#' Download Protected Areas by Country
#' This function downloads protected areas for one country using the WDPA API.
#' @param isocode a character specifying the ISO-3 code of the country
#' @param path the path (directory) to save spatial dataset (`.gpkg`). Default
#' is: `wdpa/`.
#' @inheritParams get_token
#' @return A `sf` object (**GEOMETRY**) of protected areas defined in the
#' EPSG 4326 with the following 19 attributes:
#' \describe{
#' \item{wdpa_id}{the ID of the protected area on the WDPA database}
#' \item{pa_name}{the name of the protected area on the WDPA database}
#' \item{original_name}{the original name of the protected area}
#' \item{country_iso3}{the ISO-3 code of the country}
#' \item{country}{the name of the country}
#' \item{owner_type}{the owner of the protected area}
#' \item{is_marine}{a boolean: `TRUE` for marine and `FALSE` for terrestrial
#' protected area}
#' \item{designation}{the designation of the protected area}
#' \item{iucn_category}{the IUCN category}
#' \item{no_take_status}{the no take status}
#' \item{reported_area}{the (reported) area of the protected area}
#' \item{reported_marine_area}{the (reported) area of the marine part of the
#' protected area}
#' \item{no_take_area}{the (reported) area of the no take part of the
#' protected area}
#' \item{legal_status}{the legal status of the protected area}
#' \item{management_authority}{the management authority}
#' \item{governance}{the type of gouvernance}
#' \item{management_plan}{the URL of the management plan}
#' \item{protected_planet}{the URL of the protected area page on the Protected
#' Planet website}
#' \item{legal_status_updated}{the date of the last update of the legal status}
#' }
#' Spatial data are also written on the hard drive in the folder `path` as a
#' **geopackage**. Filename is structured as **XXX_protectedareas.gpkg** (where
#' `XXX` is the ISO-3 code of the country). If the `path` folder does not exist
#' it will created relatively to the current directory.
#' @note Note that some geometries are **POINTS** not **(MULTIPOLYGONS)**.
#' @seealso `wdpa_countries`, `get_countries`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Get the ISO-3 code of Georgia ----
#' data("wdpa_countries", package = "worldpa")
#' wdpa_countries[grep("Georgia", wdpa_countries$"country_name"), 3:4]
#' ## country_name country_iso3
#' ## 133 Georgia GEO
#' ## 235 South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands SGS
#' ## Download Protected Areas for Georgia ----
#' worldpa::get_wdpa(isocode = "GEO", path = file.path("data", "wdpa"))
#' }
get_wdpa <- function(isocode, path = "wdpa", key = "WDPA_KEY") {
## Checks inputs ----
if (missing(isocode)) {
stop("Please provide one country ISO-3 code.\n",
"Type `data(wdpa_countries)` or `wdpa_countries` to search for ",
"ISO-3 codes.")
if (length(isocode) > 1) {
stop("This function only works with one ISO-3 code.")
wdpa_token <- get_token(key)
## Is ISO-3 code valid? ----
response <- httr::GET(wdpa_fullurl("v3/countries/", isocode, "?token=",
if (response$"status" == 404) {
stop("Invalid ISO-3 code.\n",
"Type `data(wdpa_countries)` or `wdpa_countries` to search for ",
"ISO-3 codes.")
## Get Total Number of Pages ----
response <- httr::content(response, as = "text")
response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(response)
pas_count <- response$"country"$"pas_count"
pages <- seq_len(ceiling(pas_count / 50))
## Download Data ----
if (pas_count) {
for (page in pages) {
request <- wdpa_fullurl("v3/protected_areas/search/?token=", wdpa_token,
"&with_geometry=true", "&country=", isocode,
"&per_page=50", "&page=", page)
response <- httr::GET(request)
response <- httr::content(response, as = "text")
response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(response)
response <- response$"protected_areas"
pa_json <- jsonlite::toJSON(response$"geojson"$"geometry")
pa_sf <- geojsonsf::geojson_sf(pa_json)
attributs <- data.frame(
wdpa_id = response$"id",
pa_name = response$"name",
original_name = response$"original_name",
country_iso3 = isocode,
country = unlist(lapply(response$"countries",
function(x) paste0(x[["name"]],
collapse = "; "))),
owner_type = response$"owner_type",
is_marine = response$"marine",
designation = response$"designation"$"name",
iucn_category = response$"iucn_category"$"name",
no_take_status = response$"no_take_status"$"name",
reported_area = as.numeric(response$"reported_area"),
reported_marine_area = as.numeric(response$"reported_marine_area"),
no_take_area = as.numeric(response$"no_take_status"$"area"),
legal_status = response$"legal_status"$"name",
management_authority = response$"management_authority"$"name",
governance = response$"governance"$"governance_type",
management_plan = response$"management_plan",
protected_planet = response$"links"$"protected_planet",
legal_status_updated = response$"legal_status_updated_at"
pa_sf <- sf::st_sf(attributs, geom = sf::st_geometry(pa_sf))
if (page == 1) {
all_pa <- pa_sf
} else {
all_pa <- rbind(all_pa, pa_sf)
## Write Layer ----
if (!dir.exists(path)) dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE)
obj = all_pa,
dsn = file.path(path, paste0(isocode, "_protectedareas.gpkg")),
layer = paste0(isocode, "_protectedareas"))
} else {
stop("The WDPA database does not contain any protected areas for ", isocode)
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