
# 3 colours

polya_three_colours = function(n_experiments){
  #n_experiments = 100
  for (j in 1:n_experiments){
    urn_size = 3                                            # inital urn size
    urn = rep(c('blue', 'red', 'white'), each = urn_size/3) # fill urn
    n_picks = 200                                           # set amount of balls drawn
    fraction_blue = vector()                                # initialize fraction of blue balls
    fraction_red = vector()                                 # initialize fraction of red balls
    fraction_white = vector()                               # initialize fraction of white balls
    for (i in 1:n_picks){                                 
      pick = sample(urn,1)                                  # pick a random ball
      urn[length(urn)+1] = pick                             # add this ball to urn
      fraction_blue[i] = sum(urn == 'blue')/length(urn)     # calculate fraction red and store
      fraction_red[i] = sum(urn == 'red')/length(urn)       # calculate fraction blue and store
      fraction_red[i] = sum(urn == 'white')/length(urn)     # calculate fraction white and store
    if (j == 1){                                         # plot colour fractions
      plot(fraction_blue,ylab = 'Fraction Blue',xlab = 'picks',ylim = c(0,1), type = 'l')
      points(fraction_blue,type = 'l', 
             col=colorRampPalette(sample(2:9,2), alpha = TRUE)(n_experiments-1),
             title('3 colours'))
FlorisRoelofs/polya documentation built on May 14, 2019, 2:01 p.m.