# lower sacramento river at freeport 1961-10-01 2017-12-18
freeport_water_temp <- dataRetrieval::readNWISdv(siteNumbers = '11447650', parameterCd = '00010',
startDate = '1979-01-01', endDate = '2000-12-31',
statCd = c('00001', '00002', '00008'))
freeport_water_temp %>%
select(date = Date, max = X_00010_00001,
min = X_00010_00002) %>%
gather(stat, temp_c, -date) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = temp_c, fill = stat)) +
geom_col(position = 'dodge')
# 9 months missing
freeport_water_temp %>%
select(date = Date,
max_t = X_00010_00001,
min_t = X_00010_00002) %>%
mutate(mean_min_max = (max_t + min_t) / 2) %>%
group_by(year = year(date), month = month(date)) %>%
summarise(meanish = mean(mean_min_max, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, '01', sep = '-'))) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = meanish)) +
# imputation
free <- freeport_water_temp %>%
select(date = Date, max_t = X_00010_00001,
min_t = X_00010_00002) %>%
mutate(mean_min_max = (max_t + min_t) / 2) %>%
group_by(year = year(date), month = month(date)) %>%
summarise(mean_water_temp_c = mean(mean_min_max, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(date = ymd(paste(year, month, '01', sep = '-'))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(date, mean_water_temp_c) %>%
tibble(date = seq.Date(ymd('1979-01-01'), ymd('2000-12-01'), by = 'month'),
mean_water_temp_c = 0)
) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(mean_water_temp_c = max(mean_water_temp_c)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(mean_water_temp_c = ifelse(mean_water_temp_c == 0, NA, mean_water_temp_c))
ts_freeport <- ts(free$mean_water_temp_c, start = c(1979, 1), end = c(2000, 12), frequency = 12)
na.interp(ts_freeport) %>% autoplot(series = 'Interpolated') +
forecast::autolayer(ts_freeport, series = 'Original')
lower_sac_water_temp_c <- tibble(
date = seq.Date(ymd('1979-01-01'), ymd('2000-12-01'), by = 'month'),
watershed = 'Lower Sacramento River',
monthly_mean_temp_c = as.numeric(na.interp(ts_freeport)))
lower_sac_water_temp_c %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = monthly_mean_temp_c)) +
geom_col(fill = 'darkgoldenrod2') +
geom_col(data = free, aes(x = date, y = mean_water_temp_c)) +
theme_minimal() +
labs(y = 'monthly mean water temperature (°C)')
write_rds(lower_sac_water_temp_c, 'data-raw/lower_sacramento/lower_sac_water_temp_c.rds')
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