#' Convert precision to standard deviation using marginals
#' Convert precision to standard deviation using marginals.
#' Convert precision to standard deviation with data from the marginal of
#' INLA.
#' @param marg marginal from \code{inla}
#' @param is_log FALSE (default): convert using natural scale; TRUE: convert using
#' log scale.
#' @source section 2.6, p. 31, Bayesian Inference with INLA, Gomez-Rubio
#' @return precision converted to standard deviation using marginal
#' @export
prec2sd_marg <- function(marg, is_log = FALSE) {
# WARNING: Don't use custom function inside INLA::inla.tmarginal.
# Otherwise annoying warnings are issued and are very hard to track
# to their source.
if (is_log) {
INLA::inla.tmarginal(fun = function(x) 1 / sqrt(exp(x)),
marginal = marg, n = nrow(marg))
} else {
INLA::inla.tmarginal(fun = function(x) 1 / sqrt(x),
marginal = marg, n = nrow(marg))
#' Convert precision to standard deviation
#' Convert precision to standard deviation.
#' Convert precision to standard deviation and inverse trasnform the log when
#' required.
#' @param x Numeric
#' @param is_log FALSE (default): convert using natural scale; TRUE: convert using
#' log scale.
#' @return precision converted to standard deviation
#' @export
prec2sd <- function(x, is_log = FALSE) {
checkmate::assert_numeric(x, finite = TRUE)
# must be positive when is_log = FALSE
# is_nonpos <- sapply(X = x, FUN = function(v) any(v <= 0))
# is_nonpos <- any(is_nonpos)
# message(is_nonpos)
# if (!is_log & any(is_nonpos)) {
# msg_head <- cli::col_yellow("Value must be positive.")
# msg_body <- c("x" = sprintf("%d non-positive values.", sum(x <= 0)))
# msg <- paste(msg_head, rlang::format_error_bullets(msg_body), sep = "\n")
# rlang::abort(
# message = msg,
# class = "prec2sd_error")
# }
if (is_log) {
1 / sqrt(exp(x))
} else {
1 / sqrt(x)
#' Rename strings/variable from \code{inla} to \code{brms} equivalent
#' Rename strings/variable from \code{inla} to \code{brms} equivalent.
#' Rename variables and names in \code{inla} to be easier to use in plots
#' and summary by using the \code{brms} as closely as possible. For example
#' \emph{(Intercept)} becomes \emph{Intercept}, \emph{Beta for A} becomes
#' \emph{b_A} and \emph{"Precision for the Gaussian observations"} becomes
#' \emph{Precision}.
#' @param x Character with \code{inla} strings.
#' @return Character with inla strings renamed.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(
#' x = c(
#' NA_character_,
#' "Precision for the Gaussian observations",
#' "SD for the Gaussian observations",
#' "sd for the Gaussian observations",
#' "unknown", "(Intercept)",
#' "Beta for A", "Beta for B", "Beta for B"),
#' y = c(NA_character_,
#' "Precision", "sigma", "sigma",
#' "unknown", "b_Intercept",
#' "b_A","b_B", "b_B"))
#' z <- rename_inla2brms(df$x)
#' stopifnot(identical(z, df$y))
rename_inla2brms <- function(x) {
checkmate::assert_character(x, min.chars = 1)
df <- data.frame(
inla = c("^Precision for the Gaussian.+", "^SD for the Gaussian.+",
"[(]Intercept[)]","^Beta for "),
brms = c("Precision", "sigma", "b_Intercept", "b_")
out <- x # we use x recursively
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df))) {
# sub recursively
out <- sub(pattern = df$inla[i], replacement = df$brms[i],
x = out, ignore.case = TRUE)
#' Rename inla variables
#' Rename inla variables.
#' Rename inla variables such as \emph{Precision }to \emph{SD}.
#' @param x Character
#' @param choice Integer, choice of renaming to perform.
#' @return Modified character
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- "Precision for the Gaussian observations"
#' y <- rename_inla(x, choice = "Precision")
#' stopifnot(identical(y, "SD for the Gaussian observations"))
rename_inla <- function(x, choice = c(NA_character_, "Precision")) {
choice <- match.arg(choice)
out <- x
if(isTRUE(is.na(choice))) {
# do nothing when choice == 0
} else if(choice == "Precision") {
out <- sub(pattern = "Precision", replacement = "SD", x = out,
ignore.case = TRUE)
} else {
msg_head <- cli::col_yellow("choice must be in one of the choices.")
msg_body <- c("i" = sprintf("Invalid choice: %s", choice))
msg <- paste(msg_head, rlang::format_error_bullets(msg_body), sep = "\n")
message = msg,
class = "rename_inla_error")
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