
#' Perform window sweep for BCPA
#' This is the workhorse function of the BCPA.  It performs a sweep of the time 
#' series, searching for most significant change points and identifying the 
#' parsimonious model according to an adjusted BIC.
#' @param data the data to be analyzed.  Generically, the output of the 
#' \code{\link{GetVT}} function containing step lengths, absolute and turning 
#' angles, etc, but can be any data frame with a column representing times and 
#' any column (or set of columns) that can be converted to a time series for 
#' change point analysis. 
#' @param variable a character string representing the response variable to 
#' apply the BCPA to.  For example \code{"V*cos(theta)"}  for persistence 
#' velocity, \code{"log(V)"} for log of velocity if the data are outputs of 
#' `code{\link{GetVT}}`.   Otherwise, any column (e.g. \code{"Depth"}) in the 
#' data. 
#' @param time.var character string for the time variable.  The default is 
#' \code{T.mid}  from the output of the `code{\link{GetVT}}`.
#' @param windowsize integer size of the analysis window as a number of data 
#' points (not time units).  Should probably be no smaller than 20. 
#' @param windowstep integer step size of analysis. Values greater than 1 speed 
#' the analysis up. 
#' @param units if the times are POSIX, \code{units} (one of "secs", "mins", 
#' "hours", "days", "weeks") determine the unit of the \code{windowstep}. 
#' @param K sensitivity parameter for the adjusted BIC.  Smaller values make 
#' for a less sensitive model selection, i.e. more likely that the null model 
#' of no significant changes will be selected.
#' @param tau a logical indicating whether the autocorrelation "rho" or the 
#' characteristic time "tau" should be estimated. 
#' @param range a number between 0 and 1 that determines the extent of each 
#' window that is scanned for changepoints.  I.e., if the window is 100 
#' datapoints long, at the default \code{range=0.6}, changepoints will be 
#' scanned between 20 and 80. 
#' @param progress logical - whether or not to output a progress bar as the 
#' analysis is being performed. 
#' @param plotme logical - whether or not to plot the analysis as it is 
#' happening.  This slows the analysis considerably, especially in non-dynamic 
#' graphic environments like RStudio.   
#' @param ... additional parameters to be passed to the 
#' \code{\link{PartitionParameters}} function.
#' @return an object of class \code{windowsweep}, which is a list containing: 
#' \item{ws}{a data frame containing the change point, selected model, and 
#' parameter estimates} 
#' \item{x}{the response variable} 
#' \item{t}{the time variable - in the units specified in the data object} 
#' \item{t.POSIX}{the time variable as a POSIX object (containing Y-M-D H:S)} 
#' \item{windowsize}{the window size}
#' \item{windowstep}{the window step size}
#' @seealso  for internal functions: \code{\link{GetModels}}, 
#' \code{\link{GetBestBreak}}, \code{\link{GetDoubleL}}; for summarizing 
#' output: \code{\link{ChangePointSummary}}; for plotting output: 
#' \code{\link{plot.bcpa}}
#' @author Eliezer Gurarie
#' @examples
#' # Using the included simulated  movement data
#' require(bcpa)
#' data(Simp)
#' plot(Simp)
#' Simp.VT <- GetVT(Simp)
#' ## note: column names of Simp.VT include:
#' ###  "S" - step length
#' ### "Theta" - turning angle
#' ###  T.start" "T.end"   "T.mid"  "T.POSIX" - time variables
#' if(interactive())
#'   Simp.ws <- WindowSweep(Simp.VT, "V*cos(Theta)", windowsize = 50, 
#'                          windowstep = 1, progress=TRUE) else
#'   Simp.ws <- WindowSweep(Simp.VT, "V*cos(Theta)", windowsize = 50, 
#'                          windowstep = 1, progress=FALSE)
#' plot(Simp.ws, threshold = 7)
#' plot(Simp.ws, type = "flat", clusterwidth = 3)
#' PathPlot(Simp, Simp.ws)
#' PathPlot(Simp, Simp.ws, type="flat")
#' DiagPlot(Simp.ws)
#' # Example of application on one dimensional data (e.g. depth)
#' # simulate some data with three change points: surface, medium, deep, surface
#' ## random times within 100 hours of now
#' n.obs <- 100
#' time = sort(Sys.time() - runif(n.obs, 0, n.obs) * 60 * 60)
#' d1 <- 50; d2 <- 100
#' t1 <- 25; t2 <- 65; t3 <- 85
#' sd1 <- 1; sd2 <- 5; sd3 <- 10
#' dtime <- as.numeric(difftime(time, min(time), units="hours"))
#' phases <- cut(dtime, c(-1, t1, t2, t3, 200), labels = c("P1","P2","P3","P4")) 
#' means <- c(0,d1,d2,0)[phases]
#' sds <- c(sd1,sd2,sd3,sd1)[phases]
#' depth <- rnorm(n.obs,means, sds)
#' # make all depths positive!
#' depth <- abs(depth)
#' mydata <- data.frame(time, depth)
#' # perform windowsweep
#' ws <- WindowSweep(mydata, "depth", time.var = "time", windowsize = 30, 
#'                   windowstep = 1, progress=interactive())
#' plot(ws)
#' plot(ws, type = "flat", cluster = 6)
#' ChangePointSummary(ws, cluster = 6)

WindowSweep <- function (data, variable, time.var = "T.mid", windowsize = 50, 
                         windowstep = 1, units = "hours", K = 2, tau=TRUE, 
                         range=0.6, progress = TRUE, plotme=FALSE,  ...) 
  t.raw <- data[,time.var]
  if(any(diff(t.raw) < 0)){
   data <- data[order(t.raw),]   
   warning("Times need to be strictly increasing ... I'm resorting your data to be in chronological order, but it's your data so be warned!")
   t.raw <- data[,time.var]
  if(any(diff(t.raw) == 0)) stop("Looks like there are some duplicate timestamps. Remove those, and try again.")

  x <- eval(parse(text = variable), data)
  if(inherits(t.raw, "POSIXt")){
    t <- as.numeric(difftime(t.raw, min(t.raw), units = units))
    data$T.POSIX <- t.raw
  } else t <- t.raw
  low <- seq(1, (length(t) - windowsize), windowstep)
  hi <- low + windowsize
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(low), style = 3)
  for (i in 1:length(low)) {
    myx <- x[low[i]:hi[i]]
    myt <- t[low[i]:hi[i]]
    myestimate <- GetBestBreak(myx, myt, range, tau = tau)
    breakpoint <- myestimate[1]
    tbreak <- myestimate[2]
    allmodels <- GetModels(myx, myt, breakpoint, K, tau)
    # remember, column 3 is "bic"
    mymodel <- allmodels[allmodels[,3] == min(allmodels[,3]),]
    mymodel <- c(mymodel, Break = tbreak)
    if(i == 1)
      estimates <- mymodel
      estimates <- rbind(estimates, mymodel)
      plot.ts(t, x, type = "l", col = "grey")
      lines(t, x, type = "l")
      lines(myt, myx, col = "green")
      abline(v = tbreak)
    # create progress bar
    if(progress & i %% 10 == 0) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  if(progress) close(pb)
  windowsweep <- list(ws = data.frame(estimates, row.names=1:nrow(estimates)), 
                      x=x, t=t, t.POSIX = data$T.POSIX, windowsize=windowsize, 
  windowsweep$pp.smooth <- PartitionParameters(windowsweep, type="smooth", ...) 
  class(windowsweep) <- "bcpa"
EliGurarie/bcpa documentation built on June 2, 2022, 11:43 p.m.