
#' @title Convert Numeric to Factor with custom condition
#' @description
#' \code{cut_ext} converts a numeric object to factor given the breaks and
#' condition applied to the high threshold of each interval.
#' @details
#' details.
#' @param x numeric vector to be converted to factor.
#'        breaks numeric vector of breaks to be included.
#'        condition condition to be applied to the high threshold of interval.
#' @param breaks break point to divide the categories.
#' @param condition condition for each break point in order to define open or
#' close intervals.
#' @return The new factor is returned.
#' @author Erick A. Chacon-Montalvan
#' @examples
#' cut_ext(1:10, breaks = c(3, 6), condition = c('<', '<='))
#' @export
cut_ext <- function (x, breaks, condition = NULL) {
  # Initialize variables.
  n <- length(breaks)
  if (is.null(condition)) condition <- rep('<', n)
  con_fun <- function (i) {
    out <- eval(parse(text = paste("x", condition[i], breaks[i])))
    out <- !out
  # Transform to vector.
  out <- apply(sapply(1:n, con_fun), 1, sum)
  high_lab <- c(')', ']')[match(condition, c('<', '<='))]
  high_lab <- c(high_lab, ')')
  low_lab <- c('[', '(')[match(condition, c('<', '<='))]
  low_lab <- c('(', low_lab)
  breaks <- c(-Inf, breaks, Inf)
  out <- factor(out, labels = paste0(low_lab, breaks[1:(n+1)], ',',
                                     breaks[2:(n+2)], high_lab))
ErickChacon/day2day documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:03 p.m.