
Defines functions hike_routing

Documented in hike_routing

#' this function combines multiple routing providers and their different routing styles
#' routing
#' @return returns sf linestring
#' @param  dataframe of coords, shiny progress (bool), profile and api
#' @export

hike_routing <- function(data, shiny_progress,provider,profile,api){
    profile = ""
    api = ""
    withProgress(message = 'Route your trip', value = 0.1, {
      tmp <- list()
      for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
        if(i == nrow(data)){
        if(provider == "cycle"){
          tmp[[i]] <- route_cyclestreet(from = data[i,] ,to = data[i+1,] ,
                                        plan = profile, pat = api,
                                        base_url = "https://www.cyclestreets.net")
        else if(provider == "OSM"){
          data <- as.matrix(data)
          tmp[[i]] <- route_osrm(from = as.numeric(data[i,]), to = as.numeric(data[i+1,]))
        else if(provider == "GHopper"){
          tmp[[i]] <- route_graphhopper(from = data[i,], to = data[i+1,], pat = api,
                                        vehicle = profile, silent = T ,base_url = "https://graphhopper.com" )
        else if(provider == "ORS"){
          coord1 = data[i,]
          coord2 = data[i+1,]
          list_coords = list(c(coord1[,1],coord1[,2]), c(coord2[,1],coord2[,2]))

          tmp[[i]] <- st_sf(geojsonsf::geojson_sf(ors_directions(api_key = api, list_coords,
                                                                 profile = profile, elevation = F,
                                                                 format="geojson", parse_output = F))$geometry)


      route <- do.call(rbind,tmp)
      if(class(route)[1] != "sf"){
        route <- sf::st_as_sf(route)
  } else{ #outside shiny app
    tmp <- list()
    for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
      if(i == nrow(data)){
      if(provider == "cycle"){
        tmp[[i]] <- stplanr::route_cyclestreet(from = data[i,] ,to = data[i+1,] ,
                                      plan = profile, pat = api,
                                      base_url = "https://www.cyclestreets.net")
      else if(provider == "OSM"){
        data <- as.matrix(data)
        tmp[[i]] <- route_osrm(from = as.numeric(data[i,]), to = as.numeric(data[i+1,]))
      else if(provider == "GHopper"){
        tmp[[i]] <- route_graphhopper(from = data[i,], to = data[i+1,], pat = api,
                                      vehicle = profile, silent = T ,base_url = "https://graphhopper.com" )
      else if(provider == "ORS"){
        coord1 = data[i,]
        coord2 = data[i+1,]

        list_coords = list(c(coord1[,1],coord1[,2]), c(coord2[,1],coord2[,2]))

        tmp[[i]] <- st_sf(geojsonsf::geojson_sf(ors_directions(list_coords,
                                                               profile = profile, elevation = F,
                                                               format="geojson", parse_output = F))$geometry)
    route <- do.call(rbind,tmp)
    if(class(route)[1] != "sf"){
      route <- sf::st_as_sf(route)

#' a <- stplanr::geo_code("jena")
#' b <- stplanr::geo_code("weimar")
#' data <- data.frame(x = c(a[1],b[1]), y = c(a[2], b[2]))
#' a_to_b <- hikeR::hike_routing(data,shiny_progress = F,provider = "cycle",profile = "fastest",api = Sys.getenv("cycle_api"))
#' mapview::mapview(a_to_b)
EricKrg/hikeR documentation built on June 30, 2022, 4:57 p.m.