calc_dbe: Calculate DBE and DBE-O Values

View source: R/calc_dbe.R

calc_dbeR Documentation

Calculate DBE and DBE-O Values


Calculate double bond equivalent (DBE) and double bond equivalent minus Oxygen (DBE-O) values for peaks where empirical formula is available


calc_dbe(ftmsObj, valences = NULL)



an object of class 'peakData' or 'compoundData', typically a result of as.peakData or mapPeaksToCompounds.


a dataframe with columns giving the valence for each element. Names must be any of 'C', 'H', 'N', 'O', 'S', 'P'. Values must be integers corresponding to the valence for each element. Defaults to NULL, in which case the valences that result in the formula given in the details section are used.


If no valences are provided, DBE = 1 + C - O - S - 0.5*(N + P + H)
If valences are provided DBE, = 1 + \frac{\sum_{i}N_i(V_i-2)}{2} where N_i and V_i are the number of atoms and corresponding valences.
DBE-0 = 1 + C - O - S - 0.5(N + P + H) - O


an object of the same class as ftmsObj with a column in e\_meta giving DBE, DBE-O, and DBE_AI values


Lisa Bramer, Allison Thompson


Koch, B. P., & Dittmar, T. (2006). From mass to structure: an aromaticity index for high‐resolution mass data of natural organic matter. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry, 20(5), 926-932.

Errata: Koch, B. P., & Dittmar, T. (2016). From mass to structure: an aromaticity index for high-resolution mass data of natural organic matter. Rapid communications in mass spectrometery, 30(1), 250. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7433

EMSL-Computing/fticRanalysis documentation built on Dec. 18, 2024, 9:51 p.m.