
#' @title Title
#' @description Description
#' @param x A number.
#' @param y A number.
#' @return return value here.
#' @details
#' Additional details here
#' @examples
#' example function call here
#' @export
summary_viral_lineage <- function(poplist)
  founders     <- which( poplist$Time_Inf <= 0 )
  if(length(founders) == 0){ return(poplist) } 
  viral_lineage_list <- vector('list', length = length(founders))
  for(jj in 1 : length(viral_lineage_list))
    index          <- 1
    temp_list      <- list()
    temp_list[[1]] <- founders[jj]
      index      <- index+1
      temp_which <- which(poplist$Donors_Index %in% temp_list[[index-1]])
      if(length(temp_which) == 0){break}
      temp_list[[index]] <- temp_which
    }#end of while loop    
    viral_lineage_list[[jj]] <- temp_list
  }#end of for loop
}#end of fxn
#' @export
viral_lineage_fnx2 <- function(vl_list,poplist)
  for(jj in 1:length(vl_list))
    xx <- unlist( vl_list[[jj]] )
    if( length(xx) == 1 ){ next }
    poplist$viral_lineage[xx] <- xx[1] 
#' @export
summary_spvl_lineage <- function(poplist)
  #note: summary_viral_lineage and viral_lineage_fnx2
  #must be run before this fxn
  index     <- which(!is.na(poplist$viral_lineage))
  founder_index <- poplist$viral_lineage[index]
  founder_spvl  <- poplist$LogSetPoint[founder_index]
  poplist$viral_lineage_init_SPVL[index] <- founder_spvl 
EvoNetHIV/RoleSPVL documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:01 p.m.