
setMethod("plotKML", "RasterBrickSimulations", function(
  folder.name = normalizeFilename(deparse(substitute(obj, env=parent.frame()))),
  file.name = paste(folder.name, ".kml", sep=""),
  obj.summary = TRUE,
  pngwidth = 680, 
  pngheight = 200,
  pngpointsize = 14,
  kmz = get("kmz", envir = plotKML.opts),
  open.kml = TRUE,

  ## objects to plot:
  varname <- paste(obj@variable)
  prj <- obj@sampled@proj4string

  ## summary properties of the RK model:
    md <- data.frame(Names=c("variable", "N.realizations", "cellsize.x", "cellsize.y", "Min.value", "Max.value"), Values=c(varname, nlayers(obj@realizations), res(obj@realizations)[1], res(obj@realizations)[2], signif(min(obj@realizations@data@min), 3),  signif(max(obj@realizations@data@max), 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    html <- kml_description(md, asText = TRUE, cwidth = 120, twidth = 240)
  kml_open(folder.name = folder.name, file.name = file.name)
  ## add a description for the whole folder:
  kml.out <- get("kml.out", envir=plotKML.fileIO)
  description_txt <- sprintf('<description><![CDATA[%s]]></description>', html)
  parseXMLAndAdd(description_txt, parent=kml.out[["Document"]])  
  assign('kml.out', kml.out, envir=plotKML.fileIO)
  kml_layer(obj = obj@realizations, ...)

  ## densify coordinates:
  tl <- spsample(obj@sampled, n=100, "regular")
  tl <- SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(coordinates(tl))), ID="t")), prj)
  ## parse the transect:
  kml_layer.SpatialLines(obj = tl, colours = rep(rgb(0,0,0), length(obj)), extrude = TRUE)

  ## plot cross section:
  png(filename=paste(varname, "_cross_section.png", sep=""), width=pngwidth, height=pngheight, bg="white", pointsize=pngpointsize)
  ## extract values at the transect:
  ov <- extract(obj@realizations, obj@sampled)
  plot(1:length(ov[[1]][,1]), ov[[1]][,1], type="l", xlab="pixel index", ylab=varname, col="grey", lwd=2)
  for(i in 2:(length(ov[[1]][1,])-1)){
    lines(1:length(ov[[1]][,i]), ov[[1]][,i], col="grey", lwd=2)
  lines(1:length(ov[[1]][,1]), ov[[1]][,length(ov[[1]][1,])], lwd=2)
  ## add the cross section plot:
  kml_screen(image.file = paste(varname, "_cross_section.png", sep=""), position = "LL", sname = "Transect with confidence limits")

  ## close the file:
  kml_close(file.name = file.name)
  if (kmz == TRUE){
      kml_compress(file.name = file.name)
  ## open KML file in the default browser:
  } else {
    message(paste("Object written to:", file.name))

# end of script;
Envirometrix/plotKML documentation built on June 13, 2022, 11:21 p.m.