# Read in data from nature10915-s2.xls, supplementary data to Shakun et al (2012)
# Andrew Dolman <andrew.dolman@awi.de>
# 2016.12.09
sheet.names <- readxl::excel_sheets("data-raw/nature10915-s2.xls")
# Read metadata sheet -------------------------------------
# Skip admonishment to cite original authors on first line
# But of course do cite authors!
metadata.raw <- readxl::read_excel("data-raw/nature10915-s2.xls",
metadata.raw2 <- metadata.raw %>%
# remove empty columns
.[, apply(., 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)==FALSE)) != 0] %>%
# remove empty rows
.[apply(., 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)==FALSE)) != 0, ]
metadata.raw3 <- metadata.raw2 %>%
Number = `#`,
Calibration.ref = `Calibration reference`,
Lat = `Lat (°)`,
Lon = `Lon (°)`,
Elevation = `Elev/Depth (m)`,
Resolution = `Resolution (yr)`,
Foram.sp = `Foram species`,
Ref.14C = `Additional 14C reference`
) %>%
mutate(ID.no = paste0("N", Number)) %>%
# strip leading and trailing whitespace from strings
mutate_if(is.character, trimws, which = "both")
# Correct errors or other idiosyncratic aspects ---------------
# Read extra metadata ---------------
extra.meta <- read.csv("data-raw/shakun-extra-metadata.csv", sep=";",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(ID.no = paste0("N", Number))
shakun.metadata <- left_join(metadata.raw3, extra.meta) %>%
select(Number, ID.no, everything())
devtools::use_data(shakun.metadata, overwrite = TRUE)
# Read in raw proxy data -----------------------------------
proxy.names <- sheet.names[4:length(sheet.names)]
# Named list of all sheets
all.proxies <- lapply(proxy.names, function(x){
sheet = x,
na = "-")
names(all.proxies) <- proxy.names
# Correct individual sheets --------------
# "PL07-39PC" has the estimated age in place of depth
# correct values extracted from the supplementary data of original publication
# Lea at al 2003 "Lea.SOM.final.pdf"
PL07.corrections <- read.csv("data-raw/PL07-39PC_corrections.csv", sep = ";")
all.proxies[["PL07-39PC"]]$`Proxy depth`[2:nrow(all.proxies[["PL07-39PC"]])] <-
# Function to tidy each proxy sheet
#' @param prox a read-in sheet containing proxy data from "nature10915-s2.xls"
#' @param return.type return either the proxy part or the carbon dating part
#' @return a data.frame
Tidy.Proxy <- function(prox, return.type=c("proxy", "carbon")){
nms <- names(prox)
unts <- prox[1, ]
nms[is.na(nms)] <- ""
unts[is.na(unts)] <- ""
# paste names and 1st row "units" together
# trim leading and trailing whitespace
new.nms <- trimws(paste0(nms, " ", unts), which = "both")
# Find duplicate colnames and make unique
# This will also catch NA and ""
dupes <- as.logical(duplicated(new.nms) +
duplicated(new.nms, fromLast = TRUE))
new.nms[dupes] <- make.names(new.nms[dupes], unique = TRUE)
# remove "units" row and replace names with new names
prox <- prox[-1, ]
names(prox) <- new.nms
# make separate data.frames for proxy data and assocated cabon dating data
# because they have different lengths
proxy <- dplyr::select_(prox, .dots=quote(1:`Age model error (yr, 1σ)`))
carbon <- data.frame(prox[, which(new.nms=="Age model error (yr, 1σ)"):ncol(prox)],
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
check.names = FALSE)[,-1]
# remove empty rows
proxy <- proxy[apply(proxy, 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)==FALSE)) != 0, ]
carbon <- carbon[apply(carbon, 1, function(x) sum(is.na(x)==FALSE)) != 0, ]
result <- switch(match.arg(return.type),
proxy = proxy,
carbon = carbon)
#Tidy.Proxy(all.proxies[[1]], return.type = "proxy")
# Process all proxies -----------------------------
proxies.1 <- plyr::ldply(all.proxies, Tidy.Proxy, return.type = "proxy",
.id = "Core") %>%
tbl_df() %>%
# Fix types
# as.is = TRUE keeps character strings rather than converting to factors
mutate_each(funs(type.convert(as.character(.), as.is = TRUE))) %>%
mutate(no.proxy.flag = rowSums(select(., one_of(c("TEX86", "Mg/Ca (mmol/mol)",
"UK'37", "d18O (VSMOW)",
"Published temperature T_warm (°C)"))),
na.rm = TRUE)==0)
# Have to treat records with values for proxies separate from those with only values
# for temperature
proxies.1a <- proxies.1 %>%
filter(no.proxy.flag == FALSE) %>%
gather(`Proxy type`, `Proxy value`,
starts_with("d18O (VSMOW)"),
starts_with("Published temperature T_warm (°C)")) %>%
filter(complete.cases(`Proxy value`))
#filter(is.na(`Proxy value`) == FALSE | no.proxy.flag == TRUE) %>%
proxies.1b <- proxies.1 %>%
filter(no.proxy.flag == TRUE) %>%
-starts_with("d18O (VSMOW)"),
-starts_with("Published temperature T_warm (°C)"))
proxies.1ab <- bind_rows(proxies.1a, proxies.1b) %>%
# Next line removes empty columns
.[, apply(., 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)==FALSE)) != 0] %>%
# single depth type
Proxy.depth.m = ifelse(
is.na(`Proxy depth (m)`),
`Proxy depth (cm)` / 100,
`Proxy depth (m)`
Proxy.depth.cm = ifelse(
is.na(`Proxy depth (cm)`),
`Proxy depth (m)` * 100,
`Proxy depth (cm)`
) %>%
select(-`Proxy depth (cm)`, -`Proxy depth (m)`)
# no.age.model.types <- rowSums(is.na(proxies.1[, c("IntCal04 age (yr BP)",
# "IntCal09 age (yr BP)",
# "Marine04 age (yr BP)",
# "Marine09 age (yr BP)")])==FALSE)
# stopifnot(all(no.age.model.types <= 1))
# Keep separate age models
# Tidy names and create glossary -------------------
tmp.nms.1 <- gsub(" ", ".", names(proxies.1ab))
tmp.nms <- sapply(strsplit(tmp.nms.1, ".(", fixed = TRUE), function(x) head(x, 1))
proxies.2 <- proxies.1ab
names(proxies.2) <- tmp.nms
proxies.3 <- proxies.2 %>%
mutate(ID = paste0(Core, " ", Proxy.type)) %>%
select(ID, Core, Proxy.type, Proxy.value, Published.temperature,
everything()) %>%
# Filter out 2 records for "ODP1144" with missing Proxy.value
filter((Core == "ODP1144" & no.proxy.flag == TRUE) == FALSE)
# View(cbind(paste(shakun.metadata$Number,
# shakun.metadata$Core,
# shakun.metadata$Location,
# shakun.metadata$Reference,
# shakun.metadata$Proxy), proxy.names))
# shakun.glossary <- data.frame(Variable.name = names(shakun.proxies), Description = NA)
# write.csv(shakun.glossary, "data-raw/shakun.glossary.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# n <- 1:80
# n[67] <- 68
# n[68] <- 67
# shak.key <- data.frame(Core = proxy.names,
# Number = n)
# write.csv(shak.key, "data-raw/shak.key.csv", row.names = FALSE)
shak.key <- read.csv("data-raw/shak.key.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
mutate(ID.no = paste0("N", Number))
shakun.proxies <- left_join(shak.key, proxies.3) %>%
shakun.proxies <- shakun.proxies %>%
mutate(Age = ifelse(is.na(Marine04.age), Published.age, Marine04.age)) %>%
select(Core, Number, ID.no, ID, Proxy.type, Proxy.value, Published.temperature,
Temperature, Age, everything())
devtools::use_data(shakun.proxies, overwrite = TRUE)
# Process all carbon dating data ------------------
shakun.dating <- plyr::ldply(all.proxies, Tidy.Proxy, return.type = "carbon",
.id = "Core") %>%
tbl_df() %>%
# Next line remove all columns with no non NA entries
.[, apply(., 2, function(x) sum(is.na(x)==FALSE)) != 0] %>%
mutate_each(funs(type.convert(as.character(.), as.is = TRUE)))
devtools::use_data(shakun.dating, overwrite = TRUE)
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