Man pages for EnoraBelz/Inequality
Estimation of Inequality Measures from Quantile Data

ArnoldFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Arnold (1986)
ChotikapanichFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Chotikapanich (1993)
compute_GiniComputation of Gini index according to a functional form and...
compute_LCMeans of the bins according the conditional expectation or...
compute_PietraComputation of Pietra index according to a functional form...
compute_THComputation of Theil'H index according to a functional form...
compute_TLComputation of Theil'L index according to a functional form...
compute_topshareComputation of topshare according to a functional form and...
Gini_ArnoldGini of the functional form Arnold (1986)
Gini_ChotikapanichGini of the functional form Chotikapanich (1993)
Gini_KPGini of the functional form Kakwani and Podder (1973)
Gini_OrtegaGini of the functional form Ortega et al. (1991)
Gini_RGKOGini of the functional form Rasche et al. (1980)
Gini_RohdeGini of the functional form Rohde (2009)
Gini_SarabiaGini of the functional form Sarabia (1997)
helloHello, World!
KPFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Kakwani and Podder (1973)
LprimeComputation of the derivative of a function L at the point x
mean_binned_GB2Means of the ranges according to a GB2 distribution
optim_LCOptimisation of a parametric Lorenz curve
optim_LC_functionOptimisation of a parametric Lorenz curve for several...
OrtegaFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Ortega et al. (1991)
RGKOFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Rasche et al. (1980)
RohdeFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Rohde (2009)
run_compute_LCMeans of the bins according the conditional expectation or...
run_optim_LCOptimisation of a parametric Lorenz curve for several...
SarabiaFunctional form of Lorenz curve : Sarabia (1997)
tabulated_incomeTabulated data of Bel Air 5 and Combat 7 iris for the year...
EnoraBelz/Inequality documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 5:37 p.m.