# this script exports several functions for parsing
# raw transducer data ready for integration into the dcr wqx
# local database and then to the wqx
# FROM WQX regarding uploading continuous data:
# Our recommendation for continuous monitoring data is to report to WQX a single
# activity in which you store the actual probe readings using every (4 hours, 2 hours or evenly distributed)
# intervals and to which you attach at the activity level a binary object formatted as text (".txt")
# file or compressed (".zip") file format for archiving the complete raw set of probe readings
# downloaded from the data logger.
scale_down_to_wqx <- function(data) {
dts_to_keep <- tibble(dateTime=seq(min(data$dateTime), max(data$dateTime), by="2 hours"))
dts_to_keep %>%
left_join(data, by=c("dateTime"="dateTime"))
#' @title Read transducer data
#' @description read transducer raw data and restructure to conform
#' with DCR and WQX compliant schema
#' @param file a csv file with transducer output
#' @param downscale whether or not to downscale the data to 2 hour intervals (for wqx upload)
#' @details
#' It is suggested by WQX standards that logger data (usually reported at 15-minute intervals)
#' be uploaded at 2-hour intervals (or longer). By default we will structure data
#' to report the values at 2 hour intervals (top of the hour).
#' @export
read_transducer <- function(file, downslace = FALSE, parse_year = NULL){
# transducer files are typically filled with metadata
# for the first ~70 lines, this is then followed by data record
header_chunk <- readr::read_lines(file, n_max = 100)
skip_n <- which(stringr::str_detect(header_chunk, "^Date and Time"))[2]
device_props <- transducer_properties(header_chunk)
# use serial number for the device to determine the processing, as of now
# there is just one transducer that reports only Air temperature
col_info <- transducer_col_info(device_props$serial)
data <- readr::read_delim(file,
delim = ",",
trim_ws = TRUE,
skip = skip_n,
col_names = col_info$col_names,
col_types = col_info$col_types,
na = ""
) %>%
if (downslace) {
data <- scale_down_to_wqx(data)
if (!is.null(parse_year)) {
data <- data |>
filter(lubridate::year(dateTime) == parse_year)
wqx_data <- transducer_to_wqx(data, device_props) %>%
filter(!is.na(`Result Value`))
"data" = wqx_data,
"metadata" = device_props)
#' @title Transducer Properties
#' @description Get transducer device properties from the text file
#' @param v a vector whose elements are each line in the text file
transducer_properties <- function(v) {
device_props <- c("Report Date:,",
"Report User Name:,",
"Report Computer Name:,",
"^Device,", "^Site,", "^Device Name,", "^Serial Number,",
"Firmware Version,", "Used Memory,")
device_props %>%
stringr::str_replace(v[stringr::str_detect(v, .)], ., ""), ",+", ""
)) %>%
purrr::set_names(c("report_date", "username", "computer_name",
"type", "site", "name", "serial", "firmware",
device_name_to_location_id <- c(
"DCR Baro" = "Baro1",
"DCR ED1" = "EPO1",
"DCR VR1" = "VY1"
transducer_to_wqx <- function(data, metadata) {
if (metadata$serial == "440478") {
# this just needs to parse for air tempearture
parse_transducer_air_temp(data, metadata)
} else if (metadata$serial == "440965") {
# parse_transducer_stage(data, metadata),
parse_transducer_water_temp(data, metadata)
} else if (metadata$serial == "440966") {
# parse_transducer_stage(data, metadata),
parse_transducer_water_temp(data, metadata)
} else {
#' @title Structure Transducer for WQX Air Temp
#' @param data Transducer data ready to be restructured to WQX
parse_transducer_air_temp <- function(data, metadata) {
data %>%
"Project ID" = "RCS",
"Monitoring Location ID" = device_name_to_location_id[metadata$name], # need to transform from metadata
"Activity ID" = paste(
`Monitoring Location ID`,
format(min(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y-%m"),
format(max(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y-%m"),
sep = ":"),
"Activity Type" = "Field Msr/Obs", # data logger
"Activity Media Name" = "Air",
"Activity Start Date" = format(min(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y/%m/%d"), # need to obtain from data
"Activity End Date" = format(max(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y/%m/%d"), # need to obtain from data
"Sample Collection Method ID" = "DCR-QAPP",
"Sample Collection Equipment Name" = "Probe/Sensor",
"Sample Collection Equipment Comment" = metadata$type, # get this from the metadata
"Characteristic Name" = "Temperature, air",
"Result Value" = temperature_f, # from the data
"Result Unit" = "deg F", # from data
"Result Depth/Height Measure" = NA_real_,
"Result Depth/Height Unit" = NA_character_,
"Result Status ID" = "Final",
"Result Value Type" = "Actual",
"Analysis Start Date" = format(lubridate::as_date(dateTime), "%Y/%m/%d"),
"Analysis Start Time" = format(dateTime, "%H:%M:%S"),
"Analysis Start Time Zone" = "PST",
"Result Comment" = NA_character_
#' @title Structure Transducer for WQX Stage
#' @param data Transducer data ready to be restructured to WQX
#' @export
parse_transducer_water_temp <- function(data, metadata) {
data %>%
"Project ID" = "RCS",
"Monitoring Location ID" = device_name_to_location_id[metadata$name], # need to transform from metadata
"Activity ID" = paste(
`Monitoring Location ID`,
format(min(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y-%m"),
format(max(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y-%m"),
sep = ":"),
"Activity Type" = "Field Msr/Obs", # data logger
"Activity Media Name" = "Water",
"Activity Start Date" = format(min(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y/%m/%d"), # need to obtain from data
"Activity End Date" = format(max(lubridate::as_date(dateTime)), "%Y/%m/%d"), # need to obtain from data
"Sample Collection Method ID" = "DCR-QAPP",
"Sample Collection Equipment Name" = "Probe/Sensor",
"Sample Collection Equipment Comment" = metadata$type, # get this from the metadata
"Characteristic Name" = "Temperature, water",
"Result Value" = temperature_f, # from the data
"Result Unit" = "deg F", # from data
"Result Depth/Height Measure" = depth_ft,
"Result Depth/Height Unit" = "ft",
"Result Status ID" = "Final",
"Result Value Type" = "Actual",
"Analysis Start Date" = format(lubridate::as_date(dateTime), "%Y/%m/%d"),
"Analysis Start Time" = format(dateTime, "%H:%M:%S"),
"Analysis Start Time Zone" = "PST",
"Result Comment" = NA_character_
#' @title Column info needed to read data
#' @description return a list with the column headers and column
#' types needed to read in in the data using read_csv
transducer_col_info <- function(serial) {
col_names <-
switch (serial,
"440478" = c("dateTime", "seconds", "pressure_psi", "temperature_f", "dummy"),
"440965" = c("dateTime", "seconds", "pressure_psi", "temperature_f", "depth_ft", "barometric_pressure_psi", "dummy"),
"440966" = c("dateTime", "seconds", "pressure_psi", "temperature_f", "depth_ft", "barometric_pressure_psi", "dummy"),
col_types <-
switch (serial,
"440478" = cols(
dateTime = col_datetime(format = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"),
seconds = col_double(),
pressure_psi = col_double(),
temperature_f = col_double(),
dummy = col_logical()
"440965" = cols(
dateTime = col_datetime(format = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"),
seconds = col_double(),
pressure_psi = col_double(),
temperature_f = col_double(),
depth_ft = col_double(),
barometric_pressure_psi = col_double(),
dummy = col_logical()
"440966" = cols(
dateTime = col_datetime(format = "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"),
seconds = col_double(),
pressure_psi = col_double(),
temperature_f = col_double(),
depth_ft = col_double(),
barometric_pressure_psi = col_double(),
dummy = col_logical()
col_names = col_names,
col_types = col_types
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