
Defines functions prov.dir prov.json prov.source prov.run prov.quit prov.save prov.init

# Copyright (C) President and Fellows of Harvard College and 
# Trustees of Mount Holyoke College, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
# 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
#   License along with this program.  If not, see
#   <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

############################ API_prov.R #############################

#' Provenance Collection Functions
#' prov.init intializes a new provenance graph. This function can be
#' executed in the console or placed inside an R script.
#' rdtLite is an R package that collects provenance as an R script 
#' executes. The resulting provenance provides a detailed record of the 
#' execution of the script and includes information on the steps that were 
#' performed and the intermediate data values that were created. The 
#' resulting provenance can be used for a wide variety of applications
#' that include debugging scripts, cleaning code, and reproducing results.
#' There are two ways in which a user can collect provenance.  To collect
#' provenance from commands stored in a script file, use prov.run.  This
#' will execute the commands that are in the script, collecting provenance
#' as it does so.
#' The user can also collect provenance while executing commands in the 
#' console.  To do this, first execute prov.init.  Then enter console
#' commands as normal.  When done with the commands for which you want
#' provenance, use prov.quit.  If you want to save the current provenance
#' without turning off provenance collection, call prov.save instead of
#' prov.quit.  You can call prov.save multiple times before calling prov.quit.
#' Each call will append to the same provenance file.
#' The provenance is stored in PROV-JSON format. For immediate use it may
#' be retrieved from memory using the prov.json function. For later use
#' the provenance is also written to the file prov.json. This file and
#' associated files are written by default to the R session temporary
#' directory. The user can change this location by (1) using the optional
#' parameter prov.dir in the prov.run or prov.init functions, or (2) setting
#' the prov.dir option (e.g. by using the R options command or editing the
#' Rprofile.site or .Rprofile file). If prov.dir is set to ".", the current working
#' directory is used.
#' @param prov.dir the directory where the provenance graph will be 
#' saved. If not provided, the directory specified by the prov.dir 
#' option is used. Otherwise the R session temporary directory
#' is used.
#' @param overwrite if FALSE, includes a time stamp in the provenance
#' graph directory name.
#' @param snapshot.size the maximum size for snapshot files. If 0,
#' no snapshots are saved. If Inf, the complete state of an object is stored
#' in the snapshot file. For other values, the head of the object, truncated
#' to a size near the specified limit, is saved.  The size is in kilobytes. 
#' @param hash.algorithm the hash algorithm to use for files.
#' Choices are md5 (default), sha1, crc32, sha256, sha512, xxhash32, 
#' xxhash64 and murmur32. This feature uses the digest function from 
#' the digest package.
#' @param save.debug If TRUE, debug files are saved to the debug directory.
#' This is intended for developers of the rdt / rdtLite package.
#' @return prov.init initializes the provenance collector.  The prov.init
#' function does not return a value.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.run
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.json}} for access to the JSON text of the provenance, 

prov.init <- function(prov.dir = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, snapshot.size = 0, 
  hash.algorithm = "md5", save.debug = FALSE) {
  #print ("In prov.init")
  if (.ddg.is.set("ddg.initialized") && .ddg.get ("ddg.initialized") == TRUE) {
    stop ("Provenance collection is already started.  
          Call prov.quit() to stop the current collection before starting a new one.")

  # Save name of provenance collection tool
  .ddg.set("ddg.tool.name", "rdtLite")

  # Save maximum snapshot size
  .ddg.set("ddg.snapshot.size", snapshot.size)
  # Save hash algorithm
  .ddg.set("ddg.hash.algorithm", hash.algorithm)
  # If this function was not called from prov.run, save arguments
  if(!.ddg.is.set("ddg.run.args")) {
    #print ("Saving arguments")
    args.names <- c("overwrite", "snapshot.size", "save.debug")
    args.types <- c("logical", "numeric", "logical")
    args.values <- list(overwrite, snapshot.size, save.debug)
    args.values <- as.character(args.values)
    ddg.run.args <- data.frame(args.names, args.values, args.types, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    .ddg.set("ddg.run.args", ddg.run.args)
  # Initialize list of input & output file nodes
  #print ("Initializing file nodes")
  .ddg.init.filenodes ()

  # Intialize provenance graph
  #print ("initializing prov graph")
  .ddg.init(prov.dir, overwrite, save.debug)
  #print ("prov.init returning")

#' prov.save
#' prov.save saves the current provenance graph to a prov-json file.
#' If more R statements are executed, the provenance for these statements
#' is added to the graph. The graph is finalized with prov.quit.
#' This function can be
#' executed in the console or placed inside an R script.
#' @return prov.save writes the current provenance to a file but does not 
#'   return a value.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.run

prov.save <- function(save.debug = FALSE) {
  # update the value of save.debug in ddg.run.args
  if(.ddg.is.init()) {
    args <- .ddg.get("ddg.run.args")
    args$args.values[args$args.names %in% "save.debug"] <- save.debug
    .ddg.set("ddg.run.args", args)

  .ddg.save (save.debug)

#' prov.quit
#' prov.quit saves and closes the current provenance graph.
#' This function can be
#' executed in the console or placed inside an R script.
#' @return prov.quit writes the current provenance to a file but does not 
#'   return a value.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.run

prov.quit <- function(save.debug = FALSE) {
  # update the value of save.debug in ddg.run.args
  if(.ddg.is.init()) {
    args <- .ddg.get("ddg.run.args")
    args$args.values[args$args.names %in% "save.debug"] <- save.debug
    .ddg.set("ddg.run.args", args)

  .ddg.quit (save.debug)

#' prov.run
#' prov.run initiates execution of a script and collects provenance as
#' the script executes.  This function should be used if you want to 
#' collect provenance for a script that is in an R file and you do not
#' want to modify the R script directly to include calls to prov.init, 
#' prov.save and prov.quit.  It essentially wraps the execution of the 
#' script with calls to prov.init and prov.quit.  
#' @param r.script.path the full path to the R script file that is being 
#' executed. A copy of the script will be saved with the provenance graph.
#' @param details if FALSE, provenance is not collected for top-level
#' statements.
#' @param exprs Instead of specifying file, an expression, call, or list of call's, 
#'   can be passed in to be executed.
#' @param ... parameters passed on to the source function.  See documentation
#'   of source for details.
#' @return prov.run runs a script, collecting provenance as it does so.  
#'   It does not return a value. 
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.run
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{prov.run ("script.R")}
#' \dontrun{prov.source ("script.R")}
#' \donttest{prov.init()}
#' \donttest{a <- 1}
#' \donttest{b <- 2}
#' \donttest{prov.save()}
#' \donttest{ab <- a + b}
#' \donttest{prov.quit()}

prov.run <- function(r.script.path, prov.dir = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, details = TRUE, 
  snapshot.size = 0, hash.algorithm = "md5", save.debug = FALSE, exprs, ...) {
  # Stop & display message if R script path is missing
  if (missing(r.script.path) && missing(exprs)) {
    stop("Please provide the name of the R script or a list of expressions to execute. If the script
      is not in the working directory, please include the full path.")
  if (!missing(r.script.path) && !missing(exprs)) {
    stop("Please provide either the name of the R script or a list of expressions to execute, but not both.")
  # If expressions were passed in rather than a script file,
  # save the expressions in a file.
  if (missing(r.script.path)) {
    r.script.path <- paste0(tempdir(), "/exprs.R")
    source <- sapply (exprs, deparse)
    writeLines(source, r.script.path)
    use_file <- FALSE
  else {
    use_file <- TRUE

  # Stop & display message if R script file is not found
  if (!file.exists(r.script.path)) {
    stop("R script file not found.")

  # Store arguments
  args.names <- c("overwrite", "details", "snapshot.size", "save.debug")
  args.types <- c("logical", "logical", "numeric", "logical")
  args.values <- list(overwrite, details, snapshot.size, save.debug)
  args.values <- as.character(args.values)
  ddg.run.args <- data.frame(args.names, args.values, args.types, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  .ddg.set("ddg.run.args", ddg.run.args)
  # Store R script path
  .ddg.set("ddg.r.script.path", r.script.path)

  # Store details value
  .ddg.set("ddg.details", details)

  # Set script mode to True
  .ddg.set("ddg.script.mode", TRUE)

  # Intialize the provenance graph
  prov.init(prov.dir, overwrite, snapshot.size, hash.algorithm, save.debug)
  # Execute the script
  .ddg.run(r.script.path, exprs, ...)

#' prov.source
#' prov.source loads an R script and executes it, collecting provenance
#' as it does so.  It assumes that provenance has already been initialized,
#' either via a call to prov.init, or because the R script was executed
#' using prov.run.  If you want to collect provenance inside scripts
#' that are loaded with R's source function, you should replace calls 
#' to source with calls to prov.source.
#' If prov.source is called when provenance is not initialized, it
#' will just source the file.  No provenance will be collected.
#' @param file the name of the R script file to source.
#' @return The prov.source function does not return a value.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.run

prov.source <- function(file, exprs, ...) {
  # Stop & display message if argument is missing or in console mode
  if (missing(file) && missing (exprs)) {
    stop("Please provide the name of an R script file or a list of parsed expressions in the call to prov.source.")
  if (!missing(file) && !missing (exprs)) {
    stop("Please provide the name of an R script file or a list of parsed expressions, but not both")
  if (.ddg.is.init()) {
    .ddg.source(file, exprs = exprs, ...)
  else {
    source (file, exprs = exprs, ...)

#' Provenance Access Functions
#' prov.json returns the current provenance graph as a prov-json string.
#' rdtLite collects provenance as a script executes.  Once collected,
#' prov.json can be called to access the provenance as a JSON string.  
#' This is useful for applications that operate on the provenance.  The
#' JSON is consistent with the PROV-JSON standard.
#' One such application is a graphic visualizer built into rdt.
#' To view the provenance graphically, call prov.visualize.  In the provenance
#' graph, the nodes are data values and operations, with edges connecting 
#' them to show data and control flow dependencies.  The visualizer also
#' allows the user to view intermediate values of variables, and to graphically
#' view the lineage of how a value was computed, or to look at how a value 
#' is used moving forward in the computation. The user can also search for specific
#' data or operation nodes, files, or error messages in the provenance.
#' @return prov.json returns the current provenance graph as a prov-json
#' string
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.json
#' @seealso \code{\link{prov.init}} and \code{\link{prov.run}} for functions to collect provenance
#' @references PROV-JSON standard: \url{https://www.w3.org/Submission/2013/SUBM-prov-json-20130424/}
#' @references PROV-JSON output produced by rdtLite: \url{https://github.com/End-to-end-provenance/ExtendedProvJson/blob/master/JSON-format.md}
#' @references Applications that use the provenance:  \url{https://github.com/End-to-end-provenance/End-to-end-provenance.github.io/blob/master/RTools.md}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{prov.init()}
#' \donttest{a <- 1}
#' \donttest{b <- 2}
#' \donttest{ab <- a + b}
#' \donttest{prov.quit()}
#' \donttest{str <- prov.json()}
#' \donttest{pdir <- prov.dir()}

prov.json <- function() {
  # This is a wrapper function.
  # Calls and returns the function with the bulk of the code in OutputJSON.R

#' prov.dir
#' prov.dir returns the current provenance directory.
#' @return prov.dir returns the current provenance directory.
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.json

prov.dir <- function() {

  # Display a message if the provenance directory has not been not set
  if (is.null(.ddg.path())) {
    cat("The provenance directory has not been set. It will be 
      set when prov.init or prov.run is called.\n")


#' prov.visualize
#' prov.visualize displays the current provenance as a graph.
#' @return prov.visualize loads and displays the current provenance graph
#' in DDG Explorer. The prov.visualize function does not return a value.
#' @export 
#' @rdname prov.json

prov.visualize <- function () {

#' prov.summarize
#' prov.summarize outputs a text summary to the R console
#' Creating a zip file depends on a zip executable being on the search path.
#' By default, it looks for a program named zip.  To use a program with 
#' a different name, set the value of the R_ZIPCMD environment variable.  This
#' code has been tested with Unix zip and with 7-zip on Windows.  
#' @param save if true saves the summary to the file prov-summary.txt in the 
#' provenance directory
#' @param create.zip if true all of the provenance data will be packaged up
#'   into a zip file stored in the current working directory.
#' @param details if true, a more detailed summary is provided
#' @param check	if true, the user's file system is checked to see if input 
#'   files, output files, and scripts (in their original locations) are unchanged, 
#'   changed, or missing.
#' @param console if true, the summary is displayed in the console
#' @param notes if true, notes are included to explain how to interpret the summary
#' @export
#' @rdname prov.json

prov.summarize <- function (save=FALSE, create.zip=FALSE, details=FALSE, check=TRUE, console=TRUE, notes=TRUE) {
  if (requireNamespace ("provSummarizeR", quietly=TRUE)) {
  	provSummarizeR::prov.summarize(save=save, create.zip=create.zip, details=details, check=check, console=console, notes=notes)
  else {
  	cat ("You need to install the provSummarizeR package to use this function.")
End-to-end-provenance/RDataTracker documentation built on Aug. 14, 2022, 6:47 p.m.