
Defines functions deployBandit banditize

Documented in banditize deployBandit

#' Create a multi-armed Bayesian bandit object.
#' @description Fit a multi-armed bandit object based on a bayesTest which can serve recommendations and adapt
#' to new data.
#' @param bT a bayesTest object
#' @param param which model parameter (posterior) to evaluate; defaults to first param
#' @param higher_is_better  is a higher value of `param` equivalent to a better choice?
#' @return A bayesBandit object.
#' @details \code{banditize} is an 'object-oriented' implementation of multi-armed bandits in \code{bayesAB}. It is useful in
#' conjunction with a Shiny app or Plumber deployment. The object itself is mutable and can adapt/learn from new data without having to
#' re-assign the variable.
#' Comes with 5 methods:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{serveRecipe()}: serves a recipe to show your user based on samples from both posteriors.
#'  \item \code{setResults(results)}: set results for one or more recipes for one or more instances of feedback. Used to update bandit.
#'  \item \code{getBayesTest()}: returns most updated \code{bayesTest} object.
#'  \item \code{getOriginalTest()}: returns original \code{bayesTest} object without any updates.
#'  \item \code{getUpdates()}: returns a summarized version of all updates this bandit has processed.}
#' @examples
#' A_binom <- rbinom(100, 1, .5)
#' B_binom <- rbinom(100, 1, .6)
#' AB1 <- bayesTest(A_binom, B_binom, priors = c('alpha' = 1, 'beta' = 1), distribution = 'bernoulli')
#' binomialBandit <- banditize(AB1)
#' binomialBandit$serveRecipe()
#' binomialBandit$setResults(list('A' = c(1, 0, 1, 0, 0), 'B' = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 1)))
#' @export
banditize <- function(bT, param, higher_is_better = TRUE) {
  if(missing(param)) param <- names(bT$posteriors)[1]
  if(bT$inputs$distribution == 'combined') {
    stop("Can't turn arbitrary combined distribution into a Bayesian Bandit.")

  ## Re-assign bT to be able to report the OG one later
  test <- bT
  oldA <- unlist(test$inputs$A_data, use.names = FALSE)
  oldB <- unlist(test$inputs$B_data, use.names = FALSE)

  ## Only 2 recipes for now
  choices <- c('A', 'B')

  ## switch for higher_is_better
  compareFun <- ifelse(higher_is_better, which.max, which.min)

  ## Initialize counters and updates tracking
  updates <- 0
  A_ctr <- 0
  B_ctr <- 0

  serveRecipe <- function() {
    ## exploit iid samples from posterior
    idx <- sample(test$inputs$n_samples, 1)
    A_sample <- test$posteriors[[param]]$A[idx]
    B_sample <- test$posteriors[[param]]$B[idx]

    return(choices[compareFun(c(A_sample, B_sample))])

  setResults <- function(results) {
    if(!(all(names(results) %in% choices))) stop("`results` list must only contain names 'A' and 'B'")
    if(is.null(results$A) & is.null(results$B)) stop("A and B can't both be NULL.")

    test <<- bayesTest(c(oldA, results$A),
                       c(oldB, results$B),

    updates <<- updates + 1
    A_ctr <<- A_ctr + length(results$A)
    B_ctr <<- B_ctr + length(results$B)


  getBayesTest <- function() {

  getOriginalTest <- function() {

  getUpdates <- function() {
    cat(updates, "updates to this bandit.\n")

    summarizeUpdates <- function(vec, name) cat(name, "has had", length(vec), "additions with a mean of", mean(vec), ".\n")

    summarizeUpdates(tail(test$inputs$A_data$A, A_ctr), "A")
    summarizeUpdates(tail(test$inputs$B_data$B, B_ctr), "B")

  out <- list(
    "serveRecipe" = serveRecipe,
    "setResults" = setResults,
    "getBayesTest" = getBayesTest,
    "getOriginalTest" = getOriginalTest,
    "getUpdates" = getUpdates

  class(out) <- 'bayesBandit'



#' Deploy a bayesBandit object as a JSON API.
#' @description Turn your bayesBandit object into an API and serve/update requests through HTTP.
#' @param bandit a bayesBandit object
#' @param port port to deploy on
#' @return An active \code{http} process on some port.
#' @details \code{deployBandit} turns a Bayesian bandit into a JSON API that accepts curl requests. Two of the five methods of
#' bayesBandit classes are exposed: \code{serveRecipe} and \code{setResults}. Assuming the API is deployed on \code{localhost} this is an
#' example of how it would be hit:
#' \deqn{curl http://localhost:8000/serveRecipe}
#' \deqn{curl --data '{"A":[1, 0, 1, 1], "B":[0, 0, 0, 1]}' http://localhost:8000/setResults}
#' @examples
#' A_binom <- rbinom(100, 1, .5)
#' B_binom <- rbinom(100, 1, .6)
#' AB1 <- bayesTest(A_binom, B_binom, priors = c('alpha' = 1, 'beta' = 1), distribution = 'bernoulli')
#' binomialBandit <- banditize(AB1)
#' \dontrun{deployBandit(binomialBandit)}
#' @export
deployBandit <- function(bandit, port = 8000) {
  if(!requireNamespace("plumber", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop('plumber (>= 0.3.0) is required for this function to work!')
  # Create a new router
  router <- plumber::plumber$new()

  serve <- expression(

  set <- expression(
    function(A = NULL, B = NULL){
      results <- list("A" = A, "B" = B)

  router$addEndpoint(verbs = "GET", path = "/serveRecipe",
                     expr = serve)

  router$addEndpoint(verbs = "POST", path = "/setResults",
                     expr = set)

  router$run(port = port)

FrankPortman/bayesAB documentation built on June 25, 2021, 6:49 p.m.