
Defines functions sampleOccurrences

Documented in sampleOccurrences

#' Sample occurrences in a virtual species distribution
#' @description
#' This function samples occurrences/records (presence only or presence-absence) 
#' within a species distribution, either randomly or with a sampling bias. 
#' The sampling bias can be defined manually or with a set of predefined 
#' biases.
#' @param x a \code{SpatRaster} object or the output list from 
#' \code{generateSpFromFun}, \code{generateSpFromPCA}, \code{generateRandomSp},
#' \code{convertToPA}
#' or  \code{limitDistribution}
#' The raster must contain values of 0 or 1 (or NA).
#' @param n an integer. The number of occurrence points / records to sample.
#' @param type \code{"presence only"} or \code{"presence-absence"}. The type of 
#' occurrence points to sample.
#' @param extract.probability \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, then
#' true probability at sampled locations will also be extracted
#' @param sampling.area a character string, a \code{polygon} or an \code{extent}
#' object.
#' The area in which the sampling will take place. See details.
#' @param detection.probability a numeric value between 0 and 1, corresponding 
#' to the probability of detection of the species. See details.
#' @param correct.by.suitability \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, 
#' then the probability of detection will be weighted by the suitability, such 
#' that cells with lower suitabilities will further decrease the chance that 
#' the species is detected when sampled. NOTE: this will NOT increase 
#' likelihood of samplings in areas of high suitability. In this case look for 
#' argument weights.
#' @param error.probability \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. Probability to 
#' attribute an erroneous presence (False Positive) in cells where the species 
#' is actually absent.
#' @param bias  \code{"no.bias"},  \code{"country"},  \code{"region"},  
#' \code{"extent"},  \code{"polygon"} or \code{"manual"}. The method used to 
#' generate a sampling bias: see details.
#' @param bias.strength a positive numeric value. The strength of the bias to be
#' applied in \code{area} (as a multiplier). Above 1, \code{area} will be 
#' oversampled. Below 1, \code{area} will be undersampled.
#' @param bias.area \code{NULL}, a character string, a \code{polygon} or an 
#' \code{extent} object. The area in which the sampling will be biased: see
#' details. If \code{NULL} and \code{bias = "extent"}, then you will be asked to
#' draw an extent on the map.
#' @param weights \code{NULL} or a raster layer. Only used if 
#' \code{bias = "manual"}. The raster of bias weights to be applied to the 
#' sampling of occurrences. Higher weights mean a higher probability of 
#' sampling. For example, species suitability raster can be entered here to
#' increase likelihood of sampling occurrences in areas with high suitability.
#' @param sample.prevalence \code{NULL} or a numeric value between 0 and 1. 
#' Only useful if \code{type = "presence-absence"}. Defines the sample
#' prevalence, i.e. the proportion of presences sampled. Note that the
#' probabilities of detection and error are applied AFTER this parameter,
#' so the final sample prevalence may not different if you apply probabilities
#' of detection and/or error 
#' @param replacement \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, multiple
#' samples can occur in the same cell. Can be useful to mimic real datasets 
#' where samplings can be duplicated or repeated in time.
#' @param plot \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}. If \code{TRUE}, the sampled 
#' occurrence points will be plotted.
#' @details
#' \href{http://borisleroy.com/virtualspecies_tutorial/07-sampleoccurrences.html}{
#' Online tutorial for this function}
#' \bold{How the function works:}
#' The function randomly selects \code{n} cells in which samples occur. If a 
#' \code{bias} is chosen, then the selection of these cells will be biased 
#' according to the type and strength of bias chosen. If the sampling is of 
#' \code{type "presence only"}, then only cells where the species is present 
#' will be chosen. If the sampling is of \code{type "presence-absence"}, then 
#' all non-NA cells can be chosen.
#' The function then samples the species inside the chosen cells. In cells 
#' where the species is present the species will always be sampled unless 
#' the parameter \code{detection.probability} is lower than 1. In that case the
#' species will be sampled with the associated probability of detection.
#' In cells where the species is absent (in case of a \code{"presence-absence"}
#' sampling), the function will always assign absence unless 
#' \code{error.probability} is greater than 1. In that case, the species can be
#' found present with the associated probability of error. Note that this step 
#' happens AFTER the detection step. Hence, in cells where the species is
#' present but not detected, it can still be sampled due to a sampling error.
#' \bold{How to restrict the sampling area:}
#' Use the argument \code{sampling.area}:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Provide the name (s) (or a combination of names) of country(ies), 
#' region(s) or continent(s).
#' Examples:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{sampling.area = "Africa"}}
#' \item{\code{sampling.area = c("Africa", "North America", "France")}}
#' }}
#' \item{Provide a polygon (\code{SpatialPolygons} or 
#' \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} of package \code{sp})}
#' \item{Provide an \code{extent} object}
#' }
#' \bold{How the sampling bias works:}
#' The argument \code{bias.strength} indicates the strength of the bias.
#' For example, a value of 50 will result in 50 times more samples within the
#'  \code{bias.area} than outside.
#' Conversely, a value of 0.5 will result in half less samples within the
#' \code{bias.area} than outside.
#' \bold{How to choose where the sampling is biased:}
#' You can choose to bias the sampling in:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{a particular country, region or continent (assuming your raster has
#' the WGS84 projection): 
#' Set the argument
#' \code{bias} to \code{"country"}, \code{"region"} or
#' \code{"continent"}, and provide the name(s) of the associated countries,
#' regions or continents to \code{bias.area} (see examples). 
#' List of possible \code{bias.area} names:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Countries: type 
#' \code{unique(rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass ='sf')$sovereignt)} 
#' in the console}
#' \item{Regions: "Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Oceania", "Europe", 
#' "Americas"}
#' \item{Continents: "Africa", "Antarctica", "Asia", "Europe", 
#' "North America", "Oceania", "South America"}}
#' }
#' \item{a polygon:
#' Set \code{bias} to \code{"polygon"}, and provide your
#' polygon to \code{area}.
#' }
#' \item{an extent object:
#' Set \code{bias} to \code{"extent"}, and either provide your
#' extent object to \code{bias.area}, or leave it \code{NULL} to draw an extent 
#' on the map.}
#' } 
#' Otherwise you can enter a raster of sampling probability. It can be useful 
#' if you want to increase likelihood of samplings in areas of high 
#' suitability (simply enter the suitability raster in weights; see examples
#' below),
#' or if you want to define sampling biases manually, \emph{e.g.} to to create
#' biases along roads. In that case you have to provide to \code{weights} a 
#' raster layer in which each cell contains the probability to be sampled.
#' The \code{\link{.Random.seed}} and \code{\link{RNGkind}} are stored as 
#' \code{\link{attributes}} when the function is called, and can be used to 
#' reproduce the results as shown in the examples (though
#' it is preferable to set the seed with \code{\link{set.seed}} before calling
#' \code{sampleOccurrences()} and to then use the same value in 
#' \code{\link{set.seed}} to reproduce results later. Note that 
#' reproducing the sampling will only work if the same original distribution map 
#' is used.
#' @return a \code{list} with 8 elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{type}: type of occurrence sampled (presence-absences or 
#' presence-only)}
#' \item{\code{sample.points}: data.frame containing the coordinates of 
#' samples, true and sampled observations (i.e, 1, 0 or NA), and, if asked, the true
#' environmental suitability in sampled locations}
#' \item{\code{detection.probability}: the chosen probability of detection of
#' the virtual species}
#' \item{\code{error.probability}: the chosen probability to assign presence
#' in cells where the species is absent}
#' \item{\code{bias}: if a bias was chosen, then the type of bias and the
#' associated \code{area} will be included.}
#' \item{\code{replacement}: indicates whether multiple samples could occur
#' in the same cells}
#' \item{\code{original.distribution.raster}: the distribution raster from
#' which samples were drawn}
#' \item{\code{sample.plot}: a recorded plot showing the sampled points 
#' overlaying the original distribution.}
#' }
#' @note
#' Setting \code{sample.prevalence} may at least partly
#' override \code{bias}, e.g. if \code{bias} is specified with \code{extent} to 
#' an area that contains no presences, but sample prevalence is set to > 0, 
#' then cells outside of the biased sampling extent will be sampled until 
#' the number of presences required by \code{sample.prevalence} are obtained, 
#' after which the sampling of absences will proceed according to the specified
#' bias.  
#' @export
#' @import terra
#' @author
#' Boris Leroy \email{leroy.boris@@gmail.com}
#' Willson Gaul \email{wgaul@@hotmail.com}
#' with help from C. N. Meynard, C. Bellard & F. Courchamp
#' @examples
#' # Create an example stack with six environmental variables
#' a <- matrix(rep(dnorm(1:100, 50, sd = 25)), 
#'             nrow = 100, ncol = 100, byrow = TRUE)
#' env <- c(rast(a * dnorm(1:100, 50, sd = 25)),
#'          rast(a * 1:100),
#'          rast(a * logisticFun(1:100, alpha = 10, beta = 70)),
#'          rast(t(a)),
#'          rast(exp(a)),
#'          rast(log(a)))
#' names(env) <- paste("Var", 1:6, sep = "")   
#' # More than 6 variables: by default a PCA approach will be used
#' sp <- generateRandomSp(env, niche.breadth = "wide")
#' # Sampling of 25 presences
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 25)
#' # Sampling of 30 presences and absences
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 30, type = "presence-absence")
#' # Reducing of the probability of detection
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 30, type = "presence-absence", 
#'                   detection.probability = 0.5)
#' # Further reducing in relation to environmental suitability
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 30, type = "presence-absence", 
#'                   detection.probability = 0.5,
#'                   correct.by.suitability = TRUE)
#' # Creating sampling errors (far too much)
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 30, type = "presence-absence", 
#'                   error.probability = 0.5)
#' # Introducing a sampling bias (oversampling)
#' biased.area <- ext(1, 50, 1, 50)
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 50, type = "presence-absence", 
#'                   bias = "extent",
#'                   bias.area = biased.area)
#' # Showing the area in which the sampling is biased
#' plot(biased.area, add = TRUE)     
#' # Introducing a sampling bias (no sampling at all in the chosen area)
#' biased.area <- ext(1, 50, 1, 50)
#' sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 50, type = "presence-absence", 
#'                   bias = "extent",
#'                   bias.strength = 0,
#'                   bias.area = biased.area)
#' # Showing the area in which the sampling is biased
#' plot(biased.area, add = TRUE)    
#' samps <- sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 50, 
#'                            bias = "manual",
#'                            weights = sp$suitab.raster)
#' plot(sp$suitab.raster)
#' points(samps$sample.points[, c("x", "y")])
#' # Create a sampling bias so that more presences are sampled in areas with 
#' # higher suitability
#' # Reproduce sampling based on the saved .Random.seed from a previous result
#' samps <- sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 100, 
#'                            type = "presence-absence", 
#'                            detection.probability = 0.7, 
#'                            bias = "extent", 
#'                            bias.strength = 50, 
#'                            bias.area = biased.area)
#' # Reset the random seed using the value saved in the attributes               
#' .Random.seed <- attr(samps, "seed") 
#' reproduced_samps <- sampleOccurrences(sp, n = 100, 
#'                                       type = "presence-absence",
#'                                       detection.probability = 0.7,
#'                                       bias = "extent",
#'                                       bias.strength = 50,
#'                                       bias.area = biased.area)
#' identical(samps$sample.points, reproduced_samps$sample.points)          

sampleOccurrences <- function(x, n,
                              type = "presence only",
                              extract.probability = FALSE,
                              sampling.area = NULL,
                              detection.probability = 1,
                              correct.by.suitability = FALSE,
                              error.probability = 0,
                              bias = "no.bias", 
                              bias.strength = 50,
                              bias.area = NULL,
                              weights = NULL,
                              sample.prevalence = NULL,
                              replacement = FALSE,
                              plot = TRUE)
  results <- list(type = type,
                  detection.probability = list(
                    detection.probability = detection.probability,
                    correct.by.suitability = correct.by.suitability),
                  error.probability = error.probability, 
                  bias = NULL,
                  replacement = replacement,
                  original.distribution.raster = NULL,
                  sample.plot = NULL)
  if(is.null(.Random.seed)) {stats::runif(1)} # initialize random seed if there
  # is none
  attr(results, "RNGkind") <- RNGkind()
  attr(results, "seed") <- .Random.seed
  if(inherits(x, "virtualspecies"))
    if(inherits(x$occupied.area, "SpatRaster"))
      sp.raster <- x$occupied.area
    } else if(inherits(x$pa.raster, "SpatRaster"))
      sp.raster <- x$pa.raster
    } else stop("x must be:\n- a SpatRaster object\nor\n- the output list", 
                " from functions generateRandomSp(), convertToPA() or ", 
  } else if (inherits(x, "RasterLayer"))
    sp.raster <- rast(x)
      stop("Cannot extract probability when x is not a virtualspecies object.", 
           " Set extract.probability = FALSE")
  } else  if (inherits(x, "SpatRaster"))
    sp.raster <- x
      stop("Cannot extract probability when x is not a virtualspecies object.", 
           " Set extract.probability = FALSE")
  } else stop("x must be:\n- a SpatRaster object\nor\n- the output list", 
              " from functions generateRandomSp(), convertToPA() or ", 
  if(global(sp.raster, max, na.rm = TRUE)[1, 1] > 1 | 
     global(sp.raster, min, na.rm = TRUE)[1, 1] < 0)
    stop("There are values above 1 or below 0 in your presence/absence raster.", 
         "Please make sure that the provided raster is a correct P/A raster", 
         " and not a suitability raster.")
  original.raster <- sp.raster
  results$original.distribution.raster <- wrap(original.raster)
    if(sample.prevalence < 0 | sample.prevalence > 1)
      stop("Sample prevalence must be a numeric between 0 and 1")
      if(!("rnaturalearth" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())))
        stop('You need to install the package "rnaturalearth".')
      worldmap <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")
      if (any(!(sampling.area %in% c(unique(worldmap$sovereignt),
        stop("The choosen sampling.area is incorrectly spelled.\n Type",
             " 'unique(rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass =",
             "'sf')$sovereignt)', ",
             "'unique(rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass =",
             " & unique(rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass =",
             "'sf')$continent) to obtain valid names.")
      sampling.area <- worldmap[which(
        worldmap$sovereignt %in% sampling.area | 
          worldmap$region_un %in% sampling.area |
          worldmap$continent %in% sampling.area), ]
    } else if(!(inherits(sampling.area, c("SpatVector",
      stop("Please provide to sampling.area either \n", 
           "- the names of countries, region and/or continents in which", 
           " to sample\n",
           "- a SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame\n", 
           "- an extent\n ",
           "in which the sampling will take place")
    # if(inherits(sampling.area, "sf")) { 
    #   sampling.area <- vect(sampling.area)
    # }
    if(inherits(sampling.area, "SpatExtent")) {
      sampling.area <- vect(sampling.area)
    sample.area.raster1 <- terra::rasterize(sampling.area,
                                            field = 1,
                                            background = NA,
                                            silent = TRUE)
    sp.raster <- sp.raster * sample.area.raster1
    if(!(inherits(x, "virtualspecies")) | !("suitab.raster" %in% names(x)))
      stop("If you choose to weight the probability of detection by the", 
           " suitability of the species (i.e., correct.by.suitability = TRUE),", 
           " then you need to provide an appropriate virtual species ", 
           "containing a suitability raster to x.")
  if(!is.numeric(detection.probability) | detection.probability > 1 | 
     detection.probability < 0)
    stop("detection.probability must be a numeric value between 0 and 1")
  if(!is.numeric(error.probability) | error.probability > 1 | 
     error.probability < 0)
    stop("error.probability must be a numeric value between 0 and 1")
  if(length(bias) > 1)
    stop('Only one bias can be applied at a time')
  if (!(bias %in% c("no.bias", "country", "region", "continent", "extent", 
                    "polygon", "manual")))
    stop('Argument bias must be one of : "no.bias", "country", "region", 
         "continent", "extent", "polygon", "manual"')
  if(!is.numeric(bias.strength) & bias != "no.bias")
    stop("Please provide a numeric value for bias.strength")
  if (bias %in% c("country", "region", "continent"))
    if(!("rnaturalearth" %in% rownames(utils::installed.packages())))
      stop('You need to install the package "rnaturalearth" in order to use', 
           'bias = "region" or bias = "country"')
    worldmap <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass = "sf")
    if(bias == "country")
      if (any(!(bias.area %in% worldmap$sovereignt)))
        stop("country name(s) must be correctly spelled.", 
             "Type unique(rnaturalearth::ne_countries(returnclass =",
             "'sf')$sovereignt) to obtain valid names.")
      results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                           bias.strength = bias.strength,
                           bias.area = bias.area)
    } else if (bias == "region")
      if (any(!(bias.area %in% worldmap$region_un)))
        stop(paste("region name(s) must be correctly spelled, according to", 
                   " one of the following : ", 
                   paste(unique(worldmap$region_un), collapse = ", "), 
                   sep = "\n"))
      results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                           bias.strength = bias.strength,
                           bias.area = bias.area)
    } else if (bias == "continent")
      if (any(!(bias.area %in% worldmap$continent)))
        stop(paste("region name(s) must be correctly spelled,",
                   "according to one of the following : ", 
                   paste(unique(worldmap$continent), collapse = ", "), 
                   sep = "\n"))
      results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                           bias.strength = bias.strength,
                           bias.area = bias.area)
  if (bias == "polygon") 
    if(is.null(bias.area)) {
      message("No object of class SpatVector provided. A window with a map ",
              "will open, click on the map to draw the polygon of the area", 
              " sampled with a bias.\n Once finished, press ",
              "escape to close the polygon.")
      if("RStudioGD" %in% names(grDevices::dev.list())) {
        grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
      bias.area <- draw(x = "polygon")

    } else if(!(inherits(bias.area, c("sf", 
      stop("If you choose bias = 'polygon', please provide a polygon of class ",
           "sf or SpatVector to argument bias.area. You can also set", 
           " bias.area = NULL to draw the polygon manually.")
    # warning("Polygon projection is not checked. Please make sure you have the 
    #         same projections between your polygon and your presence-absence
    #         raster")
    results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                         bias.strength = bias.strength,
                         bias.area = bias.area)
  if (bias == "extent")
    if(is.null(bias.area)) {
      message("No object of class SpatExtent provided. A window with a map ",
              "will open, click on the map to draw the extent of the area", 
              " sampled with a bias.\n Once finished, press ",
              "escape to close the polygon.")
      if("RStudioGD" %in% names(grDevices::dev.list())) {
        grDevices::dev.new(noRStudioGD = TRUE)
      bias.area <- vect(draw())
    } else if(!(inherits(bias.area, c("SpatExtent"))))
      stop("If you choose bias = 'extent', please provide an extent of class",
           "SpatExtent to argument bias.area. You can also set", 
           " bias.area = NULL to draw the extent manually.")
    } else {
      bias.area <- vect(bias.area)
    results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                         bias.strength = bias.strength,
                         bias.area = bias.area)
  if(type == "presence-absence")
    sample.raster <- sp.raster
    # Set all non-NA cells to 1 so that they are included in p/a sampling
    sample.raster[!is.na(sample.raster)] <- 1
  } else if (type == "presence only")
    sample.raster <- sp.raster
  } else stop("type must either be 'presence only' or 'presence-absence'")
  if (bias == "manual")
    if(!(inherits(weights, "SpatRaster")))
      stop("You must provide a raster layer of weights (to argument weights) 
           if you choose bias == 'manual'")
    bias.raster <- weights
    results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                         bias.strength = "Defined by raster weights",
                         weights = wrap(weights))
  } else
    bias.raster <- sample.raster 
    bias.raster[bias.raster == 0] <- 1
  if(bias == "country")
    bias.raster1 <- rasterize(
      worldmap[which(worldmap$sovereignt %in% bias.area), ],
      field = bias.strength,
      background = 1)
    bias.raster <- bias.raster * bias.raster1
  } else if(bias == "region")
    bias.raster1 <- rasterize(
      worldmap[which(worldmap$region_un %in% bias.area), ],
      field = bias.strength,
      background = 1)
    bias.raster <- bias.raster * bias.raster1
  } else if(bias == "continent")
    bias.raster1 <- rasterize(
      worldmap[which(worldmap$continent %in% bias.area), ],
      field = bias.strength,
      background = 1)
    bias.raster <- bias.raster * bias.raster1
  } else if(bias == "extent")

    bias.raster <- bias.raster * rasterize(bias.area, sp.raster, 
                                           field = bias.strength,
                                           background = 1)
    results$bias <- list(bias = bias,
                         bias.strength = bias.strength,
                         bias.area = bias.area)
  } else if(bias == "polygon")
    bias.raster1 <- rasterize(bias.area,
                              field = bias.strength,
                              background = 1,
                              silent = TRUE)
    bias.raster <- bias.raster * bias.raster1
  if(type == "presence only")
    number.errors <- stats::rbinom(n = 1, size = n, prob = error.probability)
    error.raster <- sample.raster
    error.raster[error.raster == 0] <- 1
    if (number.errors > 0) {
      sample.points <- spatSample(error.raster * bias.raster, 
                                  size = number.errors,
                                  method = "weights",
                                  xy = TRUE,
                                  values = FALSE,
                                  replace = replacement)
    } else {
      sample.points <- data.frame()
    sample.points <- rbind(sample.points,
                           spatSample(sample.raster * bias.raster, 
                                      size = n - number.errors,
                                      method = "weights",
                                      xy = TRUE,
                                      values = FALSE,
                                      replace = replacement))
  } else
      sample.points <- spatSample(sample.raster * bias.raster, 
                                  size = n,
                                  method = "weights",
                                  xy = TRUE,
                                  values = FALSE,
                                  replace = replacement)

    } else
      tmp1 <- sample.raster
      tmp1[sp.raster != 1] <- NA
      sample.points <- spatSample(tmp1 * bias.raster, 
                                  size = sample.prevalence * n,
                                  method = "weights",
                                  xy = TRUE,
                                  values = FALSE,
                                  replace = replacement)
      tmp1 <- sample.raster
      tmp1[sp.raster != 0] <- NA
      tmp1[tmp1 == 0] <- 1
      sample.points <- rbind(sample.points,
                             spatSample(tmp1 * bias.raster, 
                                        size = (1 - sample.prevalence) * n,
                                        method = "weights",
                                        xy = TRUE,
                                        values = FALSE,
                                        replace = replacement))
  sample.points <- sample.points[, c(1, 2)]
  if(type == "presence only")
    sample.points <- data.frame(sample.points,
                                Real = extract(sp.raster, 
                                               ID = FALSE),
                                Observed = sample(
                                  c(NA, 1),
                                  size = nrow(sample.points),
                                  prob = c(1 - detection.probability,
                                  replace = TRUE))
    colnames(sample.points)[3] <- "Real"
  } else if(type == "presence-absence")
    sample.points <- data.frame(sample.points,
                                        ID = FALSE))
    colnames(sample.points)[3] <- "Real"
      suitabs <- extract(x$suitab.raster, 
                         sample.points[, c("x", "y")],
                         ID = FALSE)[, 1]
    } else { 
      suitabs <- rep(1, nrow(sample.points)) 
    sample.points$Observed <- NA
      sample.points$Observed[which(sample.points$Real == 1)] <-
        sapply(detection.probability * suitabs[
          which(sample.points$Real == 1)
          sample(c(0, 1),
                 size = 1,
                 prob = c(1 - y, y))
    } else
      sample.points$Observed[which(sample.points$Real == 1)] <-
        sample(c(0, 1), size = length(which(sample.points$Real == 1)),
               prob = c(1 - detection.probability, detection.probability),
               replace = TRUE)
    sample.points$Observed[which(sample.points$Real == 0 |
                                   sample.points$Observed == 0)] <-
      sample(c(0, 1), size = length(which(sample.points$Real == 0 |
                                            sample.points$Observed == 0)),
             prob = c(1 - error.probability, error.probability),
             replace = TRUE)
         col = rev(viridis::viridis(3)[2:3]))
    # par(new = TRUE)
    if(type == "presence only")
      graphics::points(sample.points[, c("x", "y")], pch = 16, cex = .5,
             col = viridis::viridis(3)[1])
    } else
      graphics::points(sample.points[sample.points$Observed == 1, c("x", "y")],
             pch = 16, cex = .8)
      # par(new = TRUE)
      graphics::points(sample.points[sample.points$Observed == 0, c("x", "y")], 
             pch = 1, cex = .8)
    results$sample.plot <- grDevices::recordPlot()
    sample.points <- data.frame(
              sample.points[, c("x", "y")],
              ID = FALSE))
    colnames(sample.points)[ncol(sample.points)] <- "true.probability"
  results$sample.points <- sample.points
  if(type == "presence-absence")
    true.prev <- length(sample.points$Real[which(
      sample.points$Real == 1)]) / nrow(sample.points)
    obs.prev <- length(sample.points$Real[which(
      sample.points$Observed == 1)]) / nrow(sample.points)
    results$sample.prevalence <- c(true.sample.prevalence = true.prev,
                                   observed.sample.prevalence = obs.prev)
  class(results) <- append("VSSampledPoints", class(results))
Farewe/virtualspecies documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 6:12 a.m.