
Defines functions estimate.missing

Documented in estimate.missing

#' Estimate locations of missing landmarks
#' A function for estimating the locations of missing landmarks 
#' The function estimates the locations of missing landmarks for incomplete specimens  in a set of landmark
#' configurations, where missing landmarks in the incomplete specimens are designated by NA in place 
#' of the x,y,z coordinates.  Two distinct approaches are implemented.
#' The first approach (method="TPS") uses the thin-plate spline to interpolate landmarks on a reference specimen to estimate 
#' the locations of missing landmarks on a target specimen. Here, a reference specimen is obtained from 
#' the set of specimens for which all landmarks are present, Next, each incomplete specimen is aligned to 
#' the reference using the set of landmarks common to both. Finally, the thin-plate spline is used 
#' to estimate the locations of the missing landmarks in the target specimen (Gunz et al. 2009).
#' The second approach (method="Reg") is multivariate regression. Here each landmark with missing values is
#' regressed on all other landmarks for the set of complete specimens, and the missing landmark values are
#' then predicted by this linear regression model. Because the number of variables can exceed the number of
#' specimens, the regression is implemented on scores along the first set of PLS axes for the complete and 
#' incomplete blocks of landmarks (see Gunz et al. 2009). Note, however, that a minimum of k*m+k specimens 
#' are required to estimate m missing landmarks (of k-dimension) in any one specimen using the regression method.
#' More generally, if the number of missing landmarks approaches the number of reference specimens used to 
#' estimate them, estimation will become increasingly imprecise with the regression method. Additionally, 
#' the location of missing landmarks (contiguous versus disparate in location) can also influence the precision 
#' of estimation.  The user should be aware that the function will produce results but the results from the 
#' regression method might be influenced by the number of specimens, the number of total landmarks, and the 
#' number and location of missing landmarks in any one specimen.  It might be wise to compare multiple methods 
#' for specific cases, if uncertain about the precision of estimation.
#'  One can also exploit bilateral symmetry to estimate the locations of missing landmarks. Several
#'   possibilities exist for implementing this approach (see Gunz et al. 2009).  Example R code for one 
#'   implementation is found in Claude (2008).
#' NOTE: Because all geometric morphometric analyses and plotting functions implemented in geomorph 
#' require a full complement of landmark coordinates, the alternative to estimating the missing 
#' landmark coordinates is to proceed with subsequent analyses EXCLUDING
#' specimens with missing values. 
#' @param A An array (p x k x n) containing landmark coordinates for a set of specimens or a geomorphShapes object
#' @param method Method for estimating missing landmark locations
#' @author Dean Adams
#' @keywords utilities
#' @return Function returns an array (p x k x n) of the same dimensions as input A, including coordinates for the target specimens 
#' (the original landmarks plus the estimated coordinates for the missing landmarks).
#' If the input is a geomorphShapes object, this is returned with the original and estimated coordinates in $landmarks
#' In both cases, these data need to be Procrustes Superimposed prior to analysis, including sliding of semilandmarks (see \code{\link{gpagen}}).
#' @export
#' @references Claude, J. 2008. Morphometrics with R. Springer, New York.
#' @references  Bookstein, F. L., K. Schafer, H. Prossinger, H. Seidler, M. Fieder, G. Stringer, G. W. Weber, 
#' J.-L. Arsuaga, D. E. Slice, F. J. Rohlf, W. Recheis, A. J. Mariam, and L. F. Marcus. 1999. Comparing 
#' frontal cranial profiles in archaic and modern Homo by morphometric analysis. Anat. Rec. (New Anat.) 257:217-224.
#' @references Gunz, P., P. Mitteroecker, S. Neubauer, G. W. Weber, and F. L. Bookstein. 2009. Principles for 
#' the virtual reconstruction of hominin crania. J. Hum. Evol. 57:48-62.
#' @examples
#' data(plethodon)
#' plethland<-plethodon$land
#'   plethland[3,,2]<-plethland[8,,2]<-NA  #create missing landmarks
#'   plethland[3,,5]<-plethland[8,,5]<-plethland[9,,5]<-NA  
#'   plethland[3,,10]<-NA  
#' estimate.missing(plethland,method="TPS")
#' estimate.missing(plethland,method="Reg")
estimate.missing <- function(A, method=c("TPS","Reg")){
  if(inherits(A, "geomorphShapes")) {
    a <- A
    A <- simplify2array(a$landmarks)

  if(any(is.na(A))==FALSE)  {stop("No missing data.")}
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if (length(dim(A))!=3){
    stop("Data matrix not a 3D array (see 'arrayspecs').")  }
    A2 <- A
    spec.NA <- which(rowSums(is.na(two.d.array(A)))>0)
    Y.gpa <- gpagen(A[,,-spec.NA], PrinAxes=FALSE, print.progress = FALSE)
    p <- dim(Y.gpa$coords)[1]; k <- dim(Y.gpa$coords)[2]; n <- dim(Y.gpa$coords)[3]    
    ref <- mshape(arrayspecs(two.d.array(Y.gpa$coords)*Y.gpa$Csize, p, k))
    for (i in 1:length(spec.NA)){
      missing <- which(is.na(A2[,1,spec.NA[i]]))
      tmp <- tps2d3d(ref, ref[-missing,], A2[-missing,,spec.NA[i]], PB=FALSE)
      A2[,,spec.NA[i]] <- tmp
    spec.NA <- which(rowSums(is.na(two.d.array(A)))>0)    
    land.NA <- which(colSums(is.na(two.d.array(A)))>0)  
    p <- dim(A)[1]; k <- dim(A)[2]  
    A2 <- A
    complete <- A[,,-spec.NA]
    incomplete <- A[,,spec.NA]
    Y.gpa <- gpagen(complete, PrinAxes=FALSE, print.progress = FALSE)
    ref <- mshape(arrayspecs(two.d.array(Y.gpa$coords)*Y.gpa$Csize, p, k))
    complete <- arrayspecs(two.d.array(Y.gpa$coords)*Y.gpa$Csize, p, k)
      for (i in 1:dim(incomplete)[3]){
        missing <- which(is.na(incomplete[,1,i]))
        lndmk <- which(!is.na(incomplete[,1,i]))
        tmp <- apply.pPsup(center(ref[-missing,]), list(center(incomplete[-missing,,i])))[[1]]
        incomplete[lndmk,,i] <- tmp
      missing <- which(is.na(incomplete[,1]))
      lndmk <- which(!is.na(incomplete[,1]))
      tmp <- apply.pPsup(center(ref[-missing,]), list(center(incomplete[-missing,])))[[1]]
      incomplete[lndmk,] <- tmp
    A2[,,-spec.NA] <- complete
    A2[,,spec.NA] <- incomplete
    A.2d <- two.d.array(A2)    
    for (i in 1:length(spec.NA)){
      missing.coord <- which(is.na(A.2d[spec.NA[i],]))  
      x <- A.2d[-spec.NA, -missing.coord]
      y <- A.2d[-spec.NA, missing.coord]
      XY.vcv <- cov(cbind(x,y))      
      S12 <- XY.vcv[1:dim(x)[2], (dim(x)[2]+1):(dim(x)[2]+dim(y)[2])]
      pls <- svd(S12)
      U <- pls$u; V <- pls$v
      XScores <- x%*%U; YScores <- y%*%V
#      beta<-coef(lm(YScores[,1]~XScores[,1]))
#      miss.xsc<-c(1,A.2d[spec.NA[i],-missing.coord]%*%U[,1])
#      miss.ysc<-c(miss.xsc%*%beta,(rep(0,(ncol(y)-1))))
      beta <- coef(lm(YScores ~ XScores))
      miss.xsc <- c(1,A.2d[spec.NA[i],-missing.coord]%*%U)
      miss.ysc <- miss.xsc%*%beta
      pred.val <- miss.ysc%*%t(V)
      for (j in 1:length(pred.val)){
        A.2d[spec.NA[i] ,missing.coord[j]] <- pred.val[j]    
    A2 <- arrayspecs(A.2d, dim(A)[1], dim(A)[2])
  if("a"%in%ls()) {
    a$landmarks <- lapply(1:length(a$landmarks), function(j) A2[,,j])
    A2 <- a
EmSherratt/geomorph documentation built on June 24, 2022, 11:05 p.m.