
Defines functions build_formula_linear build_formula_nonlinear add_skillintercept add_skill_terms_linear add_skill_terms_2PL add_skill_terms_1PL add_person_covars_regular add_person_covars_unregular add_covars_nonlinear add_covars_interaction add_covars_linear set_item_grouping set_person_grouping build_formula

Documented in add_covars_linear add_covars_nonlinear add_skill_terms_1PL add_skill_terms_2PL build_formula build_formula_linear build_formula_nonlinear set_item_grouping set_person_grouping

# Sets the expressions used to build the formula as global variables to inform R
# CMD check that they are intended to have no definition at time of package
# building
if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1")  utils::globalVariables(c("commontheta", "theta", "logalpha", "commonlogalpha", "skillintercept"))

#' Builds a brmsformula
#' Builds a brmsformula for an IRT model based on user input. This is the main
#' function for formula generantion. It calls further functions to build an
#' appropriate formula. It can be called without it's arguments which loads the
#' standard settings for a linear 1PL model.
#' @param variable_specifications Named list of characters or strings.
#' @param model_specifications Named list of strings and numerics.
#' @return Returns an object of type brmsformula to use it with brms::brm()
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link[brms]{brmsformula}}
#' @examples
#' build_formula()
build_formula <- function(variable_specifications = NULL, model_specifications = NULL) {
  # checks validity of teh passed specification vectors and transforms the
  # strings in variable_specifications to symbols
  var_specs <- check_and_set_specifications(variable_specifications) %>%
    ensym_list() %>% enlist_syms() # if %>% used all the way the passed name to check_and_set_specifications() will be "."
  mod_specs <- check_and_set_specifications(model_specifications)

  if (!is.null(var_specs$uniform_dif)) {
    stop('At the moment the dif parameter is not implemented.')

  if (mod_specs$dimensionality_type == 'multidimensional_noncompensatory') {
    stop('At the moment noncompensatory models are not implemented.')

  # selects the most suitable and efficient formula generator
  if (mod_specs$response_type == 'dichotom') {
    if (mod_specs$item_parameter_number == 1) {
      if (length(var_specs$unregular_dimensions) == 0) {
        # specifies a linear formula if possible
        form <- build_formula_linear(var_specs, mod_specs$add_common_dimension)

    # specifies a nonlinear formula otherwise
    form <- build_formula_nonlinear(var_specs, mod_specs)
  } else {
    stop('At the moment only models for dichotomous response is implemented.')


#' Combines hierarchy and DIF specifications for person variables
#' @param var_specs a named list of symbols
#' @return an expression p
#' @importFrom rlang expr
set_person_grouping <- function(var_specs) {
  # set person grouping
  # multiple nestings are possible (e. g. students in classes in schools in
  # countries) the first specified group has the lowest hierarchy level the last
  # the highest: c(class, school, country)
  p <- expr(!!var_specs$person[[1]])

  if (!is.null(var_specs$person_grouping)) {
    # for multiple nesting the formula will print () around the groupings that
    # aren't necessary in the specification and not part of the ast e. g.:
    # "response ~ 1 + (1 | school/(class/person)) + (1 | item)" equals "response
    # ~ 1 + (1 | school/class/person) + (1 | item)"
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$person_grouping)) {
      p <- expr(!!var_specs$person_grouping[[i]] / !!p)


#' set_item_grouping
#' @param var_specs a named list of symbols
#' @return an expression p
#' @importFrom rlang expr
set_item_grouping <- function(var_specs) {
  # set item grouping
  i <- expr(!!var_specs$item[[1]])

  if (!is.null(var_specs$item_grouping)) {
    message('Please consider if pooling on item groups is the desired effect or if you want to model something different (e. g. a testlet effect).')

    for (j in seq_along(var_specs$item_grouping)) {
      i <- expr(!!var_specs$item_grouping[[j]] / !!i)


#' add_covars_linear
#' @param x an expression
#' @param specifications a list of symbols
#' @return an expression x
#' #' @importFrom rlang expr
add_covars_linear <- function(x, specifications) {
  for (i in seq_along(specifications)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + !!specifications[[i]])


add_covars_interaction <- function(x, specifications, dimension) {
  for (i in seq_along(specifications)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + !!dimension*!!specifications[[i]])


#' Title
#' @param x an expression
#' @param nl_formulae a list of expressions
#' @param specifications a list of symbols
#' @return list of expressions
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom rlang expr
#' @importFrom rlang sym
add_covars_nonlinear <- function(x, nl_formulae, specifications) {
  name <- rlang::enexpr(specifications) %>% rlang::as_string() %>% strsplit(split = "_") %>% `[[`(1) %>% `[[`(1)

  if (!is.null(specifications)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + !!sym(glue("{name}covars")))

    pcovs <- expr(0 + !!specifications[[1]])

    for (i in seq_along(specifications)[-1]) {
      pcovs <- expr(!!pcovs + !!specifications[[i]])

    nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("{name}covars")) ~ !!pcovs))

  # if (length(specifications) == 1) {
  #   nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("{name}covars")) ~ 0 + !!specifications))
  # } else if (length(specifications) > 1) {
  #   pcovs <- expr(0 + !!specifications[[1]])
  #   for (i in seq_along(specifications)[-1]) {
  #     pcovs <- expr(!!pcovs + !!specifications[[i]])
  #   }
  #   nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("{name}covars")) ~ !!pcovs))
  # }

  return(list(x, nl_formulae))

add_person_covars_unregular <- function(person_group, var_specs, dimension = NULL) {
  x <- expr(0 + (1 | !!person_group))
  covars <- union(var_specs$person_covariables_all_dimensions, eval(expr(`$`(var_specs, !!glue::glue('person_covariables_{dimension}'))))) %>%
    setdiff(eval(expr(`$`(var_specs, !!glue::glue('drop_person_covariables_{dimension}')))))

  if (!is.null(covars)) {
    x <- add_covars_linear(x, covars)


add_person_covars_regular <- function(skillterm, person_group, var_specs, dimension = NULL) {
  x <- skillterm
  covars <- union(var_specs$person_covariables_all_dimensions, eval(expr(`$`(var_specs, !!glue::glue('person_covariables_{dimension}'))))) %>%
    setdiff(eval(expr(`$`(var_specs, !!glue::glue('drop_person_covariables_{dimension}')))))

  if (!is.null(covars)) {
    x <- add_covars_interaction(x, covars, dimension)


#' Title
#' @param x an expression
#' @param nl_formulae a list of expressions
#' @param var_specs a named list of symbols
#' @param add_common_dimension boolean
#' @return list of expressions
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom rlang expr
#' @importFrom rlang sym
add_skill_terms_1PL <- function(x, nl_formulae, var_specs, add_common_dimension) {
  if (is.null(var_specs$unregular_dimensions)) {
    stop('This model should get a linear formula.')

  # sets person grouping term
  person_group <- set_person_grouping(var_specs)

  # adds a common dimension estimator (needed for e. g. testlet models)
  if(add_common_dimension || (is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions) && length(var_specs$unregular_dimensions) == 1)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + commontheta)
    nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(commontheta ~ !!add_person_covars_unregular(person_group, var_specs, 'common')))

  # set skill estimator for each group of regular ordered dimensions (c. f. build_formula_linear)
  counter_dimension <- 1

  if (!is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
      x <- expr(!!x + !!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")))
      y <- expr(0 + (0 + !!var_specs$regular_dimensions[[i]] | !!person_group))
      nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")) ~ !!add_person_covars_regular(y, person_group, var_specs, var_specs$regular_dimensions[[i]])))

      counter_dimension <- counter_dimension + 1

  # set skill estimator for each unregular dimension
  if (!is.null(var_specs$unregular_dimensions)) {
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$unregular_dimensions)) {
      x <- expr(!!x + !!var_specs$unregular_dimensions[[i]] * !!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")))
      nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")) ~ !!add_person_covars_unregular(person_group, var_specs, var_specs$unregular_dimensions[[i]])))

      counter_dimension <- counter_dimension + 1

  return(list(x, nl_formulae))

#' Title
#' @param x an expression
#' @param nl_formulae a list of expressions
#' @param var_specs a named list of symbols
#' @param mod_specs Named list of strings and numerics.
#' @return list of expressions
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom rlang expr
#' @importFrom rlang sym
add_skill_terms_2PL <- function(x, nl_formulae, var_specs, mod_specs) {
  add_common_dimension <- mod_specs$add_common_dimension

  # sets person grouping term
  person_group <- set_person_grouping(var_specs)

  # sets item grouping term
  item_group <- set_item_grouping(var_specs)

  alpha_formulae <- list()
  # adds a common dimension estimator (needed for e. g. testlet models)
  if (is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions) && is.null(var_specs$unregular_dimensions)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + exp(logalpha) * theta)
    nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(theta ~ !!add_person_covars_unregular(person_group, var_specs, 'common')))
    alpha_formulae <- c(alpha_formulae, expr(logalpha ~ 1 + (1 | !!item_group)))
  } else if(add_common_dimension || (is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions) && length(var_specs$unregular_dimensions) == 1)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + exp(commonlogalpha) * commontheta)
    nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(commontheta ~ !!add_person_covars_unregular(person_group, var_specs, 'common')))
    alpha_formulae <- c(alpha_formulae, expr(commonlogalpha ~ 1 + (1 | !!item_group)))

  # set skill estimator for each group of regular ordered dimensions (c. f. build_formula_linear)
  counter_dimension <- 1

  if (!is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
      x <- expr(!!x + exp(!!sym(glue("logalpha{counter_dimension}"))) * !!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")))
      nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")) ~ 0 + (0 + !!var_specs$regular_dimensions[[i]] | !!person_group)))
      if (mod_specs$model_unique_alpha_groups_on_regular_dimensions) {
        alpha_formulae <- c(alpha_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("logalpha{counter_dimension}")) ~ 1 + (1 | !!var_specs$regular_dimensions[[i]]/!!item_group)))
      } else {
        alpha_formulae <- c(alpha_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("logalpha{counter_dimension}")) ~ 1 + (1 | !!item_group)))

      counter_dimension <- counter_dimension + 1

  # set skill estimator for each unregular dimension
  if (!is.null(var_specs$unregular_dimensions) > 1) {
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$unregular_dimensions)) {
      x <- expr(!!x + !!var_specs$unregular_dimensions[[i]] * exp(!!sym(glue("logalpha{counter_dimension}"))) * !!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")))
      nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("theta{counter_dimension}")) ~ !!add_person_covars_unregular(person_group, var_specs, var_specs$unregular_dimensions[[i]])))
      alpha_formulae <- c(alpha_formulae, expr(!!sym(glue("logalpha{counter_dimension}")) ~ 1 + (1 | !!item_group)))

      counter_dimension <- counter_dimension + 1

  nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, alpha_formulae)

  return(list(x, nl_formulae))

add_skill_terms_linear <- function(x, var_specs, add_common_dimension) {
  # sets person grouping term
  person_group <- set_person_grouping(var_specs)

  # adds a common dimension estimator (needed for e. g. testlet models)
  if(add_common_dimension && !is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + (1 | !!person_group))

  # set skill estimator for each group of regular ordered dimensions
  # a set of regular ordered dimensions assigns one dimension to each item
  # multiple regular ordered dimensions are possible as long as the mapping of the dimensions doesn't overlap
  # @2PL: estimations with regular dimension sets seem to underestimate the underlying alpha SD (uncorrelated dimensions)
  if (!is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
      x <- expr(!!x + (0 + !!var_specs$regular_dimensions[[i]] | !!person_group))
  } else {
    x <- expr(!!x + (1 | !!person_group))


add_skillintercept <- function(skillintercept = NULL) {
  if (is.null(skillintercept)) {
    x <- expr(1)
  } else {
    x <- expr(0 + !!skillintercept[[1]])

#' Title
#' @param var_specs a named list of symbols
#' @param mod_specs Named list of strings and numerics.
#' @return brmsformula
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom rlang expr
build_formula_nonlinear <- function(var_specs, mod_specs) {
  item_parameter_number <- mod_specs$item_parameter_number

  # common intercept helps to reduce SD for all variables
  # Attention!: different intercepts for different dimensions would model a difference in the mean skill value but seems to lead to big uncertainty
  x <- expr(skillintercept)
  nl_formulae <- list(expr(skillintercept ~ !!add_skillintercept(var_specs$skillintercept)))

  # adds person skill related terms (theta and possibly alpha)
  if (mod_specs$item_parameter_number == 1) {
    zeal_temp <- add_skill_terms_1PL(x, nl_formulae, var_specs, mod_specs$add_common_dimension)
    x <- zeal_temp[[1]]
    nl_formulae <- zeal_temp[[2]]
  } else if (item_parameter_number %in% c(2, 3, 4)) {
    zeal_temp <- add_skill_terms_2PL(x, nl_formulae, var_specs, mod_specs)
    x <- zeal_temp[[1]]
    nl_formulae <- zeal_temp[[2]]

  # sets item grouping term
  item_group <- set_item_grouping(var_specs)

  # sets item terms and terms for DIF if requested (c. f. build_formula_linear)
  x <- expr(!!x + beta)

  if (is.null(var_specs$uniform_dif)) {
    nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(beta ~ 0 + (1 | !!item_group)))
  } else {
    nl_formulae <- c(nl_formulae, expr(beta ~ 0 + (0 + !!var_specs$uniform_dif[[1]] | !!item_group) + !!var_specs$uniform_dif[[1]]))

  # sets terms for person covariables
  person_covariables <- var_specs$person_covariables_main_effect
  zeal_temp <- add_covars_nonlinear(x, nl_formulae, person_covariables)
  x <- zeal_temp[[1]]
  nl_formulae <- zeal_temp[[2]]

  # sets terms for item covariables
  item_covariables_intercept <- var_specs$item_covariables_intercept
  zeal_temp <- add_covars_nonlinear(x, nl_formulae, item_covariables_intercept)
  x <- zeal_temp[[1]]
  nl_formulae <- zeal_temp[[2]]

  # sets terms for situation covariables
  situation_covariables <- var_specs$situation_covariables
  zeal_temp <- add_covars_nonlinear(x, nl_formulae, situation_covariables)
  x <- zeal_temp[[1]]
  nl_formulae <- zeal_temp[[2]]

  if (item_parameter_number %in% c(1, 2)) {
    # creating the formula should be the last step,
    # because otherwise adding new terms would require stats::update.formula()
    # due to parenthesis creation / term order issues
    main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ !!x)

    form <- brms::bf(formula = main_formula, nl = TRUE, flist = nl_formulae, family = brms::brmsfamily("bernoulli", link = "logit"))

  } else if (item_parameter_number %in% c(3, 4)) {

    # sets main formula for 3PL or 4PL
    if (item_parameter_number == 3) {
      if (is.numeric(var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess)) {
        max <- 1.0 - var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess
        main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ !!var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess + !!max * inv_logit(!!x))
      } else {
        main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ gamma + (1 - gamma) * inv_logit(!!x))
    } else {
      if (is.numeric(var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess)) {
        if (is.numeric(var_specs$fixed_careless_error)) {
          max <- 1.0 - var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess - var_specs$fixed_careless_error
          main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ !!var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess + !!max * inv_logit(!!x))
        } else {
          max <- 1.0 - var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess
          main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ !!var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess + (!!max - psi) * inv_logit(!!x))
      } else if (is.numeric(var_specs$fixed_careless_error)) {
        max <- 1.0 - var_specs$fixed_careless_error
        main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ gamma + (!!max - gamma) * inv_logit(!!x))
      } else {
        main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ gamma + (1 - psi - gamma) * inv_logit(!!x))

    # sets the group for which the pseudo guessing parameter should vary (e. g. a one parameter for each item, each testlet or a single one for the whole test)
    form <- brms::bf(formula = main_formula, nl = TRUE, flist = nl_formulae, family = brms::brmsfamily("bernoulli", link = "identity"))

    if (!is.null(var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess)) {
      if (!is.numeric(var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess)) form <- form + brms::nlf(expr(gamma ~ !!var_specs$fixed_pseudo_guess[[1]]))
    } else {
      if (is.null(var_specs$pseudo_guess_dimension)) {
        pseudo_guess_grouping <- 1
      } else if (length(var_specs$pseudo_guess_dimension) == 1) {
        pseudo_guess_grouping <- expr(1 + (1 | !!var_specs$pseudo_guess_dimension[[1]]))
      } else stop(glue('Only one dimension is allowed for the pseudo guess parameter. You specified:\n{glue::glue_collapse(var_specs$pseudo_guess_dimension, sep = ", ")}'))

       form <- form + brms::lf(expr(logitgamma ~ !!pseudo_guess_grouping)) + brms::nlf(gamma ~ inv_logit(logitgamma))

    if (item_parameter_number == 4) {

      # sets the group for which the careless error parameter should vary (e. g. a one parameter for each item, each testlet or a single one for the whole test)

      if (!is.null(var_specs$fixed_careless_error)) {
        if (!is.numeric(var_specs$fixed_careless_error)) form <- form + brms::nlf(expr(psi ~ !!var_specs$fixed_careless_error[[1]]))
      } else {
        if (is.null(var_specs$careless_error_dimension)) {
          careless_error_grouping <- 1
        } else if (length(var_specs$careless_error_dimension) == 1) {
          careless_error_grouping <- expr(1 + (1 | !!var_specs$careless_error_dimension[[1]]))
        } else stop(glue('Only one dimension is allowed for the pseudo guess parameter. You specified:\n{glue::glue_collapse(var_specs$careless_error_dimension, sep = ", ")}'))

        form <- form + brms::lf(expr(logitpsi ~ !!careless_error_grouping)) + brms::nlf(psi ~ inv_logit(logitpsi))


#' Title
#' @param var_specs a named list of symbols
#' @param add_common_dimension boolean
#' @return brmsformula
#' @importFrom rlang expr
build_formula_linear <- function(var_specs, add_common_dimension = FALSE) {
  # a linear formula model specification is only possible for one-parametric models
  # a linear formula model specification is only possible if there are no unregular dimensions
  # a linear formula is modeled faster by Stan

  if (length(var_specs$unregular_dimensions) > 0) {
    stop('This model should get a nonlinear formula.')

  # common intercept helps to reduce SD for all variables
  # in a basic model (without regression coefficients etc.) the intercept can be interpreted as the item's mean difficulty
  # e. g. if set describes content knowledge and contains (chemistry, physics, biology) than there mustn't be 'chemistry' in a second set as well
  # Attention!: different intercepts for different dimensions would model a difference in the mean skill value but seems to lead to big uncertainty
  x <- add_skillintercept(var_specs$skillintercept)

  # adds person skill related terms
  x <- add_skill_terms_linear(x, var_specs, add_common_dimension)

  # sets item grouping term
  item_group <- set_item_grouping(var_specs)

  # sets item terms and terms for DIF if requested
  # DIF value is the difference between the two item estimators (so non of these is the "reference" category)
  # for analysis show the (absolute?) difference
  if (is.null(var_specs$uniform_dif)) {
    x <- expr(!!x + (1 | !!item_group))
  } else {
    x <- expr(!!x + (0 + !!var_specs$uniform_dif[[1]] | !!item_group) + !!var_specs$uniform_dif[[1]])

  # sets terms for person covariables
  if (add_common_dimension) {
    x <- add_covars_linear(x, union(var_specs$person_covariables_main_effect, var_specs$person_covariables_common))
  } else {
    x <- add_covars_linear(x, var_specs$person_covariables_main_effect)
  if (!is.null(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
    for (i in seq_along(var_specs$regular_dimensions)) {
      x <- add_person_covars_regular(x, set_person_grouping(var_specs), var_specs, var_specs$regular_dimensions[[i]])

  # sets terms for item covariables / characteristics
  # e. g. a word count (numeric) or something catergorial (factors/strings) which gets dummy coded ("Did the item included a picture or video?")
  # technically these are modeled not different from person covariables but it might be beneficial to think about the type of predictors included
  # anyway, this distinction might be necessary for the model inspection in the upcoming Shiny app
  x <- add_covars_linear(x, var_specs$item_covariables_intercept)

  # sets terms for situation covariables / characteristics / description
  # e. g. day time of test taking, time since last break, teacher in class
  # technically these are modeled not different from person covariables (cf. item covariable comment)
  x <- add_covars_linear(x, var_specs$situation_covariables)

  # creating the formula should be the last step,
  # because otherwise adding new terms would require stats::update.formula()
  # due to parenthesis creation / term order issues
  main_formula <- expr(!!var_specs$response[[1]] ~ !!x)

  form <- brms::bf(formula = main_formula, nl = FALSE, family = brms::brmsfamily("bernoulli", link = "logit"))
Famondir/birtms documentation built on Feb. 18, 2022, 2:51 a.m.