
if (!is.numeric(fun.args$sd_years)) {
"Input 'sd_years' must be of class 'numeric'.",
call. = F)
if (length(fun.args$sd_years) != 2) {
"Input 'sd_years' must have a minimum and maximum value.",
call. = F)
# area
if (!is.null(fun.args$area)) {
if (!is.numeric(fun.args$area)) {
"Input 'area' must be of class 'numeric'.",
call. = F)
if (length(fun.args$area) != 4) {
"Input 'area' must have North, East, South, and West ",
"coordinates." ),
call. = F)
# boolean
if (!is.null(fun.args$boolean)) {
if (!(tolower(fun.args$boolean) %in% c("and", "or"))) {
"Valid inputs to 'boolean' are: 'AND', 'OR'",
call. = F)
# validate_data() -------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "validate_data") {
# path
if (!is.null(fun.args$path)) {
if (!dir.exists(fun.args$path)) { # exists
stop("Input 'path' doesn't exits.", call. = F)
# dataset
if (!is.null(fun.args$dataset)) {
if (detect_data_type(fun.args$dataset) == "dataset") {
} else if (detect_data_type(fun.args$dataset) == "dataset_old") {
# read_data() ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "read_data") {
if (is.null(fun.args$from)) { # EDI is accessible (required by many functions)
# id
if (!is.null(fun.args$id)) {
if (!is.character(fun.args$id)) { # is character
stop("Input 'id' should be character.", call. = FALSE)
validate_id(fun.args$id) # exists and warns if newer
# path
if (!is.null(fun.args$path)) {
if (!dir.exists(fun.args$path)) { # exists
stop("Input 'path' (", fun.args$path, ") doesn't exist.", call. = FALSE)
# parse_datetime
if (!is.null(fun.args$parse_datetime)) {
if (!is.logical(fun.args$parse_datetime)) { # is logical
stop("Input 'parse_datetime' should be logical.", call. = FALSE)
# unique_keys
if (!is.null(fun.args$unique_keys)) {
if (!is.logical(fun.args$unique_keys)) { # is logical
stop("Input 'unique_keys' should be logical.", call. = FALSE)
# site
if (!is.null(fun.args$site) & !is.null(fun.args$id)) {
if (all(fun.args$site != "all")) {
if (is_neon(fun.args$id)) {
validate_site(fun.args$site, fun.args$id) # listed sites exist for a specified id
# startdate
if (!is.null(fun.args$startdate)) {
if (!is.na(fun.args$startdate)) {
if (!stringr::str_detect( # has YYYY-MM format
fun.args$startdate, "^[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}$")) {
stop("Unsupported 'startdate'. Expected format is YYYY-MM.",
call. = FALSE)
month <- as.integer( # MM is 1-12
fun.args$startdate, "(?<=-)[:digit:]{2}$"))
if (!((month > 0) & (month <= 12))) {
stop("Unsupported 'startdate'. Expected format is YYYY-MM.",
call. = FALSE)
# enddate
if (!is.null(fun.args$enddate)) {
if (!is.na(fun.args$enddate)) {
if (!stringr::str_detect( # has YYYY-MM format
fun.args$enddate, "^[:digit:]{4}-[:digit:]{2}$")) {
stop("Unsupported 'enddate'. Expected format is YYYY-MM.",
call. = FALSE)
month <- as.integer( # MM is 1-12
fun.args$enddate, "(?<=-)[:digit:]{2}$"))
if (!((month > 0) & (month <= 12))) {
stop("Unsupported 'enddate'. Expected format is YYYY-MM.",
call. = FALSE)
# package
if (!is.null(fun.args$package)) {
if (!(fun.args$package %in% c("basic", "expanded"))) { # has expected value
stop("Input 'package' should be 'basic' or 'expanded'.", call. = FALSE)
# check.size
if (!is.null(fun.args$check.size)) { # is logical
if (!is.logical(fun.args$check.size)) {
stop("Input 'check.size' should be logical.", call. = FALSE)
# nCores
if (!is.null(fun.args$nCores)) { # is integer
if (!(fun.args$nCores %% 1 == 0)) {
stop("Input 'nCores' should be integer.", call. = FALSE)
# forceParallel
if (!is.null(fun.args$forceParallel) & !is.logical(fun.args$forceParallel)) {
stop("Input 'forceParallel' should be logical.", call. = FALSE)
# neon.data.save.dir
if (!is.null(fun.args$neon.data.save.dir)) {
if (!dir.exists(fun.args$neon.data.save.dir)) { # exists
stop("Input 'neon.data.save.dir' (", fun.args$neon.data.save.dir, ") doesn't exist.", call. = FALSE)
# from
if (!is.null(fun.args$from)) {
if (!any(file.exists(fun.args$from) | dir.exists(fun.args$from))) { # file or dir exists
stop("Input 'from' is a non-existant file or directory.", call. = FALSE)
# save_data() ---------------------------------------------------------------
if (fun.name == "save_data") {
# path
if (!is.null(fun.args$path)) {
if (!dir.exists(fun.args$path)) { # exists
stop("Input 'path' (", fun.args$path, ") doesn't exist.", call. = FALSE)
# type
if (!is.null(fun.args$type)) {
if (!(fun.args$type %in% c(".rds", ".csv"))) { # has expected value
stop("Input 'type' should be '.rds' or '.csv'.", call. = FALSE)
# dataset
if (!is.null(fun.args$dataset)) {
frmt <- suppressWarnings(detect_data_type(fun.args$dataset))
if (frmt %in% c("dataset_old", "list_of_dataset_old")) {
stop('Input "dataset" format is deprecated. Use the new format instead.',
call. = FALSE)
# Validate data package/product identifier
# @param id
# (character) A data package/product identifier for an ecocomDP dataset.
# @details
# If invalid (i.e. not listed in the return of \code{search_data()}), then
# an error is returned.
# If the exact \code{id} is not indexed, but it is an EDI data package,
# then a set of logic determines if a newer version is indexed and
# available.
validate_id <- function(id) {
search_index <- suppressMessages(search_data())
if (!(id %in% search_index$id)) {
possible_revision <- stringr::str_detect(
if (possible_revision) {
indexed_identifiers <- stringr::str_extract(
search_index$id, ".+(?=\\.[:digit:]$)")
id_identifier <- stringr::str_extract(id, ".+(?=\\.[:digit:]$)")
if (id_identifier %in% indexed_identifiers) {
id_version <- stringr::str_extract(id, "[:digit:]$")
indexed_version <- stringr::str_extract(
search_index$id[which(id_identifier == indexed_identifiers)],
if (as.numeric(indexed_version) > as.numeric(id_version)) {
warning("A newer version of '", id, "' is available.", call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop("Invalid identifier '", id, "' cannot be read.", call. = FALSE)
# Validate site name (for NEON data products only)
# @param site
# (character; NEON data only) A character vector of site codes to filter
# data on. Sites are listed in the "sites" column of the
# \code{search_data()} output.
# @param id
# (character) A data package/product identifier.
# @details
# If invalid (i.e. not listed in the return of \code{search_data()}), then
# an error is returned.
validate_site <- function(site, id) {
search_index <- suppressMessages(search_data())
available_sites <- unlist(
search_index$sites[search_index$id == id],
site_exists <- site %in% available_sites
if (!all(site_exists)) {
warning("Sites not available in ", id, ": ", paste(site[!site_exists], collapse = ", "))
# Validate dataset structure
# @param dataset (list) Data object returned by \code{read_data()} (? list of named datapackage$tables)
# @details Returns an error if \code{dataset} is malformed
validate_dataset_structure <- function(dataset) {
criteria <- read_criteria()
res <- c()
res <- c(res, tryCatch(is.list(dataset), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # is a list
res <- c(res, tryCatch(is.character(dataset$id), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # has id
res <- c(res, tryCatch("tables" %in% names(dataset), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # has tables
res <- c(res, tryCatch(all(names(dataset$tables) %in% unique(criteria$table)), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # table names are valid
res <- c(res, tryCatch(all(unlist(lapply(dataset$tables, is.data.frame))), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # tables are data.frames
if (!all(res)) {
stop("Input 'dataset' has invalid structure. See return from read_data() ",
"for more details.", call. = F)
# Validate dataset structure old
# @param dataset (list) Data object returned by \code{read_data()} (? list of named datapackage$tables)
# @details Returns an error if \code{dataset} is malformed
validate_dataset_structure_old <- function(dataset) {
# TODO Remove this function after 2022-10-18
criteria <- read_criteria()
res <- c()
res <- c(res, tryCatch(is.list(dataset), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # is a list
res <- c(res, tryCatch(is.character(names(dataset)), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # has id
res <- c(res, tryCatch("tables" %in% names(dataset[[1]]), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # has tables
res <- c(res, tryCatch(all(names(dataset[[1]]$tables) %in% unique(criteria$table)), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # table names are valid
res <- c(res, tryCatch(all(unlist(lapply(dataset[[1]]$tables, is.data.frame))), error = function(cond) {FALSE})) # tables are data.frames
if (!all(res)) {
stop("Input 'dataset' has invalid structure. See return from read_data() ",
"for more details.", call. = F)
# Check for expected func names and arguments in create_ecocomDP.R
# @param path (character) Full path, including file extension, to create_ecocomDP.R
# @return Errors if expected content is missing
check_script <- function(path) {
# Get script header
funclines <- paste(readLines(path, warn = FALSE),
collapse = " ")
func_header <- stringr::str_extract(
# Test: Has expected func name
if (!stringr::str_detect(func_header, "create_ecocomDP")) {
stop("The script 'create_ecocomDP.R' does not contain the function ",
"create_ecocomDP().", call. = FALSE)
# Test: Has expected arguments
expected_args <- c("path", "source_id", "derived_id", "url")
found_args <- unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(func_header, "path|source_id|derived_id|url"))
missing_args <- !(expected_args %in% found_args)
if (any(missing_args)) {
stop("The function create_ecocomDP() in the 'script' create_ecocomDP.R",
" is missing these arguments: ",
paste(expected_args[missing_args], collapse = ", "),
call. = FALSE)
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