
Defines functions impute_bonus_cols impute_via_rates_and_mean derive_from_mean derive_from_rate call_impute_fun

# Below are all the impute functions that are used in the new projections table app
call_impute_fun = function(df, col) {
  col_fun = impute_fun_list[[col]]
  args = sapply(formalArgs(col_fun), as.symbol, simplify = FALSE)

  mutate(df, !!col := col_fun(!!!args)) # `!!!` unquotes list of arguments for function

derive_from_rate = function(need, ref) {
  idx = is.na(need)
  if(all(idx, na.rm = TRUE)) {
  if(any(ref[!idx] == 0, na.rm = TRUE)) {
  } else {
    replace(need, idx, (sum(need / ref, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(!idx)) * ref[idx])


derive_from_mean = function(need) {
  idx = is.na(need)
  if(all(idx, na.rm = TRUE)) {
  replace(need, idx, mean.default(need, na.rm = TRUE))

impute_fun_list = list(
  pass_att = function(pass_att, pass_yds) {
    derive_from_rate(pass_att, pass_yds)
  pass_comp = function(pass_comp, pass_yds) {
    derive_from_rate(pass_comp, pass_yds)
  pass_tds = function(pass_tds, pass_comp) {
    derive_from_rate(pass_tds, pass_comp)
  pass_int = function(pass_int, pass_att) {
    derive_from_rate(pass_int, pass_att)
  rush_att = function(rush_att, rush_yds) {
    derive_from_rate(rush_att, rush_yds)
  rush_tds = function(rush_tds, rush_yds) {
    derive_from_rate(rush_tds, rush_yds)
  rec_tgt = function(rec_tgt, rec) {
    derive_from_rate(rec_tgt, rec)
  rec_tgt = function(rec, rec_yds) {
    derive_from_rate(rec, rec_yds)
  rec_tds = function(rec_tds, rec_yds) {
    derive_from_rate(rec_tds, rec_yds)
  xp_att = function(xp_att, xp) {
    derive_from_rate(xp_att, xp)
  fg_att = function(fg_att, fg) {
    derive_from_rate(fg_att, fg)
  fg_0019 = function(fg_0019, fg_1019, fg) {
    df_names = names(df)
    if(all(c("fg_1019", "fg_0019") %in% df_names)) {
      fg_0019 = ifelse(is.na(fg_0019) & !is.na(fg_1019), fg_1019, fg_0019)
    derive_from_rate(fg_0019, fg)
  fg_2029 = function(fg_2029, fg) {
    derive_from_rate(fg_2029, fg)
  fg_3039 = function(fg_3039, fg) {
    derive_from_rate(fg_3039, fg)
  fg_4049 = function(fg_4049, fg) {
    derive_from_rate(fg_4049, fg)
  fg_50 = function(fg_50, fg) {
    derive_from_rate(fg_50, fg)
  fg_miss = function(fg_miss, fg, fg_att) {
    idx = is.na(fg_miss)
    fg_miss[idx] = fg_att[idx] - fg[idx]
    derive_from_rate(fg_miss, fg)

impute_via_rates_and_mean = function(data_result = NULL,
                                     scoring_objs = NULL,
                                     df = NULL,
                                     pos = NULL) {

  is_table = !is.null(df) && !is.null(pos)
  if (is_table) {
    data_result = list(df)
    names(data_result) = pos

  data_result[] = lapply(names(data_result), function(pos) {
    df = data_result[[pos]]
    df_names = names(df)
    scoring_table = scoring_objs$scoring_tables[[pos]]
    if (pos == "K") {
      mis_cols = c("fg_miss_0019", "fg_miss_2029", "fg_miss_3039",
                   "fg_miss_4049", "fg_miss_50")
      fg_cols = c("fg_0019", "fg_2029", "fg_3039", "fg_4049",
                  "fg_50", "fg_0039")
      if (!("fg_miss" %in% df_names) && all(mis_cols %in%
                                            df_names)) {
        df$fg_miss = rowSums(df[mis_cols], na.rm = TRUE)
      if ("fg" %in% df_names && anyNA(df$fg)) {
        tot_cols = intersect(df_names, fg_cols)
        idx = is.na(df$fg)
        df$fg[idx] = rowSums(df[idx, tot_cols], na.rm = TRUE)
      if (!"xp_att" %in% df_names) {
        if (!"xp_miss" %in% df_names) {
          df$xp_att = NA
        else {
          df$xp_att = df$xp + df$xp_miss
      if (!"fg_miss" %in% df_names) {
        df$fg_miss = NA
      else {
        idx = is.na(df$fg_att)
        df$fg_att[idx] = df$fg[idx] + df$fg_miss[idx]
      if ("fg_pct" %in% df_names) {
        if (is.numeric(df$fg_pct)) {
          idx = is.na(df$fg_att)
          df$fg_att[idx] = df$fg[idx]/(df$fg_pct[idx] *
    impute_cols = intersect(df_names, scoring_table$column[scoring_table$val != 0])
    if (pos == "DST") {
      impute_cols = unique(c(impute_cols, "dst_pts_allowed"))
    impute_cols = names(Filter(anyNA, df[impute_cols]))
    df = group_by(df, id)
    fun_names = names(impute_fun_list)
    for (col in impute_cols) {
      if (col %in% fun_names) {
        df = call_impute_fun(df, col)
      else {
        df = mutate(df, `:=`(!!col, derive_from_mean(!!as.symbol(col))))
  if (is_table) {
  else {


# TODO: keep fantasyshark estimate, add weekly logic.
impute_bonus_cols = function(data_result, scoring_tables) {
  for(i in names(data_result)) {
    scoring_table = scoring_tables[[i]]
    df = data_result[[i]]
    bonus_coefs = bonus_col_coefs
    bonus_coefs = bonus_coefs[sub("_\\d+", "", names(bonus_coefs)) %in% names(df)]

    if(length(bonus_coefs) == 0) {

    # Computing the bonus columns
    for(idx in seq_along(bonus_coefs)) {
      col_coef = bonus_coefs[[idx]]
      col_name = names(bonus_coefs)[idx]

      if(col_name %in% names(df)) {
        imputed_val = col_coef[1] + df[[names(col_coef)[2]]] * col_coef[2]
        df[[col_name]] = dplyr::coalesce(df[[col_name]], imputed_val)
      } else {
        df[[col_name]] = col_coef[1] + df[[names(col_coef)[2]]] * col_coef[2]
      df[[col_name]] = replace(df[[col_name]], df[[col_name]] < 0, 0)

    # Adding relevant columns
    sum_cols = intersect(names(bonus_coefs), names(bonus_col_sets))

    if(length(sum_cols) == 0) {
    for(j in sum_cols) {
      df[[j]] = rowSums(df[bonus_col_sets[[j]]], na.rm = TRUE)
    data_result[[i]] = df

FantasyFootballAnalytics/ffanalytics documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 2:09 a.m.